By Jeconais
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 4:32pm
It's been a cracking good read, full of fun character developments and interesting new directions for how things are done in the Wizarding world. Well done and thank you.
Comosicus posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 4:23pm
I guess this is the end for this story. I love it so much. Hope you'll find the time and inspiration to finish the other stories too.
Keep up the good work.
iamjmph01 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 4:12pm
I have to say when you first started this I was a bit disappointed to see a new story. I have been semi patiently waiting for more Legion, Perfect and Dawn.(in that order). That said, i do enjoy your work, so i gave it a read. I am glad I did, this was a great story. I even liked the Elder Scrolls tie in, though it was a bit jarring at first.
Thank you for taking the time out of your life to write these stories, and for sharing with us.
Clell65619 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 4:08pm
Well, I liked it. The tone of the story was very similar to your last, with a hyper competant Harry running roughshod over the Wizarding world while making friends left right and center, but told in a different enough way to be entertaining.
I do like the idea of charmed armor working to shield its wearer from the big three. Very well done.
Zaxxon posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 3:52pm
I, for one, enjoyed this story. It was well thought out and flowed smoothly. The end was logical and appropriate.
I am curious what you will write next? There is still the outstanding second Naruto+Hanabi story you had mention some time back, There are still Konoha's Legion, Hogwart's Dawn, and Perfect Slytherins, which I am looking forward to more of.
hoppy159 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 3:31pm
I loved this story. It is so original. I've been reading fanfiction for a couple of years. After a while, the stories begin to blur together, the same ideas recycled in various ways. But no one has even come close to Harry's "power" being due to learning how to be a smith. Thanks as alway for sharing your work with us.
diagonalpumpkin posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 3:26pm
I absolutely loved this story. From beginning all the way through to the end. It has been wonderful to come along with you and read the story as it came out. You have given me something more to look forward to every weekend. I'd even go so far as to say that I have been looking forward to the new chapters as much as I was the time off work. Thank you so much.
sh8ad8ow posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 3:20pm
Excellent story from start to finish can ´t wait to see more of your great work
ILikeToRead posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 2:45pm
Great ending to your story. It was rather nice to have Harry defeat Tom with so little death and destruction for a change. Rather showed how little of a difference Tom made in Harry's world. Thanks for sharing!
BJH posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 2:43pm
Firstly, a question, was Harry's quoting Snape about foolish wand waving and silly incantations ironic on his part, or yours?
Personally, I liked the story. I had a bit of an issue at the end of tha previous chapter with the idea that you can't seem to write a story that doesn't involve changing the world but that seemed to settle to the bottom of this chapter so I didn't get hung up on it.
I also liked the presentation that Tom was sane enough to realize that he was insane. Not a demonstration of remorse but something close. Almost like suicide.
thanks for writing this and posting it.
myrthe1203 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 1:59pm
Voldemort made me think of G.K. Chestertson's The Last Hero. I love the poem.
I liked the story.
jay21317 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 1:46pm
I loved this story to bits and am kind of sad to see it end. I do look forward to your next one though, with great egerness
saas2813 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 1:35pm
This have been a fun story to follow.
I guess it is close to finished now, if you have inspiration I would like folowing them through the summer travels and seeing them setling down during the following year also.
It's always a little sad to leave an interesting world.
Bilypt95 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 1:34pm
What a amazing story this for sure is one of the most awesome fics I've read congrats
Pamela St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 1:21pm
Thanks for a great, fresh take on the Triwizard Tournament. Your other tournament story (Hogwarts Dawn) has long been a personal favorite, too. I couldn't imagine a Harry as blacksmith story but loved the result. It didn't make me want to work hard enough to learn the trade, but I do have the overwhelming urge to visit a smithy.
louisjventer posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 12:19pm
this whas great, but i am hoping for a sequel or something cause you cant leave it there man who does he choose does his smithing take off,what happened on their trip?please with naky woman on top.
keichan2 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 12:17pm
O.O Hedwig is one VERY intelligent owl!
""I am," Sirius agreed proudly" You know, for french people, this is funnier: "ham" can translates to "cabot", which also means "dog"… ;-p
This was a very good story!
Thanks for sharing!
Adam posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 11:35am
A very nice story, it was good to see some normally side characters become main ones, and Harry get everything through hard work rather than some inheritance or magical means. It made Harry a more normal person. The interaction between all the characters was great and brought the whole thing to life.
Thanks for sharing, and love the fact that you left it open so the readers own imagination can do what they like nwith how things progress for everyone.
genkitty posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 11:27am
I enjoyed this story quite a lot, and I'm so happy that you're still writing and posting, unlike most of the authors here :/
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 5:21pm