By Jeconais
Katherine Summers posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2006 3:02pm
if u had to have this story out before HBP, does that mean ur not continuing this? i really wanna read the last chapter.
Adriana Lant posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2006 11:14pm
Just thought I'd let you know, I left a really good review for this chapter(and semi-good reviews for the others) in this story at, which I know you've banned, so I'll just send you my reviews, but just in case: reviews for your story at fanfiction I actually just visited that site, and my last review is probably the longest one there. If you want to look there yourself, I'm under MadHatter9892. This is an awesome story, and please update ASAP.
(chapter 1)Wow. That was a great chapter. What's an Mmail? I assumed it was a mixture of an e-mail and an owl. Ginny is evil. (Joke.) The stuff she and Harry said about the kiss was so deep. Together! Whoo! Snog! Whoo!(I make random outbursts.) Long chapter! I always tell authors when their chapters are too short, but I don't have to say that. Really, though, what's a tigger? I loved this chapter, and I can't wait to read more of your work. Keep writing!
(chapter 2)Oh my gosh! Wow. Great chapter. There were so many good lines in this chapter, but I'm too lazy to scroll up, copy, and paste them here. I liked the part where three out of the four girls said almost the exact same thing with the "Where's Harry?" business. I also loved the semi-symbolism what with all four houses being represented in a Harry cat fight. I could just picture Ginny diving across the table! Priceless! I loved the "girls mad about Harry" idea. Very cute.
""Cho Chang!" Professor Flitwick shouted, getting to his feet.
"Susan Bones!" Professor Sprout exclaimed.
"Pansy Parkinson!" Snape roared.
"Ginny Weasley!" Professor McGonagall bawled.
And as one, they shouted, "My office. Now!""
Okay, I did one. But it was a good one. I could picture that one, too. Whoo! Kicked in the balls! Whoo! I've never been to Sadie Hawkins dance, but they sound fun. I would ask a guy to a normal dance, probably just like Ginny, but that's just me. I'm selectively brave. Anyway, nice, long chapter. Keep writing!
(chapter 3)Wowzers! That was, so far, the best chapter. Draco's gay! I know it was just a setup, but it was still too cool. I liked the way you started this chapter. I would love to leave a longer review and read the rest of this story right now, but it's really late, and I have to wake up early tomorrow(technically today). Anyway, amazing chapter! Keep writing!
(chapter 4)I liked the class at the end. I understand everything so much better now. I enjoyed this chapter very much. I liked the part where you mentioned that there were a few boys at the Harry Potter fan club meeting. Was Colin Creevey there? Anyway, awesome chapter. Keep writing!
(chapter 5)Wow. We knew Harry was talented, but wow. There were so many good lines in this, but I'm too lazy to find, copy, and paste them here. Anyway, best chapter so far! Prank! Prank! Prank! Prank! Prank! Keep Writing!
(chapter 6)Wow. Ok, first. You do know that chapter could have been split into, like, five or ten(chapters). That would have been easier to review, as well. Anyway, certainly THE best chapter in the story, and one of the best I've ever read! Yay Snape! Yay Harry! Whoo! So much goodness in the chapter! All I have to say is: "Whoohoo!" Amazing! Bravo! Encore! Keep writing!
(chapter 7)Is Bellatrix serious? Sorry, I had to get that out. Another: Did Harry and Ginny do what I think they did in the park? Third: This chapter was longer than the last, and could have been made into, like, twenty chapters. Fourth: Did Ron get laid?(Ew! I mean, I love Ron(not like "love" love, but you know what I mean), but he's too young, and Hermione wouldn't have gone for it.) Fifth: awesome cliffhanger! I mean, I'm dying to know who Ginny punched(please be Cho, please be Cho!), but it was very good, writing-wise.(Why didn't Harry pull away from the kiss?) Anyway, awesome chapter! Loved the DA meeting! Keep writing!
(chapter 8)Loved the defence lesson at the begining. Yay Ginny! She knocked out Cho! Whoot! Loved the idea of Harry's own room, but Lavender and Parvati were a little suspicious whith the mention of Ginny's prefrences, which I know was your goal. Ron and Hermione, getting down and funky! I guess Hermione's not doing the "No sex 'till I'm married" thing, not that she ever said she was. Loved the confrontation with Sirius and Snape! HARRY CAN'T DIE! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?! Sorry. I'm sure you have some idiotic reason for killing Harry. Giving Dudders a girlfriend? You rock my socks! Anyway, great(but really long!) chapter! Keep writing!
(chapter 9)Harry can't marry Ginny, Sirius! He's dead!(I'm reviewing as I read, instead of the normal way, to remember everthing. So you're getting my first thoughts on every matter in this chapter, which I've already assumed is too long!) "Taking care of business!" Whoo! I love that song! HARRY'S NOT DEAD! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE! Fred and George, kamikazies? The killing curse had the same effect on Voldemort? Is that possible? Yay Dudley! Luna is very scary sometimes. Like when she tries to KILL someone! O la la, waking up with no clothes. Bad, Ginny's thoughts, bad! Yay! Four houses decorating Harry's(and Ginny's(see, I can make hints, too))room! Sorry, but: Does Ginny really have enough water in her system to react with overactive tearducts? She has to have, like, no liquid left inside her from all the crying she does! Shouldn't Colin be in charge of photography? I guess it really is Harry Potter's day off(Ha ha. I get it. Like Ferris Bueller's Day Off!)(By the way, that's not supposed to date me. I saw it on tv, as I'm only a young teen.) Harry freaked the parents, that's enough.(Sorry if I'm confusing you by jumping from one point to another. I just type them as the pop in my head.) Apocalypse! Whoot!(I'm not gothic or anything. I'm just really weird.) From the description of HAOBbF, I feel like I just walked onto the first(Gene Wilder, which again, should not date me)Willy Wonka set. Yay Draco! He came out of the closet, for real this time! It took me forever to get Terry's joke, and it's hilarious! I'm glad they're together(if they are). I loved the toast. It was a little corny, but it was nice. The "Wand Inhancement" ad sounded like a "something else inhancement" ad, and was completely random. Aww, the dragon's just a cute little doggy. Cute names for the dragons; Bluedust and Starsparkle. "Ginny sighed and rolled out of bed, still in the long t-shirt she slept in. The fact it was Harry’s was fairly obvious." What does THAT mean? Harry busy all morning? Time for that dance lesson we've been waiting for! Ginny is getting the works! And Selene IS clever! Why can't girls do that to their unwanted hair?(especially Ginny) Wait, tell me Seamus isn't gay! Did Harry just become Neo from "The Matrix" trilogies? He can see spells with his eyes closed! Yay Draco! They are together! Sorry, but I think Harry just saw Ginny. Instead of a "dun-dun, dun-dun"(heartbeat), it's more "dun-dun-dun!"(sinister music playing in backround) Yes Charlie, very wrong! Is Harry reciting his wedding vows? Maybe he's just getting ready to "propose" to her(with the first ring.) Nevermind, it's definitly wedding vows. The team names sound like sorority or fraternity names. I thought Angilina was with Fred. I guess they did get mixed up that one night. All I can think of while reading a very intimate scene with Harry and Ginny is: "Just give her the damn ring already!" Hey, he listened! What the hell was she expecting? What's Ron thinking in that horny little head of his?(wink, wink) Cute, with Ginny doing the family thing. *Sword to throat* Dun-dun-dun! Sharing a shower? O la la! No uniform? Dun-dun-dun! That's three halves. You could have said one third, one third, one third. What's the point, killing Dean's parents? Holy-flipping-shit! Who's the spy?!?!?! Oh, my gosh! I love figuring out clues! It's obviously not Bella. Dean's a possibility, seeing as Voldemort wants to kill his parents. Maybe it's Piers, or Sheryl herself. Oh, gosh, I hope it's not Pansy, but that's a good guess, on my part! By the way, I would enjoy reading more about Draco's and Terry's relationship, whether it be in this story or a spin-off of sorts or whatever. Anyway, too long, but I assume the next one's going to be longer. Don't forget the Holloween Costume Ball,(You can put it in a sequel if you don't want to lie to your readers when you said the next chapter's the last.) the dance lessons, and the hawk! I'm not saying it would be bad if Ginny and Harry do the you-know-what, because they love each other, but they're both being a little horny. Any way, you said something about finishing the story before the sixth book came out. THAT WAS A YEAR AGO! You can still finish the story, it's just AU. By the way, I'm really sorry for the REALLY confusing review. Like I said before, I just typed what popped in my head. It might make it a little easier to understand if you skim the chapter at the same time. Keep writing, and post soon!
Told you it was big! Anyway, like I said, please, please post!
Fantasywriter13 posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2006 10:49pm
I just wrote a review for this on, sorry I didn't read your authors note until after I sent it. I read most of your stories on this site before going on to check and see if that had the final part of This Means War. As I can not find part ten anywere my complaint stands.
Can't wait, thanks.
Antigone posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 11:08pm
Well?! Don't just leave us in suspense!! I just read the entire fic in one go, and I wanna know what happens!! ::pouts:: Meanie.
Zarz posted a comment on Thursday 6th July 2006 6:31pm
Please, please update this soon! I know HBP is already out, but frankly I DON'T CARE! I like your version of Harry's sixth year much better than the actual one! Please, it's been over a year since this was updated! I don't care if you divide the next chapter up into a dozen chapters, but please, give us something, I absolutely adore this story! It's an absolutely perfect Harry and Ginny, and I cannot wait to find out how everything has turned out! Great job on building up the suspense by the way! Is Harry ever going to have a normal day? I love this!
Re Nee posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 8:31am
hurry up and update! this cliffie has been here forever! love the story though
BackInBlack posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 8:29pm
I'm not sure if I've left a review for this story here or not. I know I've reviewed it once, could've been over at
Anyway, I love this story. It's one of my favorites, and I really, really hope that you'll update it soon!
dbcall posted a comment on Wednesday 28th June 2006 11:32am
Are we ever going to get the rest of the story?
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 8:34am
Hehe, Ferris Bueller is one of my favourite films. The Mmails remain deeply entertaining. I love the twins but they’re insane. The girls would hate them for doing it, though the sign is genius. Luna’s performance was superb. I’m slightly surprised that it’s true about Draco, but I loved the way you handled it. The only problem with Mmail is it tends to make Hedwig obsolete as a character. Harry’s football game was wonderful. Love how you wrote Albus as getting lonely and pleased to have the girls act like he’s a friend. Ooh, evil cliffhanger time! If this isn't dead, I'd love more.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 7:34am
Hehe, good on Ginny. I was hoping she wouldn’t be that dumb. Dudley wrote that? Really? I’m rather shocked. Loved the vault and his parents’ advice, especially regarding redheads. Harry’s voice of command is just plain funny, as was the reaction of the Gryffindor girls to Harry’s new clothes. Loved the cliffhanger and the way you manipulate the plot.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 6:41am
The Weasley boys are so funny. Pansy had better think twice about setting Harry up like that — I don’t think he’d be so magnanimous in his revenge against a non-family member. "Working for the downfall of the Dark Tosser for fifteen years" was a brilliant change. I loved it. Tommy boy was also genius. Ooh, ow, poor Harry!
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 6:18am
Snape washed his hair? Good grief, the world must be ending. I love the way you had them work together. That final prank was genius. I think I feel most sorry for Percy though.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 5:52am
I knew that spell couldn’t be real Latin! Albus’s Mmail names are the best. I still find Lavender’s acceptance of being called Lav (Brit slang for toilet) a bit weird. Served Sirius right — I’m not surprised Ginny smacked him for real. He’s really going to regret teasing her though. I laughed so hard I got hiccups.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 5:21am
I can’t believe that Voldemort actually uses Mmail — too funny. Min doing a jig on Dumbledore’s desk, shaking her "austere booty" is an image that will be making me laugh for days to come. Loved the final lesson too.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 4:32am
"Harry proved, in that instant, that he was a heroic Gryffindor by refraining from rolling his eyes at the two of them" was such a funny line. I think poor Sirius would be dying of embarrassment as well as Harry. Poor boys, but that was so funny. Still loving the Mmail format too. Sirius’s bad behaviour as a drunk dog made me nearly cry with laughter. I loved the scene in the hall too. Too, too funny.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 3:58am
"Harry proved, in that instant, that he was a heroic Gryffindor by refraining from rolling his eyes at the two of them" was such a funny line. I think poor Sirius would be dying of embarrassment as well as Harry. Poor boys, but that was so funny. Still loving the Mmail format too. Sirius’s bad behaviour as a drunk dog made me nearly cry with laughter. I loved the scene in the hall too. Too, too funny.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Tuesday 27th June 2006 3:38am
Loved how detailed you made the warning at the end of Arthur’s e-mail. Snuffles’s reply to Harry’s Mmail nearly had me off my seat laughing. In fact the Mmails in general made me nearly cry with laughter. "Padfoot the Serious" set me off again. "You howl at passing cars" had me rocking my chair — and it doesn’t have rockers! Dangerously funny story.
dee posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 6:01pm
aren't u going to update?
littlevixen16 posted a comment on Saturday 17th June 2006 1:46pm
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2006 5:20pm