By Jeconais
irinamarenco posted a comment on Tuesday 18th February 2014 6:42pm
Fantastic. I'm looking forward to the other side of the problem. Thanks for sharing!
keichan2 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th February 2014 4:24pm
This is awesome!
The title and leading author’s notes got me thinking that it would be darker, and I must confess that Harry’s plan totally got me! :-)
I can’t wait to read the second part!
Thanks for sharing!
BJH posted a comment on Tuesday 18th February 2014 4:12pm
Really enjoyed this first half and look forward to the second. Loved the date with Harry and Hedwig dancing.
As for your hint about perspective and what was "really" happening while Harry was isolated, even if it was significantly self imposed, I've been thinking a lot about what you could be doing. Maybe after the first task Ron wanted to talk to Harry and maybe apologize but Harry's sidestepping him just pushed all his buttons (which was Harry's intention) and he took a swing. Maybe that spell Ron threw at Harry's back was a Petrificus just so Ron could talk to him? On the other hand we have no indication that Ron actually said anything like " Hey, Harry, can I talk to you for a minute, PLEASE?" Maybe Albus' comments in the corridor were meant that none of the elves will help Harry run away and not that they will act as his jailers. Maybe Albus was striving to get Harry to reach out to his friends so that they could mend things. But then why is it Harry that has to reach out? Isn't it incombent on those who caused the harm to take the action to repair the damage? And why couldn't someone, like Hermione, slip Harry a note in the library starting to apologize and asking to talk.
Maybe, when the Enclave troops showed up, the students were all looking for Crouch Jr. not Harry, maybe Ernie was shooting at him, sneaking out of the castle around the Veela, and not at Harry. Maybe it was all a big misunderstanding.
Then again, maybe it all doesn't matter. Maybe Harry finally has a home where he is wanted and welcome. Maybe Harry shouldn't care about what happens to England since they only seem to care about him with respect to what they need from him. Maybe Harry is better off at the Enclave. Then again, maybe it is the soldiers from the Enclave that will be the "power he knows not".
happyreader posted a comment on Tuesday 18th February 2014 4:05pm
Most enjoyable.
Tenchifew posted a comment on Tuesday 18th February 2014 6:13am
Extremely glad to see you writing again.
Great story! And truly a unique one, cannot remember anyone exploring this angle before.
Wait eagerly for the second chapter and for continuation of your other stories.
thank you
Gilberto posted a comment on Tuesday 18th February 2014 1:13am
Oh My God. That was genius! I had to stop where I am and come here write this before I finish the story, because man... that was espetacular. I really thought that harry had gone off the deep end, and that was ok, interesting new direction that i haven't seen you write yet, so I was excited. But you showing it was a plan to simply get him in the enclave and then free Fleur... Genius. Gonna go read the rest, Be right back.
Really interesting story, I found it strange that Hermione didn't help him, but as I read the note at the end I undestand the questions will be anwsered next chapter, which I'm really looking foward to. I don't know if you wrote it, but even though it may be superfluos, I would love to see a complete reaction from the delacours, reacting to other people comenting or just Fleur's point of view after realizing the plan since that would be the most interesting.
If it was any other author, I would probably dread that you would fuck up the part 2 with the other perspectives. But as it is you... I'm just over excited for it and really hoping next weekend comes soon.
And just a comment, about the "showing off" situations or moments when people get impressed by things Harry does. Even though a lot of, if not all, authors do it and it ends up becoming predictable sometimes, yours are my favorite moments and I can't stop re-reading then, a guilty pleasure if you will. Thx so much for all of them, and this amazing new one.
Death of Snape, clean, simple and soon. I liked it
Hotel California reference is always a plus
Dunno if it is relevant or matters to you. But just know that you are a incredible author, and what really made me want to learn english( I'm brazilian) so that I could fully understand Perfect Situations( First of yours I read and still in my top 3) back in '09. And today, beside studing law I am an english teacher. So thx. Always here waiting for more. :)
Musichowler posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 8:38pm
That was a lot of fun. I would kind of like to see more of the Enclave, but I guess the point was that it was where Harry be calling home now. I look forward to seeing what Hermoines thought processes were during that time.
kcgx23 posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 7:11pm
Wonderful, I cannot wait for the next chapter. It's great to read your writing again.
Chiyo posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 1:55pm
Welcome back!
sh777 posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 1:41pm
Very nice story. :D
GremlinXTJ posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 9:59am
Cool story. Seems however that Dumbledore and Fuge folded a bit too quick. Still, loved it. :D
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 8:15am
I loved the totally unique take on a creature bond. I look forward to seeing some of the ripples of Harry's decision. Especiallly with regards to the Voldemort situation... has his choice negated the prophecy, or has his unique living situation made it possible for others to do the dirty work?
At least he's not stuck with Ginny, lol.
vasilis01 posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 7:57am
All i can say is excellent work. I'd love to read the next chapter????
delrusant posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 7:02am
wow you went and stayed in character the release from the slave bond was unexpected. As always an excellent piece of entertainment Thank you
xavierp posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 6:30am
This story made me happy. Harry tricks everyone to get what he wants and still retains his principles. Of course, this could have been much darker if the Veela enclave were tricking everyone into thinking they were lovely beings.
And Snape got beheaded! Always good fun.
Glad to hear Perfect Slytherins will continue - I love the series.
thms_pn posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 5:51am
I admit I was looking/hoping for something new from Hogwarts' Dawn or Perfect Slytherins. I noticed this one was new and just glanced at it because I was curious. Now I've read it too. And can't wait for more! lol Go ahead torture the poor readers. :D Seriously, no pressure... Just... Wow! Yeah!
selonianth posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 5:05am
This is good. It's... a little weird that you have literally every non-human be a polite, non-assholish, person but everyone gets their unicorn in their garden.
Glad you're going to be writing again. Missed your work.
bgoldnyxnet posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 3:48am
I was really impressed with the first part, up through the point where Harry released Fleur from her oath. To quote Ron Weasley (canon-Ron, not this story's Ron), "Brilliant!"
The second part, I'm afraid, struck me as the male equivalent of Mary Sue.
ficbob posted a comment on Monday 17th February 2014 3:16am
I reread this and I realized that I did not comment on the great scenes with Hedwig
and I am not sure if I want Snape to have attacked Harry on Dumbles orders or not; I am just not sure which way will torment Dumbles more
Looking forward to more from you
Rexnos posted a comment on Tuesday 18th February 2014 7:01pm