By Jeconais
Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:20pm
Wow, thats all I can say. It was well wortht the wait, and cant wait to see what happens next. Because i want to know what has happened to Dumbledoor and Trelawney.
chrisellis posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:12pm
Whoooo!! Thankyou.
Thankyou Tim, thankyou GardenGirl, Ishtar, Kinsfire, OhGinnyFan, Grey Wizard and Kokopelli.
One more, a tour de force.
Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the best writers it has ever been my privilage to read.
aemon_targaryen posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:12pm
Ah, another fanfic cliche turned on its ear-that Harry must know how to cook well since he had to make breakfast for the Dursleys. What else can I say about the chapter, other than "I loved it!" I like this more mature Harry compared to student Harry-more calculating, more ruthless, less prone to rash behavior. I loved the humiliation of Snape, Malfoy, and Flint, and Malfoy again. The Trelawney thing was a surprise, but when one looks at things, Snape and Malfoy are pretty bad Slytherins-they're not real cunning or subtle; hell, Hermione is a better Slytherin than those two in that aspect. I'm more and more curious about Dumbledore-senility or some sort of control would almost excuse his actions, and I'm not real fond of the man as written in canon. I'm eager to see what happens next.
proftlb posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:11pm
Absolutely wonderful, as always. My favorite part was the duel, but I really I loved the entire chapter. When this story was first posted I was originally going to give it a miss because I couldn't picture a believable Gabrielle/Harry story, but after thinking about it I realized that I wouldn't have thought Pansy/Harry would ever work and I enjoyed WKGQ, so I decided that if anyone could make it work it would be you. Now I am absolutely captivated by Hope and can't wait for the grand finale! Thanks so much!
Michelle2 posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 2:55pm
Yes YES YES YES!!! Another chapter!!! Now I've got to go actually read it :P Thanks :)
vl100butch posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 2:46pm
C. Harris posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 2:30pm
Oh my goodness! An update! I must admit to not reading it yet but I'm sure it will be GREAT because you wrote it. I wanted to say thanks for the update!
john2 posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 2:17pm
Oooh! ooh!
You are a jelly doughnut!
Gratifying to see this up at last.
m4r13 posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 11:24am
Well... Re-reading it for the eighth time this week. I just love it. I can't find something to point out as out of place in this story, I just love it. ^^
Syl posted a comment on Wednesday 10th May 2006 10:24pm
I was hunting around for an update to S'Tarkan's NoFP and found a mention of this story. I don't really read much Harry Potter fanfiction these days because I find most of it trite, cliched, and repetitive.
Those terms did not once pass through my mind as I read your story. This very easily COULD have been a trite cliche (Veela mate), but the clarity your writing brought stopped that as soon as it started. The fact that there actually IS a plot beyond "Harry + Gabrielle = OMGSOHAWT" is an incredibly welcome aspect.
So - thanks for writing an enjoyable story. You gave me a couple hours of quality enjoyment, and there are probably ten thousand other people who'd say the same if they took the time to.
noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 9th May 2006 2:54am
Need a bloody update. If possible, make this a 20 chapter story. I want to savor the destruction of the greasy git, the moussed blond, and the manipulator. May they become the dregs of society.
noylj posted a comment on Monday 8th May 2006 8:47pm
Please don't end this too soon. This is a story that is too good not to cover several years. We want lots of Harry/Gabby
C. Harris posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 6:33pm
Hello, I just wanted to say that this was a wonderful chapter. I especially like the line,
"Run as fast as you can into that tree",
because it made me laugh. Thanks for the amazing work. I can't wait to see what you give us next!
JustBlaise posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 10:27am
Good story so far. A few complaints with the antagonists of the story: while the shift from "Dumbledore the all-knowing/benevolent/sometimes mistaken" to "Dumbledore the all-knowing/manipulative/self-serving" was fairly easy to stomach, the characterization of Snape and Draco are grossly inaccurate IMO. I hate them as much as most others in the HP universe do, but they're really not that stupid. They're stupid in the sense of their opinions and prejudices, but I'd like to see them with a little more common sense then you've portrayed. It's funny, but hardly believable, and takes away from the story I think. Trelawney having a part in anything underhanded is also a stretch as well, but she's been an insignificant character so far, so it doesn't matter.
This could be all moot, as I don't see how any of it would somehow influence/change the story, and it hasn't stopped me from keeping up with it so far. But you like reviews, so review I did.
Bryan Sherrell posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 2:18pm
Wow, this is the best Harry/Gabrielle story I have yet to read. I really hope you update this soon and post more chapters without taking a 3 month delay. Good work and keep it coming!
Neopyro posted a comment on Thursday 4th May 2006 8:12pm
I love it....
Though I'd like to point out that it's been three months since your last update. Any chance of another one soon? Please?
ArxSerpens posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 5:53pm
great work, love an update ^^
chrisellis posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 1:57pm
Thankyou, Sir for one of the most enjoyable reading experiances I have had in a long time. Thankyou. Excellent as always.
ZanyMuggle posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 12:05pm
I'm re-reading the first 8 chapters in preparation for chapter 9. I've discovered a perspective I didn't see the first time around.
Like many readers, I felt angry on Harry's behalf upon discovering TBD. This, of course, was weakened when it was discussed that Harry *could* have fallen in love and inadvertently broken the bond. Nonetheless, I still felt that Harry was in a situation where his nature and Gabrielle's choice had robbed him of free will.
Now, however, I have another idea. (Of course, all the other readers probably figured it out and have discussed it to death on the boards - such is my timing. Nonetheless, I continue undaunted.) At most, Harry lost romantic love for 8 years. Instead, he gained the opportunity for a love that is uniquely tailored to *him*, and not just in the Veela-mate way. Gabrielle represents an independent-human-plus-powerful-Veela whose strength and compassion match Harry's needs. Would any other woman have been able to satisfy him, with him being the uniquely powerful person he is? (i.e., did he actually sacrifice anything at all?) Or is he almost a complementary Veela-like individual whose only true love would have to be so uniquely magical, so uniquely powerful,... so uniquely Gabrielle.
Now that I re-read my "insight", though, I realize I've just more-or-less restated the summary of the story. *sigh*
BTW, I absolutely *loved* this line:
"Damn it, I need to date a Veela," Oliver said enviously.
"Sadly, Ollie," Katie pointed out, "Veela are also intelligent, and would run away if they saw you coming."
jonnyb posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:24pm