By Jeconais
Celexs posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 6:51pm
I had almost forgotten about this story. It is an absolutely amazing story, and I am stoke that you are back at it. I look forward to seeing how it is going to continue. Excellent work.
Kortir posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 6:03pm
Excellent chapter, as always. I'm not worried about the Snape death because of two reasons. First, you made it plenty obvious to those paying attention that it was more than just his desire affecting him, and at least something is up with Hogwarts. And second, Snape deserves it. He's a childish bully who doesn't know how to grow up, and when it comes down to it there's really no justification for all he's done, save in stories where it doesn't happen in the first place.
For someone like me who knows absolutely nothing of kickboxing, you did a nice job of explaining enough that I can at least read it without feeling like I have no idea what's going on. That came out pretty well.
On the personal note you mentioned- congratulations on your move! Sorry to hear about the horrible internet, but it sounds pretty awesome otherwise. I hope you enjoy it thoroughly.
See you next time!
ibskib posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 4:29pm
I'm actually surprised that Snape wasn't killed after the auror attack, but this must have been a last straw kinda thing. Loved the tournament, it was nice to see Harry fight, without being in any danger.
I liked the Gabby-Fleur scene, and her song modification was pretty amusing, a mix between childish glee, and the precocious knowledge, being a Veela gives her.
starting to the next sentence - starting on the next sentence
he made sure he drunk plenty - he made sure he drank plenty (only drunk if connected with a helping verb, all in all drunk is a bit archaic)
he just drunk it in - he just drank it in
Steve Vanek posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 3:49pm
Thank you for sharing. I like the different direction you took dealing with Snape (trying not to spoil). If someone wants to see the same stuff over and over, they can re-read fanfic or go read canon. Great job and it was a very nice surprise to see an update. Thanks again!
ibskib posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 3:47pm
Great to see an update, this story has become just about my favorite Harry/Gabby fic. And although the drunk out of their minds scene, isn't particularly realistic, it was certainly amusing to read.
Not being in debt indeed :-)
drunk what seemed an endless supply - drink what seemed an endless supply
new bound will be better - new bond will be better
as a complete irrelevance - as completely irrelevant (not sure if it is wrong, just seemed strange)
sat on the stairs - sitting on the stairs
died in the wool - dyed in the wool
layout Snape - lay out Snape
jknezek posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 1:56pm
Interesting pair of chapters. I miss the light hearted nature of the first couple chapters and don't really care for the focus on kickboxing, but i'm glad the story continues.
potterfanchuck posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 1:46pm
Great story and different than any I've read so far. Since I don't like Ron, Ginny, or Molly I'm glad they paly no part in this story. It's too damn bad has their knickers in a twist and won't add an adult only or, M+ rating to their site. It may be that those that do are picked up as porn sites by some software or administrators. I was going to go back to writing but decided it just wasn't worth it to try to figure out how to rate a story.
drgonzo2 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 12:44pm
"Brass Monkeys" is a contraction of the phrase "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey". This was a common naval saying back in the wooden ship era, when cannonballs were held "at the ready" (by the cannon) in stacks of 4 - 3 as a base, 1 on top. As cannonballs are round and have a tendency to roll away, a triangular brass frame was used to hold the base of the 4-stack - the so-called "Brass Monkey".
As to the 'freezing the balls off' bit, brass and cast iron have differing coefficients of thermal expansion(and contraction). In severely cold weather, both the balls and monkey shrink, but the brass monkey shrinks more than the iron balls do, leading to the balls falling "off" their stack onto the ships deck.
Hence; Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey = really fuffin' cold...
Cheers... G
Sardor posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 9:20am
Awesome to see one of your stories updated where I can understand the language ;)
solitare99 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 7:47am
I like it. It's fun, which is great, but I think that Konoha's Legion is more fun. You do great work and I love most of your stories, but there is something about this story that makes it seem to me to be not as good as some of your others. I can't put my finger on it. Still, the quality of your writing has not diminished in the slightest.
Araytigre posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 7:24am
WOW!, this has been a complete joy to read (inbetween bouts of ROFLMAO at some of the sections). Both sad and glad that Snape if gone, as he had his uses, and he went out with a modicum of dignity. Hopefully Albus will clean up his act a little more, I wonder if he realizes that there will be several students that will not be returning to Hogwarts next year? I look forward to further updates. Thank You. TTFN
spurio23 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 5:15am
hmmmmmm. An update.. happiness.
The maturity of Harry's last encounter w Snape and the fact that he hated having done that, was nicely done. Your spellchecker reveled in mischief in a few places in this chapter and the last. For example "And he’d ever had a few hours sleep." in the first line of this chapter puzzled me a bit.
Thanks for the story.
elmoryakhan posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 4:37am
I have enjoyed this story immensely from the beginning, but now I am not so sure. The story is getting a tad too darker and I simply can't stomach the idea of Harry murdering Snape in cold blood, no matter what the reason.
Besides even though Snape is snarky bastard is it necessary to murder him? Aren't there better ways to punish him?
Harry took a rather easy way of dealing with Snape which will mar his conscience for lifetime.
The story was enjoyable when it was lighthearted and funny now I am not so sure. I believe you have taken a complete u-turn with this story.
bonnie posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 3:59am
Loved the updates! And I don't care how OOC it was for Harry to jus kill Snape I'm glad he did. SOmetimes Snape is written redeemable but most of the time he's just a slineball that needs to be put away hard. Glad your writing again and will wait im patiently for new updates but I won't bug you for them.
Iain Neilson posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 3:16am
Substitutiary locomation... Sounds like someone's been watching Bed Knobs and Broomsticks. Doing well with this story, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
DukeBrymin posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 2:34am
Fabulous! And even fabulouser! Which I just added because my post had to be more than 10 characters.
wrhicks13 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 1:49am
i love you man
rowin posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 1:16am
Great 2 chapters nice to see some new stuff looking forward to what comes out next.
supergirl3684 posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 12:54am
Go Harry!! LOVED it!! 2 chapters in as many days! We're gonna get spoiled! LOL I was in class when I saw this was posted, sneaking in a check of my e-mail while the instructer talking about coding and i couldn't stop the smile! And then i had to read!!!
Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2012 8:52pm