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00_Knight posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:17pm

Entertaining! Can't wait to see what will happen next!

BJH posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 1:17pm

So tell me, why is it that your half-beta'ed, half-baked, carelessly thrown out stories are still so much better than almost everyone else's?

Seriously, I truly enjoyed the light-hearted attitude of the story, it is a fun and easy way to spend some time ignoring all the rest of the world, and afterall, isn't that the reason for reading anything?


Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 12:50pm

Excellent. The conversation between the Twins and Sirius was weird. Almost creepy.

But it was ery funny.

Thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Pai posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 12:41pm

Wow, Now thats a hell of a start. Im looking forward to more.

protonius12 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 12:12pm

Great ! I love your stories !

Maverick512000 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 12:08pm

Personaly I think your writing is just as good as ever. You seem to have a different style in that it's more light hearted and takes itself much less seriously. I think you could still write good drama if you tried. The skill in telling the story lies with the author not the betas. They help but if the basic story is crap then the best betas in the world can't save it.

Professor_Chris posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 12:00pm

Well this certainly is lining up to be a very interesting story... I am glad that Harry has the help of the twins and obviously Sirius.

Looking forward to seeing what they can achieve and just how many DE's arms Harry receives. He should start a Hall of Shame for them :)...

Amamama posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 11:56am

Man, this is fun. *grin* Really. I love your well written over-the-top stories. Sure it might get darker and won't be as fun all times, but you do it with panache. I go to St.Margarets when I want deep stories with several layers hidden within wonderful romance. And I go to your stories when I'm in the mood for fun, simple stories that are totally delicious, with a great grasp of the English language. The way you have F&G take charge of Harry here, is quite simply a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing what those two will come up with next. Thanks for sharing, it's very much appreciated. Cheers!

sidiousclone posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 11:53am

damn talk about a cliffy why why why no stopping at the good parts lol more more

Gaelyn posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 11:23am

This is AWESOME! More please!

alaine1910 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 11:17am

Great start, still laughing at bits, looking for the next chapter.

noahshonor posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 11:07am

Damn! I'm just sayin'.

BioHazard82 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 10:59am

Very good start to your story. Can't wait to read more in the future.

loatroll posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 10:48am

By the way, something I forgot, I think it's great that Harry doesn't find "tru-love" in this story, that if anything should be cliche by now, what are the odds of people finding "tru-love" every time? Especially with a named character.

loatroll posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 10:36am

Very interesting! I like that you're giving the twins a big role in this.
I generally like everything about this story, the bodyguard idea is genious :D And the death-eater arm reward is also genious.

I actually had an thought a few days ago on the twins, what if they had a bigger role in the HP-books? It could make the series a lot more fun to read, not to mention less filled with angst/drama :-P

Some might complain about cliches and stuff but not me, cliches are cliches because they work well, and just because something is cliche or slightly cliche doesn't mean you shouldn't use it and twist it to your own purposes.

I love the ending by the way :D Something that the canon Harry really could have needed.

So in general: Great work! And thanks for the excellent read so far, and I'm really looking forward to more!

InuukaHanroa posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 10:23am

good work keep it up

Magi398 posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 10:18am

Just pure win so far. If this is how you feel you are going to write from here on out more power to you.

stealacandy posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 10:02am

1. Harry's wand is 11 inches, not 12.

2. Souldn't the bodyguards call Hermione Ma'am, or perhps Miss, rather than lady?

3. At this time Sirius is not living at his childhood home at #12 Grimauld Place, but is eiter somewhere abroad, on the move back to Britain aving heard abput Harry's entranc into the Tournament, or already is a cav near Hogsmead.

helsmaid posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 9:52am

I LOVE IT!!!!! please keep writting

Mihir posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 9:39am

smasher, crusher, masher and thrasher .... say that out loud 50 times as fast as you can!!!

Brilliant chapter mate! keep 'em coming!