Hogwarts' Dawn
Chapter 14
By Jeconais
potterfanchuck posted a comment on Sunday 3rd May 2015 2:12pm for Chapter 14
Excellent as usual. Harry's motto should be, "Patience my ass... I want to kill something!"
gator4798 posted a comment on Thursday 30th April 2015 10:23pm for Chapter 14
Just finished reading for a second time. Amazing just like I remember. Hopefully we will see some more soon! Thanks for the entertainment!
Novonia posted a comment on Wednesday 29th April 2015 11:54pm for Chapter 14
I can tell you already I hate the russian whore and hope harry figures it all out before she and her bosses gets too far with him.
Jeramiah West posted a comment on Tuesday 28th April 2015 12:41pm for Chapter 14
While harry is conduit you must know that every Conduit has capacity so the are not wrong to me becouse harry has capacity to wild that much power
BulkEngineer posted a comment on Tuesday 28th April 2015 5:26am for Chapter 14
I am not sure how I feel about the Russian. I feel conflicted because I want to like her, but I would have liked Harry or Gabrielle to have checked her out. It just felt too perfect that they both just felt the other already checked.
I do have to say that while Kate's reasons for becoming a escort made sense I have to say the fall out paragraph again felt to perfect just so loose ends could be tied up. While this may have been the idea with how much you generally build up events in your stories many of the scenes in this chapter just feel too well put together.
On that note I do hope you keep up the good work. I love forward to the next chapter.
GrinningJest3r posted a comment on Monday 27th April 2015 1:05am for Chapter 14
My god. I've read Blue Steel, and Perfect Slytherins and thoroughly enjoyed them both. This has been in my "To read" folder for months now and I forgot to check whether it was completed before I began. Damnit. I need mooooore! Seriously though, this story is fantastic and I can't wait until the next update.
JaceBralor posted a comment on Friday 24th April 2015 11:41pm for Chapter 14
Must have more of this story, as soon as real life gets out of the way.
Priv posted a comment on Monday 20th April 2015 10:53am for Chapter 14
Not the story I was expecting from the start, but still a good read.
TheBlackCatSwordsman posted a comment on Friday 17th April 2015 4:41am for Chapter 14
I cannot wait for the next chapter to come out, I recently found this site following a link from another author who recommended this story. I am loving the twists and turns, the thing I love most is the fact that you are taking into account what the manipulation of time does to a person's maturity, personality, and way of looking at those who would have been the same age or close to it, especially in a romantic sense.
JVTazz posted a comment on Thursday 9th April 2015 6:18pm for Chapter 14
More!!! Must have More!!!!
Silo posted a comment on Monday 6th April 2015 1:51am for Chapter 14
hey i had to find u off of google to read your fics as your name is not appering under the aouthers list in any form
sisyphus1967 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th March 2015 7:57pm for Chapter 14
Ouch. I love your writing and always want more. Please keep up the great work!
star2000shadow posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd March 2015 8:21pm for Chapter 14
i can't WAIT for the next chapter. and whoa.. Kate REALLY picked a sore point.
Celexs posted a comment on Saturday 21st February 2015 7:36am for Chapter 14
I wasnt quite expecting that out of Kate to be honest. With the comments after the chapter, I also now see that my initial thoughts were incorrect, I thought she had been manipulated, but then again that could simply be because I have read far to mant fanfictions. Either way this story is brilliant, and I look forward to seeing it continue.
fyrecat posted a comment on Tuesday 10th February 2015 12:28am for Chapter 14
Fantastic story so far! I hope you continue to update frequently.
Thanks for yhe story so far.
PyroVortex posted a comment on Sunday 8th February 2015 5:22am for Chapter 14
I must confess to being thoroughly confused by the notion of encrypting a spell, since, assuming it parallels the same notion as encrypting code, it must be decrypted before execution, and since it is self-contained out of necessity, it must necessarily contain its own encryption key, rendering the encryption effectively worthless.
On another note, it's good to see Harry encountering important life lessons, and finally dealing with the necessarily doomed-to-fail notion of forming a romantic entanglement with a professional escort (even if it does somehow sort of work in Firefly). I will be curious to see how the story develops as Harry moves onto the world stage.
kewllewk posted a comment on Saturday 7th February 2015 3:59am for Chapter 14
I can think of plenty of reasons why Kate would do what she did there, including the quite obvious threats/bribes of the Russians trying to get in Harry's pants, but she really didn't feel all that genuine. Not that that's a bad thing, of course, but I get the feeling that after Harry leaves the room there's an unwritten scene of her crying her heart out on the floor. Or maybe that's just my bias in liking the character you've projected for her, she is supposed to be a high class escort and I'm sure that comes with acting skills generous enough to fool most. Such would be a feeling you would want your clients to have in that business. I can certainly agree with the note in your AN though, she is definitely one of my favorite characters, and I will admit to having hoped she'd stick around.
James Benfield posted a comment on Thursday 29th January 2015 7:41pm for Chapter 14
I absolutely adore this story and am eagerly awating more! Hope you update soon though I understand real life is ever in the way.
gator4798 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2015 7:10am for Chapter 14
This is one of the single greatest fics I've read. I thought the F off ending regarding Kate was pretty harsh. And I'm wondering where the whole Gabby sees Harry as God thing is going. But I expect it wont all be pretty. Really looking foreward to seeing more of Dawns role in this. Great work!!
Koodoll posted a comment on Thursday 7th May 2015 5:07pm for Chapter 14