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RheaN posted a comment on Wednesday 31st October 2007 11:32am for Princess

I love conflict-less romances that end in happily ever after.

djo posted a comment on Wednesday 31st October 2007 1:43am for Princess

I loved it but understand your reasons for abandoning...

grenouille posted a comment on Tuesday 30th October 2007 11:36am for Princess

I think that you are being much too hard on yourself. yes, it's a cute little piece of pointless fluff, but that does not make it any less enjoyable. Perhaps in a future project, this could be adapted as comedic relief. Whereas I understand why you've abandoned it, it's still a work to be proud of.

NuvaChaos posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 7:43pm for Princess

While I loved what already exists of this story, and also think that sometimes stories where nothing bad happens can be wonderful, I do understand why you're not continuing this. That said that most amusing part was the last three lines for those of us who need closure. You managed to condense what I'm sure would have been at least another 10,000 words into three very short sentences.

Michael Lody posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 5:58pm for Princess

Love it! keep up the good work!:)

sammi posted a comment on Sunday 28th October 2007 11:17am for Princess

I thought it was funny. That can fix a lot on its own.

Consider plugging in a stock conflict setting reeking of cliché and staleness. To that, I'd have to say that since this kind of light-hearted storytelling works for you, it's best to just go with it. Unless you consciously want to change that...

I'm a bit disappointed by the short summary for the rest of the story. A few more details - especially about the 'hitches' involved in the wedding ceremony - would have made it go down smoother for me.

I was about to forget mentioning the part about this being a pretty well written first draft. It has some good stuff there. Hoping to read more stories written by you in the future.

Jane Average posted a comment on Saturday 27th October 2007 8:06pm for Princess

Well, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean there weren't plenty of things to make me cackle madly, giggle uncontrollably or clap my hands with glee :P

I do see your point about it being more trouble than it's worth to get it up to your usual standards... but really, there's nothing wrong with a bit of "pointless" fluff now and again ;)

Donald Deutsch posted a comment on Saturday 27th October 2007 3:18am for Princess

This is a very romantic and hillarious story. One thing, I always thought that Susan was a redhead, at least that's what she was made out to be in the first movie, IE Christopher Columbus's daughter, who played her, and one of the few non-English people in the movie.

Muad'Dib posted a comment on Friday 26th October 2007 6:58am for Princess

Hermione's yelling about Harry's innovative sell casting was hilarious! It's always a pleasure to see you coming up with new work. If you don't write professionally alreadt, you ought to start right now! I honestly can't wait to see more!

Mamacita posted a comment on Thursday 25th October 2007 11:14am for Princess

excellent! this was so funny, and i really enjoyed several of your phrases and expressions. well, if you're not going to continue it then i'll just have to go out and read the rest of your stuff to complete my "fix"! thanks for writing.

Sarah B posted a comment on Thursday 25th October 2007 7:45am for Princess

I guess I can sort of understand why you killed it as you're right there's no conflict and the characters are perfect. I think the lack of conflict is why I will be able to come back to re-read it as I do with all your finished work, there's no part of me desperate to know what happens next. And the reason I know i'll want to re-read it is because it's really, really fun. So thank-you.

rottenking posted a comment on Thursday 25th October 2007 2:29am for Princess

bugger, would of been good if you carried on, i rather liked it, action packed and really engaged me in a way i haven't been in a while reading fanfics...
the plot is really good, and i love the whole "harry can do anything, and is confident as hell" fics, but i haven t found alot i actually liked.
anyway, sad this is abandoned as i think it had a bit of potential, but glad you gave a summery of what happens, hope to read more from you soon

Inibrius posted a comment on Wednesday 24th October 2007 9:16pm for Princess

Ok, I understand your reasoning...but this is too good of a starting point to stop at. I wish my best writing was as good as 'just another piece'.

But there is conflict in this story...just not life-defining conflict. I was hoping to see Scrimgeour get torn a new one by the Queen mum at the wedding, just before Dobby tossed him out on his bum. (and btw, Dobby giving a wedding toast? *hint hint*)

You're a phenomenal writer. Keep it up.

sollord posted a comment on Wednesday 24th October 2007 8:55pm for Princess

You can't abandon this! It's funny and really good to read. It's not perfect but it's just right for some first rate funny

Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 24th October 2007 12:06am for Princess

I enjoyed your story although I agreed with most of your comments about it. It struck me that a sarcastic telling of this tale from Harry's point of view could be fun. I think the discussions with the queens and others could be funny with Harry deflating a few people in a more pointed manner but of course that would be something completely different. Thanks for writing. W.

Stygius posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd October 2007 8:04pm for Princess

once again, beautiful and i'm sad to see it thrown out...

maybe at some stage u will reconsider. because a light happy-go-luck harry is 'NEVER' seen, and its a fresh change.

congrats, and keep em coming.

Morde posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd October 2007 5:19pm for Princess

Bugger! You should have finished it! It was great!

Pranavss11 posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:45am for Princess


your random "pointless" stories as you put it, are more entertaining than all other fan fic authors:|

jdcox61 posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd October 2007 3:35am for Princess

Aww, why not? It's rotting my teeth as we speak, but I still like it. i think I enjoy your stories so much because of the analogies, they're awesome. Thanks for writing

Craig St.Onge posted a comment on Monday 22nd October 2007 2:49pm for Princess

I have read this story, and after a few moments, realized one defined moment - The Hutt language is not Hutten. I don'thave my Star Wars book handy, so I cannot give out the actual name. I believe it is Huttesse though.
Now the only wish I have in regards is that this story does not stay in the Abandoned area.
Maybe just let the writing go wild? As I noticed, the story goes so many different things, Why not just fast-forward to the wedding, let the Minister make a fool of himself, and let Harry do his thing?
I am very impressed overall. I absolutely ADORE this Harry - Makes life all the more fun!