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ctattrie posted a comment on Tuesday 10th April 2007 8:08pm

A Fantastic story!!! I like it almost as much as your Harry/Gabrielle story. Look forward to reading more of your stuff.

bumble101 posted a comment on Sunday 28th January 2007 1:35am

loved it my eyes got a bit watery when ginny died, i mean after al the problems they had and worked though for her to be actively seeking a quick way out in her grief no matter the good intentions at heart, i mean do the words "i would die a thousand deaths just for another moment in your arms" mean anything after what they guided eachother through cos thats what came to my mind when i read about there marriage. but i still loved th story is saddening, gut wrenching, heart breaking, happy and hopeful. great work

Ben10 posted a comment on Saturday 30th December 2006 12:33pm

Wonderfully done. The best in the tri.

legobean posted a comment on Thursday 28th December 2006 2:16am

Well it's interesting you have made me both love and hate Samantha. But you broke the cardinal rule. You killed Ginny and made me cry.

I was a bit disapointed that you didn't conclude the whole Harry turning into Dumbledore thing at all. I thought you could at least have had Hermione begging him to take the Headmaster job at Hogwarts.

Over all it was a very good, if depressingly sad story.

thumper posted a comment on Thursday 9th November 2006 3:56pm

WOW very nice story I realy enjoy'd it alot

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 13th October 2006 6:20am

Very good ... almost makes up for Harry not ending up with Ginny :-).

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 13th October 2006 6:04am

Interesting twist. I like the Veela imprinting idea, mostly. But I have to say I don't like losing Ginny, at all, though I have to say you do it very well and tastefully (if such a loss can be tasteful).

darthloki posted a comment on Thursday 12th October 2006 7:44pm

I thought it was hilarious when Harry leapt overboard. :) Liked this; Sam's neat.

"Normally, getting permission from the German authorities to either get them to investigate or allow an English force in takes days, if not weeks. Harry has always had a way of bypassing those rules. This particular time, I found out later, Harry walked into the German Ministry, strolled straight into the Minister’s office, and informed the Minister straight out that he was attacking the Death Eaters base in ten minutes and he’d appreciate it if the German Ministry would be so kind as to stay out the way.
The Minister did exactly as he was told."

That's exactly what I like about the Harrys you write. They're all 'can-do' and powerful and talented and intelligent.

jdcox61 posted a comment on Monday 21st August 2006 1:36pm

I really like this story. You write very well, with your stories complete and not missing random words like some stories on I really liked the premise of this trilogy of stories. They even go in order of my liking them, the third is by far my favorite. Normally I am a strict H/G or H/Hr shipper if i'm in the mood, but an author that's created an OC character that is truly alive and well developed is an absolute joy to read, such as you have with this story. My hat is off to you, keep up the good work.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 26th June 2006 7:40am

Love how Harry went after Sammy and the toilet seat portkey. Nyuh. You killed her and then you turned Harry into someone he’d hate to be. Yet at the same time it was brilliant. I rather like the imprinting idea. I don't know whether I want Harry to accept or reject her so I rather like the open endedness of this. Great story either way.

kyle spielhagen posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 9:25am

another brilliant story

Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 8th June 2006 10:35pm

Jeconais & Kokopelli,
I am fond of both of your work and am following your current efforts. Thanks to you both. Keep up the great work. Wolfric

GuardianOfLight posted a comment on Sunday 4th June 2006 8:35am

Just read all 3 stories, as I read the first 1 I was a little put of, I never like the idea of a non fiary tale ending (I'm boring, I know) but you easily turned that around and made this into a very nice series of stories that I was most happy to read, keep up the good work

ShadeHawk posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 8:53am

Is it still Work in Progress? It is marked as such...

Meg posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 4:50pm

I just have to say that no matter how many times I read this, the every first paragraph brings tears to my eyes.

Thanks again and again,


Lord Sivart posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 11:43pm

Nice ending

Justin W. Conley posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 1:42pm

Heh, I thought it was good (all three parts) and I particularly liked your own knock on Hope. I litteraly double-taked when reading that (did he just make fun of "Hope"?!? I like that story, how dare this impudent author make fun of Jeconais' story. Wait a second... this is Jeconais... heh). Yeah for happy endings (or beginings depending on ones point of view)!

Jinshun Wang posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 10:29pm

Great story, and I love how you make fun of your own story Hope. Shows that you have a true sense of humor!

Brad1 posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 2:33am

wow an excellent finally to the story line!

jackattack posted a comment on Sunday 5th March 2006 12:52pm

The passage describing Ginny's passage did NOT make me cry. I was peeling onions in a smoky room while standing on a tack.