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amulder posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:29am

One typo:
"After all, she did use confess to using a killing curse."

The word "use" shouldn't be there.


ps: I think the last two lines in this vignette have caused the most puzzlement in this community, as compared to all the other unanswered questions in this series. :-)

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:04am

Yes - Great

CaptainG posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 5:51am

arghh thats so frustrating. I had a sense of closure after the Euology, but now nothing. So many unanswered questions...

But then maybe it's better this way. Now I can pretend everything is well and as it should be. Would have liked to see a meeting between the Harry and the other three, but meh.

ANyway, seeing as these are a set of one-shots, I suppose I can sit here and wait for you to update. Because you will. Wont you?

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 5:34am

Not to sure about this one

Kail posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 5:33am

I read all of these in one sitting (in teh order they were posted, too) and was totally blown away by it. Excellent work!

Just one thing - the dragons that Charlie's thinking of? They wouldn't happen to be a particular Hungarian Horntail and Norbert, would they?

Crys posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 5:32am

> Charlie picked it up and looked at it closely. He blinked and read it again. "Is that a telephone number?"
*chuckle* Now that is a good line.

> "Because Daphne needed a bridesmaid and George had already seen the male stripper."
> "You know, I think that is actually the most bizarrely logical thing you’ve ever said."
When that was your .sig it was a highly amusing line. It hasn't gotten any worse :)

Love the Harry/Daphne banter here.

> end the archaic laws the United Kingdom had on keeping dragons as pets.
*laugh* Ah, Charlie is still Charlie.

Hmm. Fred and George bred Pygmy Puffs. Maybe they can figure out how to miniaturize dragons?

Still fun stories.

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 5:12am

Typically F & G

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:43am

LOVED IT! I don't usually write in capitals, but it was needed now. Fantastic series of vignettes, but as with all fantastic series, I want more! Is there more, or will there be more eventually? There's such a lot that can come as a continuation of this... And I long to read it.

Thank you all, for bringing this on. I've had a blast, reading it.


Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:39am

Great title, and now old DUmbles is definitely off his rocker. Delirious old coot, he even believes his own fabrications. Gah. Which is to say, that this was as well written as always, and I look forward to the man hanging himself. You're just gving hime enough rope to do it properly, aren't you?


Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:31am

Interesting. I sure am happy that not trusting my intuition hasn't had as devastating results (that I know of, at least), but doing that - trusting your intuition - is hard. it takes persistence and experience, and most teens haven't done it. Sadly, neither have most grown-ups.

I'm curious about the continuation of this, as I doubt you'll go for a H/G/D trio. Look forward to read it, anyhow.


Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:19am

Wonderful! After the last Luna pov, I wondered if this would be more of the same, but in some ways it was even better. I love the way she could become all factual. WOnderful, absolutely wonderful.

And I'm beginning to fear that this fun will stop too soon. Will there be more chapters coming later on?


Chris Steadman posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:15am

I so hope you add more to this...arc? World? Mini-universe? ...confused now...

There's so many loose ends, open pathways, story yet to be told... It's like reading the first two-thirds of The Stand then seeing it just... stop.

I *so* want there to be more!

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:10am

Oh, yes - if you want something done with flair, you need a Weasley. You're sure you're not one? *grins* Percy decieving the Minister, is good to read. Hope he sees the light in canon, too.


Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 3:01am

That was a Hermione-ish way of handling the discovery. I feel their sadness, and I must say I look forward to reaching on bursting with energy again, even though go through this is necessary - and well written. As awlays.


Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:50am

Poor Ron, being so insecure you're easily molded into someone else can't be fun. Good thing he realizes what happened and has started to take steps to change. Will he ever be able to mend the damage, though?

Thanks for sharing...

aboulhosnc posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:46am

I am really glad you reposted the vignettes again. I remember them when they were on your yahoo group a while ago. While I am happy you reposted, it was a joy to read them again. I still feel that they are unfinished more of the story side than spelling errors. Other than that I am glad to see this go up and I guess you did away with the silly every Thursday rule. IT will be inevitable that something may come up so as long as your posting every week or so no matter when that is what makes me really happy. Looking forward to your other original stories especially that adams family one can't wait

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:38am

Cool! Great seeing these happenings from a magical being's pov. And I do wonder what Hogwarts is saying/doing. Fawkwes talking about His Harry is just too sweet, and the way he talks of Dobby... I wonder, has Harry or Daphne realized that Dobby has bound himself to Harry? Clever elf, decievingly posing as a friend, when he has bound himself.

Nice story. :-)

Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:18am

And Snape's plan of a delayed poison that killed the werewolf after a year has been thwarted? I hope so, for if it's anything that Remus deserves, it's a transformation-free life...



Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 2:01am

*holds sides to stop them aching from laughing too hard* That. Was. Brilliant. The most surrealistic Luna piece I've ever read, with such a lot of twists it had me spinning. Loved it!

My son kept asking my what I was laughing at, but how do you translate and describe this to a six-year-old? Fortunately, he accepted that it was impossible, even for mum.


Amamama posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 1:46am

Oh, she would be a wonderful daughter, wouldn't she? And she is an orphan, after all. But would she be agreeable? I understand less legalese than I do greek, but I got the point. And I loved it, as always.
