By Jeconais
Zooxle posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 6:12am
Yay, an update!! And just the day before University begins again. You've made my week. I can't wait until this is finished so i can read the whole thing at once. You do great work, and i hope you continue to do so. -Zooxle
genkitty posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 5:47am
Woohoo! Thank you for the quick update! I imagine you're setting the stage for later developments, and look forward to future chapters.
bonnie posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 5:41am
Great update. Really love how Harry is developing. Looking forward to nest chapter
PhoenixFeather posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 5:17am
Forgot how much i really like your stories. You bring some adult views into a world that for the most part is a childrens novel, and you do it well, without compromising the integrity of your story. You also make them fun and great to read. So from me, well done, waiting now for your next installment.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 5:00am
Even after 10 years of reading fanfictions, and 45 or so since my 1st 'magic' story, you still do the very best explanation of MAGIC that I have ever seen.
Thank you so much for your wonderful stories, I have been enjoying this one very much, and when I just want a really good read, it is always to you or one of the great authors you have gathered here on fanficauthors.
Warmest regards
Ken W
FireStar01 posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 5:00am
Great story. I am curious about who you will pair Harry with. I want to say Gabby but I'm not so sure now. I love Harry and Hermonie but you have paired her with Vic. He is interesting but not what I would call her match. I look forward to seeing more soon.
k13cat posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 4:50am
Love the Weasley Twin run down at the beginning--succinct, humorous, and so appropriate to the story. And it is a bit poignant when they discuss not being sure who is who because not even their own mother was consistent.
That has to be one of the best explanations of the deeper meaning of "we'll always have paris" I've ever read.
Love him finding the old, mournful vineyard and the sad woman.
Absolutely wonderful chapter. At first when I started this story I felt like it was going to be mostly for the laughs. But there is a strong emotional heart growing in the story, and some wonderful scenes of friendship and family. I'm really enjoying it.
mythicdrake posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 4:27am
Damn i love this story! A most original and amazing take on a Harry Potter story i have read in a long time. Keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing this amazing idea.
Stick97 posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 4:26am
Your work reminds me of the Sistine Chapel. It's a masterpiece, that many use to judge others, and their own work against. Every time you see it, you discover another little nuance and insight. Inspiring, and depressing at the same time. And the close always comes too soon, leaving you wishing for just a little more time, wondering how soon you can see more.
Some interesting foreshadowing going on with Gabby, the twins, and Harry.
Great development of Harry, and awesome magic lesson.
The bit about the car was great. I enjoy the ability to do wandless magic, and the explanation of why not too, when you have a perfectly good force multiiplier and focus at hand.
Great work as always and thanks for the inspiration, and ego beatdown. :)
supergirl3684 posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 4:21am
I'm so in love with this! Was too thrilled at seeing another chapter posted!
Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 4:11am
Very good chapter
I found the author notes interesting, I don't care for Weasley bashing expect for Percy. I don't mind Percy getting bashed, but any other Weasley I won't find it funny they get bashed.
I don't see Ginny as a fan girl, there is not much known about Ginny. Since she is a minor character that don't play a big role
Pai posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 4:04am
And you didnt even make it to the secound test. Looking forward to seeing how harry pulls it off. Great charther building in this part.
Tlcatlady posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 4:00am
I do love getting updates to this story. Harry may have been preachy, but I have a feeling his forced levels of maturity have made him much more in tune with his magic and how it affects the world. Great job! TLC
Genericrandom posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 3:55am
If slightly shorter chapters is the price for two of them in the same month(heck, same half of the same month really) I'll gladly pay it.
For all that didn't happen, I think a lot more than is obvious happened in this chapter, and I saw a whole bunch of setup. I recently read something to the effect of "any episode that doesn't advance the plot is just filler". I'd say this advanced the plot.
I also liked seeing another side of pseudo-mentor Harry. Good stuff all around.
LifeScientist posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 3:49am
I think your author's notes about capture this chapter. A great midddle with kind of preachy ends but all-in-all a worthy read. I'm now totally curious as to who you'll have with Harry next, whether she'll come from your fertile imagination or be someone we've met before via Rowling's.
Thanks for your obvious efforts on this chapter.
Zucht posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 3:37am
Incredible chapter.
slayersfan01 posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 3:31am
I just love this fic. You have the perfect blend of humor and seriousness while adding flair. I just wonder who you will hook Harry up with. Will it be a OC or maybe Sinistra? I don't know and I'm really looking forward to finding out!
slashslut posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 3:29am
another brilliant chapter! i always know that i can settle in for a good read when i see a new chapter alert in my in box:)
zoroz posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 3:07am
sweet thanks for the quick chapter update :)
Zicou posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 6:41am