By Jeconais
Michael10 posted a comment on Monday 8th October 2012 12:24am
thanks for the updates.
I went back and read the first six chapters again, so keep up the good work. hopefully Perfect Slytherins and Konoha Legion will be next.
keep it up and know you still rock
greywizard posted a comment on Monday 8th October 2012 12:23am
I LMAO reading this chapter, my friend, and I have to, very emphatically, insist that it is the funniest HP chapter I can ever remember reading!! ;-)
The line "Hey, it’s Dumbledore, everyone wave at him!" has now been elevated to one of the best character speeches I've ever been fortuante enough to read. ;-)
The only problem I can see with this chapter is that it has now created a new 'minimum level of greatness' we can expect for any subsequent works you write in the future. Not that that has ever been a problem for you before this, buddy.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
AngelQueen posted a comment on Monday 8th October 2012 12:21am
LOVE! This is so awesome! I was cracking up through pretty much the entire chapter! :D Heh, Snape finally got what was coming to him, Dumbledore got served, and someone finally came out and said just how lacking the Hogwarts education is.
Oh, and the Ministry is in for Round 2 of Melissa schooling it. *smirk* Totally looking forward to that. They'll be penniless when she's done with them. ;) Of course, Britain's going to be losing out when all of these amazing people decamp to France. They really WILL be the sheeple of Magical Britain.
Great chapter! Loved it! :)
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 8th October 2012 12:13am
That was fun, seeing Harry do something that was entirely his own. I think he dealt honorably with Severus Snape, the man had made his own grave and at least had the fortitude to face up to the consequences of his actions (it doesn't make him a good man, just an honorable one). Finally, it's rather enjoyable to see "Team Potter" coming together so well; I suspect they'll cause considerable ripples where ever they go.
Finbar posted a comment on Monday 8th October 2012 12:08am
I think, that the darkness of the murder of Snape, fittind in rather well. I'm liking where the story is going. Though, I am curious as to how Voldemort will be taken out. Harry is powerful and skilled, but I suspect, not as powerful and skilled as he would like to be. Which means, a fight would be nasty. I suspect you have something else planned. I look forward to it.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 11:46pm
Actually, I believe the phrase is "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey". The main city on the iced-over planet that Alan Dean Foster's "Iceerigger" occurs on is named Brass Monkey for just that reason. That was an excellent trial and I'm certain the fallout will continue to cause headaches for Cornelius, Albus, and Ludo. The aftermath looks to have trauly affected Hogwarts and I suspect the student numbers and finances will be severely impacted by the number of transfers to Beauxbatons. Finally, I loved that final scene and I'm sure Harry will appreciate the payoff.
Finbar posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 11:41pm
Wonderful chapter. I laughed, I giggled, I smirked in amusement.
Brass Monkeys is part of the full saying of "It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey"
Where the saying originated is not known. I did some research a few years ago and it is a mystery. It was thought that it might be the brass triangle that cannon balls were stacked on in a ship, to stop them rolling across the deck in rough seas. In cold weather, brass contracts more than iron and the balls would end up popping out and thus, the weather was cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.....however, they werent called Brass Monkeys. there is no record of them called that in historical texts. So, it is all suposition.
Eternity posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 11:13pm
Awesome chapter, as for offing Snape, considering how Harry his grown, and the way he's grown it had to happen, the only question was when really, I think you handled it well. I and I'm sure everyone else will be looking forward to more of this in the future, also good luck with your connection, I know what its like to go from a good connection to next to nothing and its never fun
Greg Johnson posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 11:11pm
Loved this chapter. And I'm happy to see a new chapter to this story. Thank you for posting.
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 10:45pm
A well written, darker more conflicted Harry.
LoneWolf282 posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 10:42pm
One of my absolute favorite stories of all time. Can't get the updates fast enough. Have reread what's here several times. Never disappointed with anything I've found under the Jeconais banner. Keep up the good work!
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Sunday 7th October 2012 9:54pm
Another excellent piece of writing, well done.
Carlinhanmx posted a comment on Wednesday 26th September 2012 1:28am
I love the story... Love the way Fred and George gave a little push and Harry rolled so far. Hope there's more.
wcm posted a comment on Friday 14th September 2012 2:13am
C'mon! I can't wait to see Harry throw Fudgy out with his tial between his legs!
Love, love, love, this chapter, and am eager to see the next!!!
yako posted a comment on Tuesday 11th September 2012 1:21am
man, i'm really anxious for the next chapter.
can u post soon??
pretty pretty please with a cherry on top!!
monbade posted a comment on Monday 3rd September 2012 10:46pm
great story, hope you update it soon. Want to see how the next part of the trial goes
Pamela posted a comment on Monday 3rd September 2012 9:40pm
I Love this. Too funny by half.
iroshi posted a comment on Tuesday 21st August 2012 7:41am
I have no idea how I've managed to not read this story until now, but I ended up still awake at 2:30 in the morning (I have to be at work at 8) because I couldn't put the bloody thing down! I was on page 16 when I had to stop and email it to my best friend - the conversation between Fred and George when they first decided to get Sirius' permission had me cackling out loud! I can only pray this story has not been abandoned, because it's been the best 6 hours of reading I've had in at least a month (surpassed only, I think, by Bobmin356's Harry Potter/Pern crossover updates). Your chapter upload dates give me hope that there might be more in the future, but I'd love to hear for sure that you're still writing this! Also, is there any way to get alerts when new chapters are uploaded to I'm not nearly as familiar with it as or, and I don't see one...if not, I'll just have to set a reminder to check back once a month, because I *definitely* don't want to miss any future chapters on this lovely romp!
gara5289 posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2012 1:08am
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Michael Cornfoot posted a comment on Monday 8th October 2012 12:34am