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Amylin Christin posted a comment on Monday 30th March 2009 3:26am

Serendip from advised me to read your ff and I am absolutely abolished by it. I generally love and adore Hary & Daphne ffs and your story and especially your characteristic is fantastic. I additionally like the way time flows in your ff. It's not all chronoligical and that makes it exciting. I am very much lookinge foreward to the next chapter.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 24th March 2009 8:20pm

Hagrid will de DELIGHTED if Charlie succeeds. Speaking of whom, may I assume one of the dragons in question is none other than Norbert?

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Tuesday 24th March 2009 7:37pm

Wow. Poor Minerva. And I really do mean that. Hogwarts as a whole should not be untrustworthy. I don't think Dumbles should be headmaster there any longer, though.

Minerva Granger posted a comment on Monday 23rd March 2009 11:25pm

Masterful use of Kipling's If, I must say. and I hope that Snape does those two potions. For the Longbottoms' sakes.

Joris Windels posted a comment on Monday 2nd February 2009 4:30pm

i know it sounds unimaginatory but it's 1.29AM and i've been awake for 45 hours and reading this while monitoring some security feeds on a laboratory experiment: I love it! please update!

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 14th January 2009 3:48pm

I guess Snape doing useful things is better than killing him, but you have to get to the Malfoy BBQ.

Celexs posted a comment on Sunday 4th January 2009 12:54am

Story is great i tried to read in chronologicaly but found after the first to it was much more fun pulp fiction style. Cant wait for updates that is assuming there will be some

Blaise (yes really) posted a comment on Wednesday 17th December 2008 2:06am

Genius. Pure, unadulterated genius. Why, god, why did you not make Jeconais the author of the universe? (S)he(?) is so clearly better at it. Look! Everything turns out quite satisfactory, all while being perfectly reasonable and allowing for free will! Beautiful. Please tell me this isn't the end? I'm a bit dense, and usually need a 'The End' for me to really get that it's over. So I'm currently opperating under the hopefully not false pretences that this story will go on.
Keep spreadin' that Potter love, Jeconais baby!

anonymous5 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th November 2008 5:00am

Just a minor quibble -- Amex platinum cards are a piece of cake to get. Given that he's Harry, I'd recommend replacing it with their invitation-only Centurion Card. It's all-black and made of titanium, and speaking as a guy who's handled one on the retail level, only carried by a very elite subset of society.

oldmetalhead posted a comment on Tuesday 11th November 2008 10:14pm

I hope that you will continue this story(or series of stories)!

I think that this is the most unique and interesting take on the Potterverse that I have ever read. <beg>Please continue!<\beg> :)

nebkreb posted a comment on Tuesday 14th October 2008 8:59am

just finished going through all of them. Loved it, especially the Fred and George wedding. Hilarious all around
the segments were well written, and reading them chronologically was very enjoyable.
great job

Jeffrey1 posted a comment on Monday 13th October 2008 3:15pm

peri like it,but i don't think its a good ending

Andrius posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 9:09pm

Gah! So sad that it's ended. What a great fic.

Andrius posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 8:47pm


Andrius posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 8:37pm

Hah, great.

Andrius posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 7:50pm

Yay! I like Remus.

Andrius posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 7:23pm

Very creative.

Andrius posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 7:12pm


Andrius posted a comment on Monday 6th October 2008 6:56pm

Meh, I dislike 17 year old Harry being more powerful than experienced Aurors. Especially that he had no real training at all. Bah, oh well.

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 6:20pm

Haha! This is seriously my favorite chapter of this fic. Not only that, it's actually one of the best humor/light fics that I've read.