By Jeconais
Zamia posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 10:25am
Interesting start but something is jumping out about silver linings etc. Can't blame Harry trying to find some logic in his life, a lot of people still are. Good to hear about Dawn & Perfect. Cheers.
Slytherin66 posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 10:20am
A fantastic chapter.
Harry thrown out of his House is a good idea considering how he is thought of in 4th year although I think Harry’s reputation was ruined in second year and never recovered.
Minerva really is useless as a Head of House the Gryffindor’s really are no better than the Dursley’s. Dumbledore was no use but I think he used 4th and 5th year to see how much Harry can endure.
Ron was remarkably quick witted when it came to Hermione’s comments I hope the Weasley’s, Hogwarts and the Magical world suffer for what they have done to Harry. I am glad Harry’s possessions were not taken.
A great line "And honestly, looks were about as useful as they were valuable" and well said about Hermione putting Harry off reading.
Jealousy is a good point Ron’s issues are clear but I think Hermione is just as bad she is desperate to fit in, show she belongs and I think she resents Harry’s fame because it can allow him to overcome his half blood status. Maybe Hermione always had an agenda with Harry she read all about him and really should have gone to Ravenclaw maybe she is not as smart as she thinks she is or she wanted to be in the same House as Harry, Dumbledore and Minerva.
How wonderful Harry is making use of the fact he is needed and has leverage. Still being expelled would not be all that bad for Harry the gold in his vault to ensure he lives well in the muggle world.
Smart thinking to ensure Hedwig is safe as she would be in danger.
An interesting point about Runes Hermione took all her books with her in the Horcrux hunt and I don’t think she ever used them the same with Arithmancy we never see her modify a spell.
A good line "Where are the scales?" Harry would want Ollivander to keep quiet if work gets out about the brother wand things will get even worse for Harry if the Minister decides he has to act it could be off to Azkaban with Harry.
I wonder if Fleur would be classed as human?
Thanks for the use of Parseltongue the gift is very overlooked and it was a clever way to do the task and spare the dragon and her eggs harm.
A good point about the Goblin’s being bankers. Still Harry does desperately need legal assistance.
I hope Harry does find out more about the Veela they are interesting people and have similar problems to Harry so knowing the Veela would be good for him if he can resist the allure. Although the world cup had lots of Veela so resisting them all would be difficult.
I am glad for once Harry had a good time at the Ball.
Well said about Sirius and we never see much of Remus. Hagrid was disappointing but he is Dumbledore’s man.
Smart thinking to use the cloak as Harry needs to keep a low profile.
I liked Harry’s acts or revenge as he does need something to give him joy and keep him warm at night and any disaster in potions could get Snape in big trouble.
It’s really rare for Harry to do anything with the merpeople but I am glad he had fun. Thanks for having his save Gabrielle as she is worth saving as Ron is not. Fleur seemed very upset as well Harry gets a hard time for his moral fibre in the book but I think Fleur thought her sister was lost or in danger.
I liked what Harry said to Ludo out of spite Harry should find a way for the Goblins to find him so they can get what they are owed. Some good will from the Goblins could be handy.
Well said about moral as being good has not helped Harry proof of that exists in every year. He helped Hagrid and received a detention in the forest. Saving Ginny nearly killed him and counted for little, Saving Sirius has not helped Harry and sparing Wormtail was a bad idea.
I like this Harry this ruthless side to him is not something we see very often.
I very much enjoyed finding out more about the Veela and the enclave. The Oath was interesting Fleur could be set free but the fury of a Veela would be epic so Harry might be safer not doing so.
The Acromantulas would be good to know they are powerful, many and I would love to know if others can speak beyond Hagrid’s friend. The silk would be handy too Fleur will loath him but silk will ensure he looks good.
The Centaurs are interesting and they might be able to help Harry with prophecy if or when Dumbledore forces the issue.
Well said about politics and hate.
Harry no longer an English citizen is very good news as is no longer having ties to the UK. His wealth going to the Veela is excellent as Harry never knew about it so won’t really miss it and its better off in Veela hands than in the Order’s or the Ministry. I hope a way is found to salvage the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets as Harry did kill it so it should belong to him. It would be good if he can still open the chamber as the ability to talk to snakes and Dragons would be an asset for the Veela. Mind you given how Fleur deal with the first task maybe the Veela don’t need help with dragons.
I bet nobody has ever spoken to Fleur like Harry has I am glad she is no longer enslaved as I do like her and Gabrielle. I just hope Fleur has the sense to stay away from the Weasley’s; Harry’s actions will generate support for the Veela or make the bias of the Weasley’s clear to Fleur. Harry’s plan was very clever.
I loved the fate of Snape that is for the greater good I wonder what Dumbledore will do now he needs a new spy and potion master.
Well put "It was inclusive, not exclusive."
I am glad Harry has a home, is accepted and is wanted as they is something he is just not used to. The hug was a nice gesture as Harry does not get hugs unless he risks his life or someone dies. The wings of a Veela are not often visible or touched in fics so thanks for that.
Wonderful news about Harry’s scar that should negate the prophecy.
Given how Harry and Hedwig act they must be bonded or Harry has an affinity for birds another reason why he should be with the Veela.
I liked finding out roughly how old the enclave is as the age and origin of the Veela tends to be unknown.
I hope we get to find out what life is like without Harry to use and blame for everything at Hogwarts and in the UK. I wonder if Riddle will be stopped before he can get his body back now that Harry is gone. I also wonder what will be said about Harry now his plan has become known no longer an enslaver of Veela but someone cast out desperate for a home.
I really hope the Dursley’s suffer some misfortune and the international community sides with Harry.
Thanks so much for this and for the information on an update of this and your other works I have very much missed reading your work.
Adam posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 10:19am
An intersting take on the bonds idea, I do like how you have done it. Also like Harry's method of dealing with being kicked out by by the Gryffs
jilumasam posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 9:44am
Welcome back. This is such a wonderful story. When you live life very much as the saying goes "standing on the outside looking in". It's very easy to identify with Harry and how he creates his identity.
jediprankster posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 8:40am
I am intrigued by this story. At first, I was a bit worried that you were going some place dark with Harry's character. While he may have been justified in his hatred and contempt for everyone else, I couldn't have read the story if you had actually turned him into the complete and utter bastard he appeared to be. And while I haven't read all of your stories, I have read most of them, and you have never done anything like that before (at least in the stories I have read). What I have read of your stuff left me with the impression that you wouldn't do that, so I kept reading, and I'm glad I did. What I great turn around. Now I can't wait to see where this goes next.
Nicholas Baldwin posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 8:37am
This was fun, thank you for posting! I am happy to see you back in the game, was worried you had just become the site mod / programmer, and stopped writing.
Amethyst posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 8:36am
Wow. I really like to plot. at the beinging I thought harry woud go to the house elfs. i was worried about what wuld happen with gabriella. Is this a ne short or are you going to be writing more?
Philip Jacobs posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 8:22am
I always look forward to any offerings you give us, and this is no exception. You've found a very intriguing way to spin the old Veela bond concept, and I can definitely see Harry moving in this sort of orbit if things had played out as you laid out the scenerio. I'll definitely be looking forward to the rest of the story where we find out just what sort of machinations put everyone that supposedly would have been Harry's normal support group in the mode that led to things playing out in this manner.
There are a multitude of reactions I can imagine as occuring once Harry's managed to pull off his planned change of allegiance, it will be interesting to see which ones you choose to use for this story... presuming, that is, that you have any particular intention to proceed forward in the timeline after this or not. I could almost see leaving this as an open-ended story, and just picking up the view of a few of Harry's supposed friends during these events as a complementary second chapter; leaving any future events to the imagination of the individual reader. (Granted, I hope that you don't take that route, that particular tactic drives me up the wall when I encounter it, and I don't think you're that sort of author.)
I'll definitely be looking forward to the next installment in this one.
ladysavay posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:59am
Brilliant! You had me sad, angry, hurt, relieved and glad, all in one chapter. Very well done. I'm so grateful to see you back to writing and can't wait to read more. Thanks for this.
M2J MandalorianJedi posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:54am
Not what I was hoping for to see, but very good none-the-less. Having been a fan of yours for years it's good to see when you come out with something new. A nice twist on an old cliche. Can't wait to see some of the other things you have in the works.
serbobiv posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:45am
That was very nice! Wonderful to see the tables turned for once =D
The whole "I have bonded to you and now you have to live with it, Harry" BS was getting a bit tiring (especially when its a H/D slash), great to see a subverted trope for this.
Stick97 posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:38am
Great plot and development. A part of me wonders and worries just how much you identified with Harry's treatment at the beginning. Hopefully you aren't planning on joining any far off enclaves, even if they do sound appealing. Really glad to see you writing again, and looking forward to the next chapter.
csktech posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:37am
Just brillent.. Its been a long time since we got something new and you have once again proved it will always be worth the wait.
gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:30am
Magnificient. I see Harry as, well, acting his age. He's rash and immature but acts cleverly from his point of view. He's consistent with his prehistory, and shows signs of a mild mental disorder that's commonly found in abused children that enables them to cut people and concepts out of their lives permanently without regret. I'm looking forward to seeing the "human" side of the coin. Especially the reactions of Gryffindor House, when he doesn't come begging and actually seems to revel in his "otherness".
Thank you.
LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:23am
Excellent story. Look forward to an update.
Alun Lewis posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 7:20am
Jeconais! You're back! And you're gifted your beloved followers with such a wonderful token! You spoil us!
Really, this was a fantastic if temporarily dark example of where things should have progressed when Ron acted as the "face" of those calling out Harry as a cheater and how the staff at Hogwarts did basically nothing to help him in canon. I am especially glad that Harry was just playing the system by making everyone think he had gone Dark and forcibly bonded with Fleur permanently, but really just seeking a way to gain access to the Veela Enclave. Harry seeing himself as The Freak means human greed and jealousy would have no purpose.
Can't wait to see the second half...and the original bit you wrote. I'm sure we'll all love it, even it is less than perfect!
newteza posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 6:37am
WOW, I loved this story and can't wait to read the second part ! Thank you for writing and sharing it with us :-)
ILikeToRead posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 6:32am
As with most things I've read from you, this one takes my mind to a different way of thinking. Thank for that! Nice to read a different way of viewing those Veela bonds. Thanks for sharing your work :D
Trixtor posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 6:23am
I'm rather certain that hermione was, if not depressed during the year, completely miserable. Until the ball, at least. I empathize with her more than many, so I would hope taht she wouldn't forget about the boy who saved her life at age 11, but really, this isn't that type of story, is it?
This is one of the storie where everyone betrays Harry, no matter if it made sense.
I preferred a different story of this sort, called "Exclusion," mostly because it features a better version of some of the other characters. But this was good and interesting nonetheless.
joeBob posted a comment on Sunday 16th February 2014 11:15am