Content Harry Potter Naruto Buffy the Vampire Slayer XMen Translations


Jenara posted a comment on Sunday 30th June 2013 3:35am

wow, even after reading most of your stories your talent leaves me in awe. Very much enjoyed this part, and like everyone else think you're evil for stopping there.

Davideg posted a comment on Sunday 30th June 2013 2:45am

you evil evil person you just had to stop there damn you thank you for sharing i love this story please update again as soon as life allows

mwinter posted a comment on Sunday 30th June 2013 2:11am

Cool update. Awaiting more.

Jamey posted a comment on Sunday 30th June 2013 1:29am

I'm just glad you've gotten a new chapter out for us, especially after the turbulance in your life.

drgonzo2 posted a comment on Sunday 30th June 2013 1:00am

Once more, I marvel at the quality of your ideas and storytelling... And once more, I rail against the slow rate of update... Ghnyah! The logical side of me accepts that quality takes time to refine, while the emotional side of me just wants to yell "More! Faster!"... Ugh... Headache...

Starman800 posted a comment on Sunday 16th June 2013 2:32am

WOW!!!. This is a GREAT STORY. PLease please please, update soon. This was a very enjoyable read.

silvereagle posted a comment on Friday 7th June 2013 6:56pm

Hey great story. I really like it so far. Please update again soon. I want to read more of this.

Timdraco posted a comment on Friday 31st May 2013 11:11pm

ok awesome story! i can't wait to read the next chapter! keep up the good work!

Addlcove posted a comment on Friday 31st May 2013 12:51am

having just re-read this in its entirety again I can only hope that your muse will agree to have you continue it at some point.

This is easily the best "harry grows up during GoF" story I have ever read.

abhi0191 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th May 2013 8:21pm

Amazing story! Can't wait for more!!!

Rabidwallaby posted a comment on Sunday 12th May 2013 5:48pm

After reading this story through... again. I realized that I have done the unthinkable and left more requests for updates than positive feedback and for that, I'm sorry! I have read every one of your fics multiple times through the years and will keep reading whatever you put forth the effort to produce.

Keep working your magics and I'll keep requesting updates! Rabid

ohh and some updates for Dawn and Slytherins would be incredible. :)

gtgrouch posted a comment on Wednesday 8th May 2013 4:36am

A fifth house!? Here I thought there would be a third task, then the story would be over!

I'm eagerly anticipating events to follow. Thanks for a great story.

gtgrouch posted a comment on Wednesday 8th May 2013 2:41am

I haven't laughed that hard at anything in a long, long time.

(Let's all wave at Dumbledore!)

gtgrouch posted a comment on Wednesday 8th May 2013 1:02am

He really let Dumbledore have it at the end of the ball.


gtgrouch posted a comment on Wednesday 8th May 2013 12:30am

Hmmm . . . I wonder if Harry's going to sleep on the stone floor now, even in the dorm.

Great story so far: creative and well-written.

gtgrouch posted a comment on Tuesday 7th May 2013 11:58pm

My wife is going to complain tonight: I will be prone to giggling on-and-off as I think about the dragon!

gtgrouch posted a comment on Tuesday 7th May 2013 11:19pm

I love this one - a funny take on a serious situation, all plausible.

Looking forward to more.

Tracy0652 posted a comment on Tuesday 7th May 2013 4:15pm

Hi Tim,

Sorry about your recent personal issues - I can somewhat empathize (somewhat because everyone's situation is really unique). Anyway, your stories are always well-written and thoughtful, and go in such unexpected, yet logical directions. I always enjoy when you update, and hope (mmm, yes, selfishly too) that writing fanfic, particularly dawn and perfect slytherins, helps you to feel better.

As always, thank you, and best of luck!!


fsponholz posted a comment on Friday 3rd May 2013 8:59pm

Great story.

Mmend15 posted a comment on Friday 3rd May 2013 2:10am

cool. i like this harry, one who has a flare for making the outrageous seem commonplace. its like he makes things absurdly simple that would never actually be that simple in the real world.

its awesome. hope to see more soon