By Jeconais
Jab posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 11:44pm
Thanks for that chapter. C'est incroyablement bien écrit.
I love the way you do your bashing of the Hogwart three. But, as always, there's the surprise : Hagrid. I can't wait to see where that's leed !
Thanks for the work.
A french reader who is happy of the description of his country.
aemon_targaryen posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 11:42pm
I love this story. That having been said many times before by many other readers, let me focus on what I liked about this chapter. I love that you mocked popular fanfic cliches such as Ron's jealousy, Hagrid and Maxime getting together, poking fun at the fangirling over Oliver Wood by making him into a male slut, etc. I really liked Harry and Minerva's relationship-I've always felt that she was like a strict aunt who had a huge soft spot for Harry(unlike Petunia), and I think JKR fails to explore that avenue in canon, so I really like it when authors present their takes on that relationship. Lee Jordan is hilarious; Draco is slime(hurray for a non-Redeemed!Draco fic--the absolute worst part of the fandom I think). I'm curious as to where the whole Dumbledore/Snape/Malfoy thing is going-in canon, I felt DD got off too easy for screwing with Harry's whole like the way he has, and I've enjoyed reading AU's where the whole thing blows up in his face. In a lot of ways, Albus is just as bad as Voldemort with his playing God with others' lives, he just happens to present a more benevolent front; The road to hell and all that.
Anyways, enough rambling from me. I truly enjoy reading your different takes on Harry, how he has matured, and possible relationships. The Harry/Ginny thing seems utterly banal at this point, the Harry/Hermione thing that I once favored seems like the Mary Celeste--lost at sea--and reading different takes like your helps keep me interested in the whole Harry Potter fandom, even after the disappointment of the degrading quality of canon(ignoring shipping). I can't wait to see how this goes-and I hope Draco gets his berries hexed off.
Chewy posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 11:41pm
Great chapter glad to see Harry make Snape and Dumedledor look like fools. I hope you have Harry do something to Malfoy for touching Gabby besides Gabby haveing him run into a tree. Can`t wait to read what Snape and Dumdeldor do when they see they have to play agansit pros. Soon keep up the Great Work and post a update as soon as you are Happy with it
Wolff posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 11:40pm
Damn, man. I don't remember if I've said this before, but I can't wait until Hope is finished, so that I can sit down and read the whole thing all at once. I have a feeling that, like WKGQ, a single-sitting read-through will at least double the emotional impact this story carries. Speaking of which, I must say you're one of the best fanfic authors when it comes to emotional impact. There aren't many authors' stories that make me alternately furious, giddy, and heartbroken. Keep up the great work!
phsname posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 11:34pm
oh my...such an immensely fun chapter.
i cant wait for the next one. :D
jmcqk6 posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 11:30pm
that was bloody wonderful. great finish too! malfoy + tree! Great work!
Alex00 posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 11:01pm
awsome chapter i cant wait for more, and i cant wait to see how will dumbledor react to what happened to that git malfoy
Jeff1 posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 10:49pm
I loved how Gabby disposed of Malfoy. Thanks for a great read
DJ posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 10:45pm
OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!! I love the way you setup Snape & can not wait to see what happens to Draco. You made a crap day quite a bit better thanks can't wait to see what is next.
Liedral posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 10:37pm
Loved the chapter, especially the fluff between Harry and Gabby. *sighs* when will Harry get confident that Gabby isn't about to just pack up and leave when she coughs 'gets off of the enchantment' am hoping the two finally solidify the bond and hehe....... one of the best teams Hogwarts ever turned out vs old men.... you have got to update soon plz~~~ *begs*
David M. Potter posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 10:29pm
Awesome fic and chapter. Bravo. I love that Harry gets to play Draco at Quiddich. With the Weasly Twins as beaters. Also Draco running into a tree was priceless.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:49pm
Very nice. Harry's plot with the assistant professors is revealed. :-)
It looks like DD is either now senile, or he's trying to run some ridiculus plot to make Hogwarts so bad that Harry will come in and become the headmaster to fix it?
Michelle posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:38pm
Lol! I loved when Draco ran into the tree! Hilarious! Thanks for another wonderful update
dstorres posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:36pm
A very awesome update. Your rendition of Lee was totally in synch with how JKR portrayed him. The ending while tense was priceless when Gabby made Draco run into the tree.
jerry posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:24pm
draco deserves what he got the slimy basterd. i cant wait for the teachers match i alredy know what harry is planing for the team
Brandon West posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:15pm
Poor Malfoy. Oh wait, what the hell am I saying? Go Gabby!
Heh. I like how she used the Potter Turn as well. Don't think that was something she actually learned from Harry. Did she do that all on her own, or did she pull a little bit of ability from Harry at that moment?
Paul Dueck posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:10pm
That Rocked! please keep it coming.
A Tri-School duling tourney would rock if you could add it.
WWIIIKitten posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:06pm
Hmmm... McGonagall is worried about Dumbledore possibly contracting Dementia, but she's not able to find anything. Combine that with Dumbledore using his pensieve so much it actually borders on obsessive compulsive behaviour...
Coincidence? I think not.
Any bets on Dumbles hiding his condition by using the pensieve? Anyone? Anyone at all?
EricThorsen posted a comment on Thursday 9th February 2006 5:03pm
Malfoy deserved that... Dumbledore is definitely in need of psychiatric care if he really thinks that Hogwarts random staff team can beat the best Gryffindor squad of the last century. Its sad really.
Francis posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 12:08am