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PhoenixAnkaa posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 7:24am

I have to say I really enjoyed this trilogy. For as unconnected as the three stories really were, they fit together so nicely. With that said I was extremely excited to see the epilogue update yesterday for These Dreams. Even though out of the three it was the most heart wrenching it was to read Ginny's death, I greatly enjoyed the story and the writing. I have now read the epilogue three times and unfortunately I found it lacking the detail you had set forth in the previous works. As much as I enjoyed it, it was a bit difficult to track the timeline in spots. You also seemed to move their relationship along without any substance to how it happened. I also found the letter/e-mail form of the body of the text trying a little to hard to be comedic.

With all of that said though I did enjoy seeing closure for these characters. I think it would be very interesting to see an expansion on Harry and Sammy's relationship in the future.

Good Work!

Kokopelli replied:

It's a fluffy epilogue!

Terry Swain posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 7:18am

Great ending to your story. congrats to the both of you.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 6:58am

Fooled me. I thought it was finished. Nice wrap up. Very fluffy, very real feeling.

Thanks for writing.

Tom A.

Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 5:16am


Mel posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 5:02am

I love this one! Me

Patches posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 4:31am

Thank you so much for the epilog. What a romantic episode in Harry and Sammy's life. It was beautiful. I really appreciate your writing. I am so looking forward to more.

Since you like "occasions" are you planning on updating Hope on Valentine's Day? Don't put if off on my account if you want to update it sooner. I'll take it any time you want to make it available. I just want you to know I appreciate all that you do. Thanks again.

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 3:38am

Then again, it's wonderful!
I know it's a diferent universe but I'm more than ever hoping to see an update from "Hope".

japanese_jew posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 3:23am

well, I don't think that the letter format is any good for this kind of thing, (Perfect for Naked Quidditch, by Anya, but not for this.) The letter/email format is more of a humor thing, and I could see you trying to force out some humor here and there, but over all, it stayed the same as the rest of your fic, romance.

and I have a small quibble. If you're going to send a letter (via owl) a few thousand miles away, then you're not going to send a two word message. That's going to be one lengthy piece of writing.

Kokopelli replied:

JJ - please read The Letters of Summer - not all letters are humorous and not all letters are carried by Owl.

kelvin posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 3:21am

I like the letter to letter format ala This Means War.

UdderPD posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 1:04am

Absotutley lovely.


Adam posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 12:47am

Thanks for this, it does end this set of stories very well. Thanks for writing a very nice epilogue.

Tze posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 12:35am

I wasn't too fond of the previous chapter, but this one is great. I like the letter format, it makes it nice and personal, which suits the situation.

Kokopelli replied:

Not all stories will appeal to all readers. As I've said time and again - Your mileage may vary.

Thanks for reviewing.

The Resident posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 12:12am

A beautifully written conclusion to a beautiful story. I liked the 'letters' at the beginning of this chapter, they kind of reminded me of the m-mails in TMW (which I hope I will see more work done on before this old man gets too much older.). As always, I couldn't find a thing to nitpick about (thank god some people know about editors ). Looking forward to anything either of you write nixt.

phsname posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 12:00am

excellent ending. this does a very good job of tying up the whole series.

very good job to both authors...this was a very fun one. :D

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 11:43pm

What can I say? Very nice, sweet wrap-up.

Jab posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 11:08pm

Well, no surprise... Amazing as usual!
Please go on. I love those "little" collaboration.
Thanks for the evasion.

Sheena posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 10:42pm

It was a great end to a great story.
I loved the letter format it was really good

Chris1 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 10:03pm

Wonderful ending. I love the banter between the relatives. :)


ridmania posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 9:59pm

jesus christ this man just keeps getting betgter and better give him the nobel prize!!! he's such a awesome writer!!! hope TMW and hope gets updated soon!!!! your a bloody legend!!!!

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 9:52pm

Thank you for this Epilogue! I always enjoy a happy ending.

Is it just me or does this chapter seem a lot like "This Means War"?