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kendra1 posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 9:51am

Now THAT was a wedding, Weasley-style.

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 9:32am

Wonderful. (As Bill's first name is Bilius I think that he would be even more displeased if he were called that.)

SP posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 9:11am

<_<; Erm... I mean... Good read. *nod*

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 9:10am

Once again brilliant

SP posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 9:10am

^_^ Squee!

DrT posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 9:01am

A fun story to this point. I look forward to more.


kendra1 posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 8:42am

lol. I particularly liked the way you had Luna going off on a tangent all the time. Heehee. She sent her ferret to ferret things out. Loved it.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 8:28am

LOL! Love Luna. Too bad she can't get a man who measures up.

Thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Adam posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 8:04am

Now all these were a lot of fund to read (both in date order and in the order posted lol). an interesting insight into how the different people have deal with things since the eulogy.

It was also intersting to see who worked out Harry was alive and what the decided to do with that knowledge.

Will there be more of these? Hope so :)

DrT posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:37am

I take it you have something good planned for Dumbles, as he wasn't arested for hexing an official


Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:31am

Nice to see Ginny finally growing up. Good chapter. I like your insite into these characters.

Thanks for creating this. It's very enjoyable.

Tom A.

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:29am

Love it

DrT posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:22am

Very very 'twinish' Bravo!


Meg posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:08am

Neville simply rocks! (I reviewed a bit better in the other Neville story.)



Alexis posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 7:03am

Those were all fantastic! I really enjoyed the interesting and unique way you wrote this group from everyone's perspective. A great way to carry on the story you started at the funeral. This really made me laugh and smile while reading it.

My one hope is Harry does figure out Hermione knows he is alive and does forgive her - cause I think her and Daphne together could be a very interesting friendship.

Again, the concept was fabulous, the writing was top notch as always, and I loved it! thank you for sharing with us!

DrT posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:56am

I can't believe Luna is this, well, loony, but it was brilliantly done, especially what happened to Malfoy (and Ernie).


UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:56am

Another brilliant one

amulder posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:55am

'Nother typo, I think:

BHJ, on the other hand

Should be BJH, no?


Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:50am

Love it! Love ironic punishments, and Snape certainly deserved this one.

Thanks for the story!

Tom A.

UdderPD posted a comment on Monday 21st May 2007 6:37am

No less than he deserved