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hank1967 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th December 2019 11:52pm

And now we see the real Albus Dumbledore... Great chapter!

hank1967 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th December 2019 11:31pm

Delightfully vicious! Love that bit at the end where Snape figured out the deliveryman was Harry!

hank1967 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th December 2019 11:26pm

That was a riot! Brilliantly done! Gotta love Gred and Forge!

Arcus posted a comment on Thursday 14th November 2019 2:32pm

Brilliant Chapters, glad I found this and the prequel.

noylj posted a comment on Thursday 10th October 2019 6:40am

First time Minnie made the right choices about Harry

what a worthless hag in canon

James_Padfoot posted a comment on Saturday 15th June 2019 6:50am

Classic Ice queen Daphne but it rocks!

Love this

noylj posted a comment on Friday 24th May 2019 11:26am

Ginny still doesn't know what love is

justjoye posted a comment on Thursday 16th May 2019 5:17am

I love this. Your characters are so developed. It's great. I hope you get back to this eventually.

Tktk posted a comment on Sunday 10th February 2019 4:06pm

Best fanfiction ever. Period. I'm dreading the fact that there are only three chapters left

nounours4 posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2018 8:44pm

I have a sensation not finish?

I laughed with the bungee jumping. Mamamia.

ichaos posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2017 5:16pm

God bless Luna. That's all I can say.

ichaos posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2017 4:59pm

Hypocrital much, old bean?

ichaos posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2017 3:54pm

Now that was some classic Luna.

ichaos posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2017 3:46pm

An introspective Ron Weasley? Now I've seen everything.

ichaos posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2017 5:21pm

Neville is da man

ichaos posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2017 4:07am

Kudos for making Ginny tolerable

ichaos posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2017 4:00am

I would have been even more disappointed in Hermoine if she hadn't figured it out.

ichaos posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2017 3:59am

Rofl. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

darkblast posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2016 9:06am

Amazing story. I just love this kind of slice of life fic.

gara5289 posted a comment on Sunday 26th June 2016 1:47am

One of my favorite chapters just doesn't feel like the end to me. In all fairness I couldn't say which chapter would be better so my comment is a bit of a wash.