Content Harry Potter Naruto Buffy the Vampire Slayer XMen Translations


Ladynero posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2014 2:02am

I thoroughly enjoy this story! ANd if it's done, then I have something more to enjoy along with your other stories. I'd love to see the further adventures of this group, and will continue to enjoy this story each time I come back to your webpage.

dennisud posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2014 1:41am

That as a different take on things, but I like how the relationships and changes made things more interesting. Like the family that developed around Harry and yet see that there should be a 10 or 20 year epilogue that should be a heck of a lot more imaginitive than JKR's!


TheWickedTruth posted a comment on Monday 17th November 2014 12:40am

Fantastic story

rgshea96789 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 11:56pm

Great story!!!

lancelw posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 11:34pm

Thank you for sharing this with us. Love your work. Looking forward to the next one. would be interested in more if you feel like writing about what Harry and friends do next. More blacksmithing and more about the new magic language he wants to create. Again Thank you. & good luck with future projects.

Chiyo posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 11:20pm

Thoroughly enjoyed this tale. Was it the second coming of Hope? No. But then I don't expect that will happen anytime soon. It was however thoroughly enjoyable and a nice change up especially with the Skyrim-esque feel. I did feel the ending despite the 22k word count felt slightly rushed but I realized thats because I wanted to spend more time with Boris and the Vane clan and the rest of the family.

pilotg21969 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 10:59pm

I enjoyed this story immensely. The way that Tom Riddle was dealt with seemed a little perfunctory, but then this story wasn't about him anyway, was it. It's fun to think about all of the possibilities an potentialities that exist in Harry' future in this version of the Potterverse. Thank you for the effort you put into writing it.

lwj2 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 10:47pm

__ I __ enjoyed it immensely; it's a radically different perspective, and quite a welcome one also. I'm pleased to see your work again, and hope some of the other authors featured here will begin writing again; this is my favourite site for fan fiction. Thank you for setting it up and maintaining it.



delphinous posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 9:55pm

i actually really liked this story. i love stories where people explore things beyond simple action and character development, and actually build new things intot heir stories. sometimes it takes on some form of crafting, like this story or RuneMaster by Tigerman on Sometimes its new and fun branches of magic, or how magic itself functions, but it adds new depths that make me keep coming back and going :thats cool, i wonder what'll come up next". i'm rather sad to see the story end here where it does, because it was a lot of fun, but the ending here really does fit in with how the war had been going in this story. i suppose it's simple to say that i prefer stories that branch further from cannon than those that simple cling closely to it. so, i think you did a fine job.

jua-chan posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 9:37pm

That was great. The right mix of serious and funny. Very enjoyable. I liked your impression of the Greengrass parents a lot.

werewindle posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 8:42pm

I really enjoyed this story. I liked that Harry was doing something unique, and that he worked at it rather than getting it magically. I also really liked the fact that he wasn't in some epic romance that drove the entire plot. Also--Victor's Dad was a riot. :)

familyman posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 8:26pm

Hi, thanks for writing the story and sharing it with us. I did like it - it was pretty different but that's a lot better than reading kind of the same story in a little variation all the time.

Please keep up the good work - I really appreciate it.

sleepygirl68 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 7:45pm

I really liked your story.

I also liked the video at the end. It was interesting as I had always thought armor made it hard to move as that is how it's been portrayed on TV and in movies. Very informative.

Thanks for writing and sharing your story with us.

Michael10 posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 7:45pm

thanks for the great story.

thetaxzombie posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 7:11pm

I for one found this a most excellent tale. In final chapter I especially appreciated Harry's talk with his parents, and the reaction of those that listened it. I feel it was very well done. Of the first water. I find it hard to express my feelings for this tale so I will have to settle for Well done, I say again Well done. And thank you.

Tlcatlady posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:58pm

I really did enjoy that. Would love an epilogue several years down the line and some in between stories of their summers together too. Great sorry! TLC

Lisagrace posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:52pm

Really enjoyed this story. I loved your Harry and all your various characters. Thank you for the great story.

CainEyebright posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:27pm

I quite enjoyed this story and I'm kind of sad that it is over now. Still, that leaves me with updates to Hogwart's Dawn, Perfect Slytherins, and hopefully Konoha's Legion, to look forward too.

FeNo posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 6:13pm

Hey, Harry is slowly turning into the hug-back of Hogwarts-Dame with the lot of embraces you'remaking him dish out there ! :D But it's not as if the people around him hadn't done their level best to make him comfortable with it and did not deserve it for their level of support and care for the boy, so no harm done, it's just pretty obvious if it amasses so blatantly.

I can't believe this story is already finished again. Just like a box of delicious chocolates the best delicacies never last as long as we wish! But oh it was so worth the sinful snacking on each of its chapters. The idea alone to make Harry use a technology he can train in and work with by use of his hands and the obvious "hands on" advantage he has shown in any kind of learning situation (like with the patronus or in the DA) is brilliant and you've found a wonderful background before which to let this drama play itself out with the whole families and personal interactions between the four champions and Harry and his girls/"sisters" and of course too with the parental generation. Give any kind of plant that much nourishment and radiating love flowing down on it and it will flourish and grow just as Harry the Smith did. The initial idea with the "Blue Steel" look from Zoolander might have been silly, but most of the story just harmonizes.

I'm a bit sad that you've closed it off so early and did not at least go on to the last day the smithy would be used at Hogwarts, or that you weaseled out a bit from the "which girl will it be" ending all the while introducing more candidates with Viktor's sister Sophia and Gabrielle, but i can see how you would not really see that as part of this story as the matters of the heart are arguably none of smithery, not a business decision or not important to how the problem with ... That wizard turned out. :) And at least this way nobody ends up disappointed that "his" choice would not be the one ending up Mrs Potter.

Still it might be nice to one day see a bit more of this with some news about how PVG turned out and if they managed to all grow up as happy as they now have every chance to become. Maybe a one-shot or some short chapters ala Next Gen fics dealing with the further growth of these characters would be very welcome. After all it was a lively, breathing story with a full on cast of highly sympathetic characters and you do not want to part ways with those without need ;)

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2014 5:50pm

I liked it, the people involved got to continue on to live the lives they chose and we didn't have to have everyone paired off to get a good ending. Most authors forget that.