By Jeconais
BaltaineShadow posted a comment on Friday 31st July 2009 3:15pm
Those three stories were simply the bestest ever^^
Finding them among all your great stories really made this day a VERY good one!
I love Sammy! And with Harry together - gorgeous!
Ledivin posted a comment on Friday 3rd July 2009 11:43am
Wow. That was probably one of the most intense stories I've ever read. There's really nothing else to say about it. Great job.
Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Sunday 12th April 2009 10:28pm
What an interesting and enjoyable triology. I laughed wonderfully during "Alone" and was intrigued and brought to tears by "These Dreams". Great job, guys. Thanks for writing, and posting to share!
snapehater posted a comment on Thursday 9th April 2009 11:39pm
great story i loved it well done
FenrisWolf posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 4:51pm
You are still one of the very few authors who can write a non-H/Hr story that I can both read and enjoy. So when the H/Hr well dries up and I can't find anything in that genre I feel like re-reading, I come back to your work and enjoy a stroll through a variety of alternate universes which are pleasant to visit, even if I wouldn't want to make my stay permanent in any of them. Nice work as always.
hhtt7766 posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2008 3:55pm
loved the last section of this series. thanks alot
ILikeToRead posted a comment on Wednesday 5th November 2008 9:07am
Great story - Thanks for sharing!
Andrewsquill posted a comment on Wednesday 24th September 2008 6:54am
A sad and happy tail at the same time. It parallels what many older couples go through with the death of a spouse.
Really nice read.
callista posted a comment on Monday 8th September 2008 6:22am
I just finished reading the trillogy and i love it, poor Harry; i hope he can be lucky with Sam...
joeBob posted a comment on Friday 29th August 2008 11:09pm
a_lost_memory posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 6:29pm
I've already said all I could possibly describe!
for now I'll just go well...swoon! hehe
But really boy do you know how to write and to get to a woman's heart!
a_lost_memory posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 6:12pm
This is one of the best stories Ive ever read, yes I adored the first two parts of this and even the little drabble I found, but I'd read this before hand and I understand what you meant about not going down that road... but I did enjoy the drabble and actually wouldn't mind seeing it made into a story, maybe with some of this original story laced into it... But it's perfect the way it is... I've read a whole lot of fanfiction, some would say it's an addiction, my mother certainly would and my studies, when I was in college as well, but I digress... The point is this is by far one of the best I've ever read, the writing, the poetry of the story and writing itself and the love story that strings it all together, I love this part, which I believe is more a story by itself which I'm sure is the point, but I love this and havn't really found one to match it since I originally read it ages ago, and as I'm reading it for a second time, the feelings, the justification that it is all I remember it to be and that I could read this time and time again is still true with the dozens or a lot more stories I've read since then not changing that at all!!! Thank you for this gem and I'm sorry that I'm a horrid reader for not reviewing the others I've read, but I don't really have much time to read and when I do have my time I don't usually stop once I get started and invariably end up getting into trouble, hehe, or just don't think about reviewing because I want to read more, but again I'm rambling and I just really really wanted to express how much I loved this story and how much it touched me and also as much as I love the good manipulating and such story with Harry being betrayed or controlled etc. and their being a bad Ron or Herm. I know this is more the truth and it puts it in such a way that you can't help but wish you had such a friend or relationship on that level and the way you write it is just poetry into the lives of Harry and of the so called and justifiably as well 'Golden Trio'!!!! And also, though I've never been a big fan of the Harry/Ginny pairing, even though I know its cannon, I just don't like it at all, and though I don't typically read them, I have found a couple that do it in a way that I can believe, and actually enjoy/like, but this is by far one of the best, even if it is more of a story of their love and that of overcoming grief and of Sammy/Harry as well! Just thank you so much and I really have fallen in love with this pairing and this Harry and just the whole of the story!!! I also loved the 'excersize' and everyone helping and you can see a glimpse into how everyone was in the war and how they worked together, etc. to win!!! I could go on forever about it all but I just really had to review and say how much I truly enjoyed this and fell in love with the story, the writing, and the romance, and overcoming the grief, moving on, war, etc. just everything and I can't thank you enough for this diamond in the rough of fanfiction works!!! Thank you and I can't tell you again how much this touched me on so many levels and I really really love your writing and am pleasantly surprised whenever I read something else by you!!!
On a side note I can't wait to read more of the Harry/Pansy/maybeGinny pairing of White Knight/Grey Queen story that I also fell in love with and just everything about it was perfect!!!! Thanks and if you have written more or are going to I would love to hear about it! My email if you wish to know is
Thank you so much, I know I can't really describe at all how much I love your stories, and ESPECIALLY how much I love and was touched and just man! this story was everything and just *though I've used this word a lot* poetry in writing and just amazing! My grammar and vocabulary just went out the window trying to express it all!
Thank you so much!
Alimento posted a comment on Monday 21st July 2008 5:35am
Wow. I like the very end of this, the whole "I am..." part. It kinda sumed it all up and it sounded totally awesome. I really like this story, even if I haven't read the first two, but I am planning on it! I like Samantha, and I like how Gabrielle was like a sister rather than an aunt, and also, it makes me sad that Ginny died, but it was vital for the story! Great job, yet another fantastic story.
Rogue15us posted a comment on Thursday 17th July 2008 12:12am
Damn... Now that was emotional.
A really nice read though.
I enjoyed this, thank you.
motherjenjen posted a comment on Thursday 10th July 2008 11:55pm
WOW....all i can say is WOW
this was so frigging AWSOME
before i go on i just need to say that i love the quick reference to
WOW this was really good well i actually liked the whole series. it was a realy acurate portrayal of how i think harry would be/act.
All night long had a very good ending with draco not being sterile afterall. it wouldn't have been good for draco and cho to be raising harry's child...
Alone was very good in the way that sammy accepted that harry loved ginny BUT he still loved her.
These dreams was exelent in the way that Ginny died but still knew that sammy loved harry and basically gave sammy permission to love harry
i also love the fact that sammy is pregnant.
wow you must feel loved. this is the longest review i have written yet. Well i'm still anxiously waiting for Castel in the sky
BloodRedJawz posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 12:51pm
You are a fucking incredible author. The stories I'd read so far that you wrote are all so...GOOD! This story, White Knight Grey Queen, Happily Ever After...all with lots of GOOD romance scenes and tear-enducing moments.
Killedbykarma posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 12:35am
-.- You never mentioned who they named their kids!
That takes away half the fun of reading an epilogue!
Oh well. Still amazing. Funny how you can make us readers fill in the blanks with 1-5 chapter stories with our imaginations to make it seem like 1-5 BOOKS. That takes a skill I don't see in most novel writers. Though I admit to some short stories doing the same thing.
I've had more fun reading your short stories than your long ones.
Aelita posted a comment on Thursday 27th March 2008 5:17am
I love this story! At first I didn't think i would like it but i was wrong! Thank you for the great story!
C. Harris posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 2:17pm
I just noticed how you poke fun at your own story in this. I had never noticed before. You death of Ginny was very touching.
delrusant posted a comment on Thursday 20th August 2009 1:30pm