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thetaxzombie posted a comment on Saturday 23rd October 2010 8:51am

Done but not. That's the feeling I got when I finished reading A Gilded Cage. It left several questions open, the tomb for one. What is in it?
Did Dumbledore really get away with it? Yes, he lost Fawkes but that isn't near punishment enough. Lots of other questions. It's like of like chinese food, it fills you up but you're hungry an hour later.

Still a fine read, even if I am still hungry.

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 3:04pm

A fabulous series of vignettes that form a great shared sequel. I scrambled around reading the ones I'd missed and looking for more. Wonderful! Thank you all.

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 2:05pm

Bless her pointy little head - lol

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 1:52pm

What a wonderful moment for Neville. That particular Kipling always gets to me. Good stuff.

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 1:36pm

Okay, Fawles didn't tattle )

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 12:32pm

Listening in on Fawkes' mind is a kick.

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 12:20pm

Lumpy throat - Minerva, one honorable lady.

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 11:58am

Fingers crossed, but ya wouldn't kill off poor, gullible, but his heart's in the right place Moony, now would ya?

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 10:50am

Whoa - be careful what you wish for, eh?

cello posted a comment on Sunday 19th September 2010 10:31am

Oh my word, poor Dobby. He's going to have a little heart attack trying to protect these two. Did Fawkes tattletale to Dumbledore? Well, maybe not. D may not have a conscience but he's not stupid. Very funny. Quite clever to request citizenship.

burnunit4 posted a comment on Tuesday 24th August 2010 6:42pm

This feels like it is near complete. Please don't let it go under the radar. Compentent FF writers with unique ideas are rare.


jknezek posted a comment on Monday 12th July 2010 11:17pm

I really wish you would continue these. I love this series of shorts. I've always wanted to know about the tomb, the ministry, and what they eventually decide about the other friends. Maybe someday, huh?

WingedEagle posted a comment on Tuesday 6th July 2010 3:18am

Are you going to finish this?

eddiecurrent posted a comment on Friday 25th June 2010 5:04pm

You know why I buy Manipulative!Dumbledore here?

Because you gave him a Moral Event Horizon. You know that one? You gave him a moment where he just stumbled off the cliff, all the while assuring himself he was on solid ground. He violated Harry's trust, and everything went pear shaped-- sort of reminds me of Demona from gargoyles screeching "It's the humans, always the dumans." "I'm doing what I do for the greater good!"

han0987 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd May 2010 11:40am

One of my greatest dislikes is getting to the end of a completed story, only to find out it isn't really completed. That makes for one sad me...

Your Luna in this story is simply hilarious, I really like the political machinations, and the twins chapter was outstanding. While it has been years since you marked it finished, one can only hope you'd eventually take it to a true conclusion.

red jacobson posted a comment on Tuesday 6th April 2010 1:06am

Hey Tim, just finished re-reading this series of stories, and I'm begging you, please finish it up! There are just way, way too many loose ends not to be wrapped up. For Example, the cure for lycanthropy, telling Ron Hermione and Ron, What's inside the crypt, how are they going to take out Dumbledore, is Neville going to get together with Parvati? Just to name a few, not to mention Harry and Daphne's grand plan to fix the Ministry and Hogwarts.


Argonith posted a comment on Sunday 10th January 2010 6:56am

The only comment I would make is the charge card should be black.

Nargus posted a comment on Wednesday 16th December 2009 6:24am

Yay! Pet dragon for me! :D

Nargus posted a comment on Tuesday 15th December 2009 6:15pm

Ooo so the MIB does exist! *lol* Small and quiet wedding indeed.

Nargus posted a comment on Tuesday 15th December 2009 5:12pm

Ooo...the world's gonna end now. Luna Lovegood write a sensible article, with no orange, either! That's horrible!