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TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2007 9:15pm

Looks interesting.


Queenoftears posted a comment on Sunday 27th May 2007 3:35pm

This was great! I had really liked Perfect Situations, and I thought it would be cool to have a aqueal to it. Then I saw this and I read it.

hayeth posted a comment on Saturday 26th May 2007 9:20am

I agree with a lot of your previous reviewers. This story HAS to have more. So much is left unsaid. Now that I think about it, you said this was 20 interconnected stories, but you never said that it was the end of this, for lack of better word, universe. Which means this is only part 2 of this story...quite slytherin of you my friend.

a_wanderer posted a comment on Saturday 26th May 2007 8:45am

Luna makes my head hurt. NTP

Nali posted a comment on Saturday 26th May 2007 6:54am

Poor Harry, can't even have a little fun. Looking forward to what happens to Dumbledore.

Nali posted a comment on Saturday 26th May 2007 6:42am

Wow!!! This was a great chaper. Loved Fred as the maid of honor (guess Vegas is used to stuff like this).

evelyne posted a comment on Saturday 26th May 2007 4:43am

Loved, absolutely loved it, I always liked the eulogy, but this is one of your best things, i think.....

Uhm, is this really the end ?????? (crossing my fingers, hoping against hope, please please please say no.....)

thanks for yet another superb piece of writing

sanghamitra posted a comment on Saturday 26th May 2007 12:25am

excellent bunch of stories !!

Little Flower Princess posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 10:02pm

Can he make a potion to bring back the dead? I mean, Nev has his parents, why doesn't Harry get a bit of that happiness even though he's happy with Daph?

brad posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 7:56pm

Well, I know I've got a soft spot for Hermione, but even so this vignette on her makes me hope that you/Harry treat her nicely and she can renew their 'best friend' relationship. Are you writing a finale to all of this? You don't mention anything that wraps it all up, puts it all back together, on your fanfic schedule update.

So very sad, that sentence - "And so she had finished Hogwarts as she had begun it: with no friends". Bwah!!! :-( :-( :-(

Out of Harry's original inner circle it's only Hermione who realises that Harry's still alive. But unlike all the others, she doesn't write to him and let him know ... which must have been awfully difficult for someone like her.

As it stands it would appear that no-one, including Harry, knows that she's matured and is again holding his best interests at heart. I hope I get to see them reconcile again one day, that Harry realises that she's redeemed.

I know the long-term plan - overturn the ministry, get rid of Dumbledore - might be too large a plot to handle, but just a short little itsy-bitsy story that has Harry and Hermione get back together???? Please???? :-)

Genericrandom posted a comment on Friday 25th May 2007 1:01pm

I've always held that the greatest danger of writing, is that some things simply can't be left. I don't recall if you did this due to fan outcry or your own desire to keep going, but I knew as soon as I read Perfect Solutions there'd be more. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday.

You even managed to live up to your own hype! Congratulations.

This wins so fucking hard I'm getting a headache from all the win. Great job.

Little Flower Princess posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 7:50pm

Did Snape cure Nev's parents?

That'd be soooo cool if he did!

Little Flower Princess posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 7:44pm

Wow. That was good. A grown up Ginny Weasley.

I wonder what would happen when she finds out that Harry married Daphne?

Little Flower Princess posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 7:39pm

Oh yeah! She figured it out! Knew it, but why wait five year? Why not wait at lease two and a half years?

Little Flower Princess posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 5:43pm

What happened with Peter Pettigrew? Was he killed?

Little Flower Princess posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 4:46pm

Was it the cure? Is he still a werewolf?

Rittanicus posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 12:57pm

Hey, I got halfway through your story before any of it started making sense to me! I was reading about Fred in a dress when 'Duh!' "Perfect Situations" came to me! I had to go read that again, and start this one over!I guess it really pays to pay attention to the summary and notes you have on the story. Will their be a continuation of this tale? Because it is a damn good one! And I'd like to hear more about Daphne in a wet two piece swim suit that shows off everything but the things you want! Loved it!

Alan Johanson posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 7:56am

So I like, Totally loved your story! Then again, I usually do. It's a gift you have to write stories in a way that draws me in and improves my mood (mostly, anyway).
I heard rumours that there was a continuation in the works. If so I only ask that it be more Harry/Daphne-centric. I'd like more insight in their developing relationship.

satishramsatya posted a comment on Thursday 24th May 2007 12:25am

Yo Man how could u even think about not putting this online. Please continue. Very good job

Karenelaine posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd May 2007 9:31pm

Very good. I'm looking forward to Dumbledore getting his.