By Jeconais
Junky posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 5:38pm
Wow. Just wow.
Evan2 posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 5:23pm
I like it, except for the fact that Ginny had to die. If Samantha was going to have him, Ginny could at least have lived, via Harry finding a cure for the Kraken blade's poison, or using his magic, and the poison or Harry's magic to neutralize the Alzheimer's disease, or that she never had it. In, they do have Harry with 2 wives, it does happen in the real world, why not the Wizarding world as well? Anyway, that's just one reader's idea. Please reply in an email to my address
Kokopelli replied:
Kokopelli doesn't write polygamy stories.
Magic doesn't cure all ills.
Suffering exists, even in fairy tales.
The real magic is how you transform the suffering in your life. Sometimes life gives you and second chance.
Quizer posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 5:22pm
I'm glad you said yourself that this isn't your normal style, because it isn't. It's far too depressing to be associated with your other works. It's still very well written, though.
I generally prefer those light-hearted stories that leave the reader grinning from ear to ear over those stories that hunt the protagonist through a harrowing series of unfortunate events, never giving him even a moment's respite. They might even end well, but I'm not going to read them again, because why would I want to subject myself to that depression again? I feel that JKR could have done so much more with this universe.
I'm not saying this story is like that. You're not killing off people for seemingly no reason, and you write it in a way that is actually acceptable, a way the reader can live with.
Still I'll have to read a couple of chapters from your other stories to cheer me up again... ;)
till your next update (hopefully soon ;) )
Antosha posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 5:16pm
This really is both a wonderful tying-together of the loose threads from Alone (the largest of which, of course, was Samantha herself) as well as a lovely synergy--distinct from either of your typical writing, but reminiscent of both.
Ginny's death could have been both convenient and melodramatic; together you managed to keep it from becoming either.
I'm working on my own first collaborative fic, and this effort gives me hope! (I'm curious how you handled the mechanics of co-writing... but I'll use my imagination. ;-) )
Kokopelli replied:
Samantha would resent being called the largest of anything, except when she's pregnant, in which case she just resents anything that reminds her that she's no longer willowy.
As to the mechanics - I wrote the first draft, passed it to Tim - he added a scene - passed it back. I did some more work, passed it to tim, he tweaked my stuff and added a scene - then I added an epilogue, which started the process rolling again. I had the most sketchy of outlines, and we knew in broad terms where we were going, but when I started the story I had no idea that Samantha had imprinted on Harry when she was born.
edo posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 5:14pm
Genial, es genial, es increible, de verdad se pasaron, tiene de todo, sin duda es uno de los mejores fic que he leido, un trabajo increible. yo realmente espero leer otro fic como este. Realmete los felicito un increible trabajo.
Brilliant, is brilliant, it is incredible really , has of everything, without a doubt is one of best fic than I have read, an incredible work.
I really hope to read another fic like this. I congratulate you for an incredible work.
I really Hope you can understand jajajajaaj
I am very bad writing in ingles
Terry Chang posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 5:05pm
ginny's the best.
Oathsblood posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 4:53pm
This was very well done. I found it quite.... touching.
Tiffls posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 4:50pm
This is very life understanding story. Thanks for writing!
Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 4:49pm
Just... wow.
rebirthofham posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 4:44pm
Brilliant. SO this is the end??
I think i'm going to cry out of sadness.
Both for the ending of this trilogy, and for the sadness of harry.
Continue your excellent work.
AzureSky posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 4:34pm
Great story. This joint work is awesome. :)
It has the enough dose of WAFF & angst at the same time, influence from Kokopelli no doubt.
And I see you mocked your own "Hope" story. lol
Nice job, keep it up.
Are you going to write another story with different author?
Olafr posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 4:26pm
As always, amazing. I quite liked your rip at Hope :-) as well as many other moments.
You seem to be getting better with every story... or maybe working with Kokopelli is good for you.
AfterDark posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 3:59pm
Wow is the only thing I can say about this story. From the begining to end all that was going through my mind was wow. I laughed, I cried, and then laughed and cried again. The style both of you brought to this story is just that wow.
Is going to sit down with a drink and hope one day that love could only be like that
Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 3:59pm
I think that this is one of the best short stories that I have ever read (40+ years). It will stand on its own, yet is enhanced by having read the prequels - simply marvelous - Thanks to you both for sharing your work with us.
Verahsa posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 3:57pm
This particular piece (all three parts of one whole, in my opinion) has been a very fun ride, for a variety of reasons. It felt like a symphony with 3 acts.
You have the playful warrior, followed by the blossoming love theory, concluding with the bittersweet reality.
This particular piece is probably the most emotionally moving piece you've written, as far as I'm concerned. Seeing Ginny pass, and the aftermath, was tragic, and realistic at the same time.
I also sincerely like how Harry pulled his standard _YOUWILLPAY_ methodology, and especially how Ginny's Brothers stood forward to make it what it should have been.
Written with the poise I've come to expect from you, this is a vast improvement on your angst writing. Despair was your first piece I saw that was truly angst ridden, and while well written, seemed over the top emotionally. This fits much more from what I have come to 'expect' from your work.
The open ending fits both with flame-prevention and the angst theme of the whole bit. Hard to believe this whole thing started as a Harry/Cho piece.
As usual, thank you for your exemplary efforts, and thank you for sharing.
Gardengirl posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 3:42pm
Oh, my, Tim and John. This is the first thing that has brought me to tears in ages. It was amazing, moving, touching, fantastic, wonderful, heart breaking and uplifting. THANK YOU both! Now, someone get me some damn Kleenex, would you?
insertparagraph posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 3:31pm
<i>Oh, wait, you mean going crazy like that Veela character in the old romance story Faith and Charity!"
"Uh, yeah," Hermione said sheepishly.
"The squib who wrote that potboiling tale knew as much about Veela as I know about Astrophysics," Gabrielle said haughtily.</i>
I enjoyed the story generally, but I really liked that bit. Especially the name of the story.
Treck posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 3:24pm
How the hell can I review when I'm speachless?
Harley posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 3:22pm
Very good story. It was sad but you fell refreshed after reading it.
Thanks for writing your stories.
Nanio posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 5:42pm