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brad posted a comment on Saturday 11th February 2006 12:52am

I *know* it's just a case of fortuitous timing, but loud cheers for the GMT Thursday post! It means I can have a nifty weekend's reading.

Nice chapter; I got a real good feel of the Veela/Mate Gabby/Harry relationship out of this one, and how it was working out. Some nice romantic warmth in this chapter, as well as lots of variations on the 'mate giving an order' theme.

I thought that the students' deciding to have no Head Boy was a bit whimpish; no rancor at the Golden Gabby being bumped up a year, made Head Girl, and then they roll over and let her be boss on her own? What, are they all wusses in France? (OMG, what am I doing, asking a Briton that question?). I mean, the "we all knew that Gabrielle will not be touched" seems a pretty lame excuse to mangle the school rules and forgo historical precedent.

I enjoyed the interchange between Harry and Minerva; reminiscent of your 'Object Trilogy', good fun to read.

Yeah, yeah, Harry wanted to force a faculty match between Beauxbatons and Hogwarts, but Dumbledore never agreed to it ... Snape came out with it and Harry accepted. Albus could have countermanded it within a second if he didn't want it (and he was looking 'confused'). I guess 'we must stick together' means he'll let Snape get away with anything?

Is that it/all with Draco? Or is he an Occlumens, and so will be on his guard with Gabby next time? Hmmm.

Thanks for the chapter!

ArxSerpens posted a comment on Saturday 11th February 2006 12:51am

i love the story, and this is my favourite along with TMW, which i hope gets updated soon. Great work.


Hexnut posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 11:26pm

Enjoyed this chapter muchly. Though I worry that the more superpowered you make Harry (and now Gabby as well) the less interesting will be any victories they achieve. Intriguing hints re Dumbledore, though — I'm getting the feeling that the healing power Gabby applied to Harry's shoulder could well be applied to Hogwarts and wizarding England more broadly. The blocker Hermione's hoping to find: I suppose the point is that Harry won't be able to tell any difference?

I'm starting to get a little itchy about seeing Ginny's name so seldom when we're seeing so much about the other Weasley siblings. And in Chapter 3, the mere thought of her immediately gives Ron and Hermione a big warning flag that they've made a big mistake. Will we find out where she is and why she doesn't play a visible role in this resurrected DA that's helping Harry? Will we get to see her reaction to Harry being with Gabby, and to learning that Gabby's bond is responsible for her getting nowhere with Harry?

Faith1 posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 11:02pm

OOOOO I like it! MUSH more challenging w/ Krum helping Durmstrang. And I shudder to think of Malfoy corrupting my very own Gryffs *sniffles* It was SOO funny to have "Ollie" practically BEGGING Harry instead of the other way around-- HAHA!! LOVE THIS!!!

MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 11:00pm

I liked your explanation of Harry's powers. His getting power from everywhere versus Voldemort's internal source was nicely reasoned especially when you added in the vampiric nastiness with the Dark Mark and the V's fondness for crucio.

Krum felt out of character from the publicity shy young man from GoF, but people do change as they get older (thank God).

Her having Draco run into a tree had me laughing.

Now that the Harry/Gabrielle question is settled, I think that the most interesting question is what is going on with Dumbledore.

The Resident posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 10:48pm

That last scene was priceless. It couldn't have happened to a 'nicer' guy. (Heavy sarcasm). Actually, the entire chapter was wonderful. Your talent with words is and has been extraordinary. Your abiiltiy to tell a story is exceptional. I thoroughly enjoy reading and re-reading the stories you have written, including those yet to be completed. I eagerly await the next installment of this engrossing tale. This is not hyperbole, just a true expression of how much I admire and enjoy your stories.

Faith1 posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 10:26pm


Scott M posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 10:25pm

*sniggers* So Veela power [i]is[/i] useful for something...
Okay, I'm over my brief attack of Shaedenfreude. :) Anyway, great chapter. Things seem to be unfolding nicely. I wonder what the eye-fixing might do.

PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 9:36pm

Once again... Brilliant. Though a tad evil leaving us hanging like that. Can only hope to see another update in the near future!


Jay-F posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 9:22pm

this is an increadable story, keep up the good work,
Thanks for wrritng,

sirius009 posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 9:13pm

great chapter, love the commentary about ron being jealous and harry loving hermoine although he thinks of her as a sister, really made me lauph..

Bea posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 7:51pm

Oh you evil, evil man! how can you leave us hanging like that?? great story.

harrison potter posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 5:50pm

Awesome chap just like the other prvious ones.

Snape and Dumbles are pain in the you know where with their attitude.AArghh!

Oh man, Draco better be prepared to go to hell for the rest of his life for touching Harry's Mate.It's an unforgivable act.

Phoenixdor Dragonclaw posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 5:42pm

Nice I love it. I really liked the part where Draco was trying to get innto Gabby's pants, I thought it was HILARIOUSHILARIOUS I say. My Favorite part:

"Take your hand off me," she demanded.

He nodded.

"Will you do me a favour?" she asked.

He nodded again, eagerly this time.

"Run as fast as you can into that tree."

"Anything," Draco exhaled

Update Soon!!

Ashley posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 5:20pm

Your work is amazing. Several of my friends and myself look forward to the updates. I love the romance and intrigue, and I look forward to the next installment. Thank you for all you provide to the Harry Potter fans.

Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 3:01pm

Totally loved this chapter. I was very impressed with the quick way that Gabrielle took care of Mr. Malfoy. I eagerly look forward to the match between the respective staffs as well as the ultimate defeat of Dumbledore. I am not familiar with the geography of Germany... but must assume that with you placing Durmstrang there that it is located in a very cold place per the disriptions given to us from the fourth book. I had always assumed that it was somewhere in russia or a slavic nation. You did a great job with the commentary it was informative and devilishly fun as were Lee's previous ones while in school. Please post more soon!

Hannah3 posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 2:36pm

Not fair, ending it there...oh well, it was really good, as always.

Lucia Depenhart posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 2:35pm

An absolutely wonderful chapter!

GknightS posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 2:08pm

awwwwwwww it's soo good.. wow you actually updated.. i mean.. updated this fast.. and such a long chapter too!! : ) i hope the next one is up soon.. like before next month or something.. but it is ok if your busy and has other things to do.. but i have to say this is be far one of the best Harry fanfictions i have ever read..

thank you for this wonderful story and i hope i will be able to read more.

HoagieOfDoom posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 1:40pm

Excellent, as always. I have to congratulate you on your characterizations; they make for a fun story!