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Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 6:02pm

A smart and cool Percy, now that's new.

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:57pm

So, Harry being alive is no big secret now. I actually prefer this to him disappearing silently. Only the poor guy is still hunted by everyone :)

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:52pm

I ate her oranges :(

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:44pm


Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:37pm

Crazy... I like it!

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:29pm

I'm surprised Ron can criticize himself and see his own flaws like that. He really grew a lot.

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:01pm

Just a little bit that looked weird to me, Neville didn't really go and greet Harry... I mean, at least shake his hand if anything?

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 4:53pm

That's nice of Ginny. I hope Daphne won't make fun of her :)

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 4:48pm

Very nice. Surprised how Hermione managed to calm down and keep Harry's secret.

Andrius posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 4:42pm

Wow. Owned.

kyoshi711 posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd September 2008 1:25pm

I love this story, 3rd time reading it. Wish you could make some more stories where Harry is assertive and strong with Daphne maybe meeting him sooner like maybe 2nd year and having adventures at Hogwarts. Best regards

NyxSerpent posted a comment on Wednesday 13th August 2008 7:13pm

Story was great. Only problem with reading it in chronological order is that two of the stories got flipped. 'A Promise Made Is A Debt Unpaid' should be before 'The Unforgiving Minute' according to their dates, and Harry and Daphne mention to Minerva that they will be giving Snape to Neville to deal with in 'A Promise Made'.

ed king posted a comment on Wednesday 6th August 2008 5:12pm

I'm re-reading all of these for about the 5th time. Just wonderful. I hope you find more threads to add to this as time goes by.


Prose posted a comment on Tuesday 15th July 2008 4:19pm


xenowriter posted a comment on Saturday 12th July 2008 12:09am

More? :p

Lady-Hope posted a comment on Thursday 3rd July 2008 2:01pm

god this chapter made me cry.

motherjenjen posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2008 5:28pm

.....O.o ok "being in the position to end the archaic laws the United Kingdom had on keeping dragons as pets." Hagrid much...
Still love this story.. i'm reading it for the second time now

Twisting Fangs posted a comment on Thursday 19th June 2008 9:59am

Amazing. All I have to say.

gram posted a comment on Thursday 19th June 2008 5:11am

Is this really over?

Genericrandom posted a comment on Sunday 15th June 2008 2:11am

I just read Perfect Situations and all of Matryoshka again, and personally, I think this is probably the most poignant of all chapters in the project.

Snape, for all that he's maligned, vilified, hated, loved, touted or pontificated about, is one of the most written characters in HP fics that have anything resembling a plot. Thus, both with canon and fanon there's more thought given to him than many other characters. Thus, more angles have been explored and the results are often more thought provoking. This, in accordance with all of that consideration behind it, is easily one of the very best ends I've seen written for him. Irony in every aspect, "and, as he was in life, he remains in death, ever his own worst enemy...".