By Jeconais
LongLivedOne posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2014 1:02am
Dammit!!! I was reading Derek's lines in Zoolander's voice!! Outstandingly hilarious!! And a Bones that is not so 'nice and light and all things good'... can I have some more, please, sir?
Jason Karr posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2014 12:46am
nice chapter looking forward to the next chapter
karlii posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2014 12:10am
Ahaha!! Love it!!
I particularly found myself enjoying a Fudge that wasn't plain stupid and anti-Harry.
Lucius singing was hilarious! Looking forward to the next part!
Zaion posted a comment on Saturday 4th October 2014 11:43pm
You meant impetus in the opening authors note, didn't you?
Yeah, I think you did.
I'm gonna read the rest of the chapter now, kay? Kay.
tangentsferret posted a comment on Friday 3rd October 2014 10:13pm
This is really fun. And the Skyrim smithing made me giggle.
millercommamatt posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2014 10:48pm
I'm happy to see a more zany Dumbledore. There's not enough of him in fan fiction.
Stormwatcher posted a comment on Wednesday 1st October 2014 9:18pm
A very enjoyable read. Truthfully, I do get tired of all of the stories filled with teenage angst. Interesting to see Harry blossoming and pulling the others along with him.
LordSia posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2014 11:35pm
Memetic Gypsies are awesome. There is just something viscerally satisfying about Vengeance, as opposed to the much more moderate Justice.
sh777 posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2014 4:18pm
I have enjoyed this story so far. Looking forward to the rest.
klidster posted a comment on Tuesday 30th September 2014 3:32am
Its been awhile since I've laughed out loud uncontrollably while reading fan fiction. It remember it happening in 'Hogwart's Dawn' when Harry and his group, happily drunk, confronted Dumbledore (Hey, it's Dumbledore ... everybody wave!). You did it again to me here as everyone quipped jumping into the Chamber of Secrets, and just flat lost it with Hermione's Blue's Brothers homage. I actually started giggling, for heaven's sake. GIGGLING! I'm 67 years old and been married 46 years ... I don't giggle! (Sigh.) Anyway, great fun and I look forward to oncoming chapters. Thanks!
keichan2 posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 9:16pm
"transfiguring rocks into wombats or something" Ah! Close… ;-p
"a metal bench table that was coated in dust" I have a hard time picturing dust anywhere in this room, given the elves KNEW they were coming here…
"There’s a hotel that your parents stayed in for their honeymoon that they raved about." Given it was more than ten years ago, Sirius might have a bad surprise…
"quicksilver" Harry is using mercury? Or is that some magical metal going by the same name?
"Very good balance, and decent spring" And Beaty qualified it as "not rubbish"?
"Cowabunga" Bwahahahahahaha! Especially from Albus! "Yippie-ki-yay, motherfucker" Bwahahahahahaha! And from Nadya as well! Astoria’s was good, too, and I was able to find Daphne’s one, but I didn’t get Hermione’s…
"with just some of his rat-hair" I DID think about it when Nadya started to giggle, then associated it with voodoo ("Saturday Potter" is a nice little fic) and dismissed as "not the same kind of magic"…
"Use the Black Lake" :-D I seem to remember a similar hangover cure ;-p
Thanks for the new chapter!
I hope to read more soon!
pakrat77 posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 8:26pm
Awesome story so far. I about wet myself when Hermione jumped down the slide.
Lisagrace posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 6:47pm
Love this. Love how Hermione and Harry are going the the craziness. The girls are greatn they add that step of wackiness needed. The quotes down the slide were wonderful and fun.
BJH posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 1:30pm
Nice chapter, there's really not much to say beyond that.
GinnyLover posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 10:59am
Love the story so far. That said i do feel like there should be a pairing for Harry in this. He has all these beautful/intelligent girls around him. Daphne may not be as smart as the others but she does just fine with encouragement.
musketau posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 10:56am
Here i am, desperately waiting for Hogwarts Dawn, and you do something like this! I don't know which one i want updated!!
A great chapter as always, with development in all sorts of unexpected directions (Hermione/Daphne?).
Your stories are full of powerful people doing what's right, i love reading you and robst when i want overwhelming power without arrogance or stupidity bursting out. You make them real people, and they grow as real people.
Dumbledore is improving, and is always fun to see what he'll do. I am surprised there has been no Draco or Weasleys yet, although it hasn't been long. I expect Ron to be a bit of a arse for a while yet, but i hope Ginny isn't going to be the clingy, potiony, Harry/Ginny is the only option we sometimes get. It can be fun in a crack fic, but is too boring otherwise, overused.
You didn't have them find millennia old books! Something different again, and the Emeralds were fake. These are little things, but show you think about theses things instead of just dragging out the old faithfuls. You find a different way to look, even in the same limits of the GOF. I liked Moody's reaction, the way his leg took the curse, and how he could so easily find the curse on the Goblet. These seem more like you'd expect him to react, especially when discovered so early (okay it's been months, but a lot earlier than canon).
You've done Harry taking the triwizard before, but this is so different there is no real comparison. They're both so good.
I'll flip a coin for which one i'd like updated next, but i'll keep the result to myself and just wait for the next part.
Nick5 posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 4:29am
Nice imagery shown, though I didn't take Hermione for a Blues Brothers fan.
dennisud posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 1:08am
What can I say A hoot so far! Wonder were Luna is as she's being bullied in this year as before.
Can she join the group of friends too?
Dellaran posted a comment on Sunday 28th September 2014 10:07pm
Great start. Your Astoria, Daphne, and Romilda are wonderfully vivid characters. Thank you for sharing your writing with us all.
Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2014 1:25am