By Jeconais
Anya McLerie posted a comment on Monday 24th February 2014 1:13am
Well, if some people didn't like the story, that's just unfortunate. I like the different direction, and if the writing isn't up to some imaginary standard, well meh. It was still a fixating read, and that is a sight better than some professional authors provide paying customers. In short, thanks for the ride! This was fun!
Tumshie posted a comment on Monday 24th February 2014 12:59am
I for one have enjoyed this story, was it all sweetness and light? No it wasn't, but then neither is real life.
My only complaint is that it feels unfinished at two chapters, that it needs at least another chapter to tie up the loose ends of what happens to Britain after the Tournament is over and whether or not Harry reconciles with anyone in Magical Britain.
KaemonManzo posted a comment on Monday 24th February 2014 12:38am
First of all great story and thank you for giving me something great and new to read. I really liked the fact that you took a new approach to the whole Veela bond thing. I did want to say that I completely disagree though with your comment about not still being an amazing author. I honestly think if anything you have gotten better. I think your newer stuff is maybe slightly darker but more realalistic and less light hearted which is something I very much have enjoyed reading. The main difference I think is just that you aren't updating as often, but again that is completely understandable. I just hope that even if it does take you a while, that you finish all of your current stories.
Again thanks for a great update/story and I really do look forward to your next update.
Hansi_Rahl posted a comment on Monday 24th February 2014 12:28am
Good chapter!
LoBass posted a comment on Sunday 23rd February 2014 5:42am
Unusual perspective. Enjoyed it. Looking forward to part 2.
Lisagrace posted a comment on Saturday 22nd February 2014 11:27pm
Wow, loved this. I could see this happening easily.
midevildle posted a comment on Saturday 22nd February 2014 5:54pm
Interesting idea. The human hate/idolatry for non humans felt incredibly forced. The Veela enclave and inhabitants were to accepting for my taste. But still, an interesting idea.
20cent posted a comment on Saturday 22nd February 2014 4:42pm
Nicely written, great angle !
Thanks for this beautiful strory !
T.Zukumori posted a comment on Saturday 22nd February 2014 2:23am
Unique premise -- I've never read anything like it. It was enjoyable, and makes me wonder how/if Voldemort will fight against the Conclave in his pursuit of Harry.
But all in all, it's good to see that you're still writing. Welcome back.
Hansi_Rahl posted a comment on Friday 21st February 2014 4:26pm
Great story!
Nigel Wood posted a comment on Friday 21st February 2014 4:22pm
Good to have you back.
As usual you develop a very good idea into a well thought plot and then execute it with outstanding writing.
I was told that anything worth reading was hard work to write. You must sweat blood over you pc to give us this great story.
Thank you
melann posted a comment on Thursday 20th February 2014 6:25pm
love the story
Michael10 posted a comment on Thursday 20th February 2014 12:37pm
Wasn't sure what to think when I saw the title. but yet again you have another great work here. glad to see the dust knocked off and your still kicking in 2014.
keep up the great work as always and I'll keep reading
frankocsic posted a comment on Thursday 20th February 2014 11:42am
Awesome. I enjoyed reading this. Kinda sad that Hermione got left behind/treated Harry like that, but happy that Harry's not the kind of freak that would rape someone, even a kid. Wasn't so sure for a moment there. Very nice ending for him. Great descriptions of the Enclave too. Good job with this. Write more!
A Winters posted a comment on Thursday 20th February 2014 10:01am
I love this very original idea! Harry's perspective did throw me a bit in the beginning, but you've done a wonderful job in bringing the 'canon' and 'non-canon' components together as if they have always been like that.
Hemotem posted a comment on Thursday 20th February 2014 3:16am
O M F G !!!!!!!!!! What a turn around just when I though this was going one way you thrust it around a bitch slap it in another direction!!!! I am so looking forward to see what more you have planned for this story and hope it isn't just the two chapters. I would love to see more of this and see how it plays out with Harry and the Vela training and how this pertains to the Prophecy is this the "Power He Knows Not"? I will end this here and say thank you, and hope to see lots and lots more of your wonderful works of fiction in the future. Hemotem
atriedies posted a comment on Thursday 20th February 2014 1:31am
Really enjoyed reading this.
adafrog posted a comment on Wednesday 19th February 2014 11:01pm
Very interesting. Thanks.
michaelsuave posted a comment on Wednesday 19th February 2014 3:05pm
Excellent turn of events. I can see how it took a dark turn and we will see the dichotomy between the veela/"creature" world and the human/"civilized" world. Good work, I hope to see more soon.
Brian64 posted a comment on Monday 24th February 2014 1:17am