By Jeconais
Tolias posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:27pm
makotochi posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:21pm
Great Chapter one of the best in the story. I wonder which auther would be willing to do a one shot drabble or what ever you want to call it. When Ron finds out Harrys quitting the cannons
AK posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:20pm
Oh and also the : Ich Bin Ein Berlinner really means, isn't it a reference to what Kennedy (me believes) said?
Mayjest posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:18pm
You know, I was hoping to be in bed before midnight today. Then I figured I'd check as the last thing I do before I start getting ready. Now it's 1.15 and I have to be awake in 7 hours. I picked the worst time to check this site.
That said, another splendiferous chapter. I love seeing Malfoy humiliated, it always brightens my day. Now he's cast an unforgivable he can be caught and go to hell, I mean Azkaban. I wonder how Harry and Gabby are going to play Trelawny and Rita's articles. I hope that Rita gets exposed at least, it would certainly make me feel better.
lap10 posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:16pm
What a wonderful surprise to come home and find! I think my favorite parts of this chapter were "Ich Bin Ein Berliner", Minerva's reaction to her supposed demotion (it's the little details), and the thought of a new Quidditch team... this particular team, of course. However, as usual, the entire chapter was enjoyable, and the story one that I will enjoy rereading, as I do with all your stories.
AK posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:13pm
*Cheers* Great story. And really nice chapter.
Though being an American (Canadian) I will refrain from commenting on European food (yuck) *evil snicker*
I am also wondering how Trelawney has actually managed something half workable. And why is Mafloy so stupid?
Is the next chapter going to be the final one? (And are we gona wait for it 2 more months? If it is as good I can wait :))
Oh and also is it just me or is the forum server down?
daven1223 posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:08pm
Oops! I hope I didn't just ruin a funny scene later on.
Philipe posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:07pm
The site is full.. i accidently close the tab before reviewing, and it took some time to load it again..
Tim, my friend, you're a genious.. You got me shaking.. This will be my first review, so later i'll tell you the things i missed in this one:
The pain from disobeying him been equal to the cruciatus curse was great.. It's logical, and in the right dose.. I was afraid it was going to kill her..
the new team thing.. It's great, because it shows how his ideias come from, and that he really is capable of this ideias that we know he had, but can't follow the process.. It reminds of the moment in TMW when he tell Hermione and Ginny his plan about Wormtail and the M-mail.. And the ideia is great as well
Snape having something to do with Albus problem: It only makes sense in this chapter, not so much on the others.. okay, maybe on the one were he visits Hogwarts to learn about the bond..
The games: Very well written, as only you can makes us "see" them.. The hogwarts game was the best one ever.. i laught my ass off..
the malfoy Duel: It was great, specilay the fidelius part.. But the bond part got me a little confuse, because i tought that harry would be able to hide his pain from her..
Hermione Spell: Why does it look like a sub plot waiting to happen.. Like someone using against them..
As i said when reviewing the Darkness, i love how you've mature in your writting tim. The politicals problems are great, real, credible, and make a lot of sense i the long run, as in what happens as the story progress..
I'm not gonna rate your chapter my friend, but your stile just keeps getting better and better..
To the Betas: thank you for a fine work, Sorry for the for always wanting to read sonner ang bugging you all about it..
Love the work you all put on this.
P.S. - Stupid tornado.. I WANT MY FORUM!!! :P
Jeff posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:06pm
Looks like they've got Snape and Malfoy running. Makes me wonder when they're going to wake up to the divivation professors as a threat?
daven1223 posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:04pm
Longtime reader, first time reviewer.
Awesome chapter. I could gush praise, but I wouldn't add anything that someone else wasn't saying.
I wanted to comment on your end-of-chapter comments. "Ich bin ein Berliner" is actually a correct way to say I am from Berlin. For examle, if I said, "I am a Parisian," you would assume I was from Paris, and not that I am a Parisian omelette. It works the same way in German.
Here's some more information:
Carlos posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:02pm
oh my god!!!!
I think this has been the best chapter that I have ever read ever!!!!
making your own team, and embarrasing the hogwarts staff and making malfoy look like a an ass, wow!!!!
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:58pm
I might have commented on this before, but I *love* Krum in this chapter. :-)
C. Harris posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:57pm
Wow... that was absolutely wonderful. Really liked what happened to Peter.I look forward to reading about the "Godric's Hollow Thunderbolts" or something- honestly, a Quidditch team is brilliant!
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:35pm
Quite the wait, but well, well worth it; thank you very much. *snicker* That last little bit has some fascinating implications as to just how "out of it' Sybill Trelawney really is.
And I quite understand about the beta process taking time all around. It was, however, quite worth it.
amulder posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:34pm
Good job, Tim. Whew. 60-80 solid minutes of reading. I'm tired.
I'd almost forgotten about Sybill. Hmm.
More later, when I've had time to reflect.
Thank-you for sharing your time and talents with us.
Sean Melton posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:32pm
Well geeze...
I have no idea what to say, other than this was good. SO GOOD.
Lee Jordan? Good.
Harry's scheming? Good.
The Quidditch grudge match? So very, very good.
I like that Harry can finally admit that he's in love. Yay!
Anyway, this was a terrific update and well worth the wait (although hopefully the next one comes a little quicker :)
Laurent posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:31pm
Ok I love your stories.
The first I read was This mean war on fanfiction but I love this one.
Each chapter is a lot of pleasure and it seems that you know pretty well France from the different descriptions.
I also like the story with Pansy.
I'm waiting the following chapters of this one, This mean war and maybe some story around (like the quiddich match...) the white king and the grey queen.
But take you time so we'll have something as good as usually.
Master_cheif2007 posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:27pm
This has to be one of the best story's i have ever read
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 3:25pm
And the crowd goes wild! (Your fans, not the ones at Hogwarts. :P)
I've thought it for a long time, and most HP-fic authors do too (I think one actually wrote this in their fics): 'Impossible' means 'Harry hasn't done it...yet'.
Well, Draco's taken care of; now we just need to handle Snape, Sibyll and Albus. Bit surprising that Sibyll actually Saw something happen...and remembered it. The question is, will anyone believe the Prophet by the time she gets the photos to Rita? Or will Rita have an unfortunate encounter with the Beauxbatons Anti-Animagus wards? (If they don't have them when Rita has her accident, I'm sure Harry can whip them up before anyone can check for them. >:D )
Great work, and keep it up!
nostaw posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 4:27pm