By Jeconais
sekmarc posted a comment on Friday 5th December 2014 4:55am
I read the original version of this when it was first posted and, though I was vaguely dissatisfied by how it turned out, I still enjoyed it over all. This version feels far more complete and, as a result, is far more satisfying. I've happy to hear you're writing for own entertainment again and hope you enjoy writing as much as I do reading your stories. Thanks for sharing! Happy Writing!
Rhyselle posted a comment on Tuesday 25th November 2014 12:47am
I have only recently discovered your writings and I just had to tell you that this rewrite, especially the second chapter, was outstanding. I love well-written AU fanfiction, and this captured my interest from the start. While I love the HP novels, there are so many places where I find myself shouting at the characters, "Can't you idiots see what you need to do yourselves and not dump it on a kid?"
I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your works on I hope that I enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed this one. Well done!
gtgrouch posted a comment on Monday 24th November 2014 3:40am
This is a positively delightful short story.
Reminds me of 'Make a Wish' where Mr Black's answer to almost anything was 'reducto.'
gtgrouch posted a comment on Monday 24th November 2014 2:54am
Terrible how Snape lost his head in that meeting with the headmaster.
GBTtown posted a comment on Friday 7th November 2014 6:24pm
chrwain01 posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 6:48pm
and yes i was genuinely terrified for a moment there when harry was talking to fleur, well played
chrwain01 posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd October 2014 6:43pm
enjoyed it, didn't really expect the way it went especially from the title (was leaning towards Harry as a house elf), but was a refreshing change of form, if (because of the novel-new structure if nothing else) not quite having the closure that other stories have.
Kail990 posted a comment on Saturday 18th October 2014 7:22am
I really liked this story, I would also be interested in reading a chapter, harry at the enclave.
heathw posted a comment on Thursday 16th October 2014 8:19am
That was a fun read. I'm glad to see you writing again. I for one, do not mind the new style. I'm glad you have found a balance with your hobbies and life.
freeze107 posted a comment on Tuesday 7th October 2014 8:43am
Ill openly admit that this is the single greatest story I have ever read. I dont think ive ever watned more chapters out of a story as badly as is do this one. I dont quite know what it is about this story, but it just hits all the right notes with me. Please consider writing more chapters for this one, I am dying to see a little bit more of the Veela Enclave and exactly how Harry leaned about that cantrip.
musketau posted a comment on Monday 29th September 2014 12:11pm
I normally hate angst, but seeing Harry fall, then drag himself up a new path, was great. The part with Fleaur, and threatening Gabrielle, was a bit hard, but worth getting through, and the punchline of freeing her was like a dam bursting.
Not sure why any would say you can't write, finding myself at 3am still unable to stop reading in th past should be proof some find your work to be well above the bar. Please don't let them stop you, for it would be a loss to many.
Damn, almost sounding maudling. Keep it up, and walk through anything they put in your way. You have only lost once you stop trying.
mwinter posted a comment on Sunday 28th September 2014 7:59pm
Other than this does not feel like an end to the story it was good and thoroughly enjoying. Awaiting more.
tcl7189 posted a comment on Sunday 28th September 2014 7:05am
Wow, great plot!!!
James Benfield posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2014 11:04pm
Not to sure why some are unhappy with this fic, sure it is decidedly different but isn't that the point of fanfiction? Personally, I loved it! One of the rare fics where Harry gets sick of the BS and just leaves rather than becoming a dark lord or something like that. Great job!
MATRUCO posted a comment on Friday 22nd August 2014 5:40am
Great fic, loved how it ended
winoniel posted a comment on Tuesday 12th August 2014 1:05pm
You've actually made me like Dumbledore again--well, at least YOUR Dumbledore! I am not sure what the complaints have been, but while this story has not been as discursive and rich with details as your others, there is a sparse strength to your prose here.
Well done.
piad2691 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd August 2014 11:05am
Great story, I really liked it. I join the choir, please could we have an ending?
twinkle123 posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd July 2014 6:17pm
Brilliantly done!
Exivus posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2014 10:48am
I would have liked another chapter. Maybe a small epilogue that would tie up some loose ends, like how was Harry's life at the Enclave, or how the whole Voldemort issue was resolved.
jasonjkay posted a comment on Sunday 7th December 2014 2:16pm