By Jeconais
Commando987 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 1:09am
I so love how much you have been updating but I can understand it's a pain. I was actually thinking you were going for a Natalia Romanova vibe (the black widow). I'll be interested to see what happens with getting arrested.
mwinter posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 1:08am
That took a turn that I wasn't expecting. So I have to ask,...WHAT THE HELL? Awaiting more.
Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 12:52am
So is this Scotland Yard, or is someone at the Ministry trying to make a name for themselves for taking down Lord Potter for using an Unforgivable?
red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 12:25am
Damn! That's a hell of a cliffie! I'm glad you are already writing the next chapter, I really want to know what happens next!
Nice job shooting Megan down and it's always fun to see Annie again. Sorry to see Kate attracting the wrong sort of attention, but I'm looking forward to seeing where you take that plot thread.
See you next time
DJPotter posted a comment on Tuesday 18th November 2014 12:43pm
May I ask about 13th chapter of HD as you said its at beta at 20th September & today is 18th November
Pennywise posted a comment on Saturday 1st November 2014 3:28am
Awesome chapter.
Mionefan posted a comment on Friday 31st October 2014 10:13pm
I've been avoiding this story for quite some time, but now that I've gotten into it, it's very good. I usually avoid outrageous humor but there is a certain charm to this one. Hiring Crabbe and Goyle was a stroke of genius. Befuddling Albus was the icing on the cake.
studyofchaos posted a comment on Saturday 25th October 2014 10:08pm
Fantastic story. Please continue!
sachaelle posted a comment on Thursday 23rd October 2014 12:04am
It should be À un cœur vaillant rien d'impossible.
You have to put an adverb before a noun in french sentence.
sylvelle posted a comment on Tuesday 21st October 2014 1:10am
Well I'm all caught up, so how long before we get an update here??? I did as you suggested though and now follow both you and fanficauthors.
Lve your Harry, but he sure is aging fast.
noylj posted a comment on Monday 20th October 2014 11:24am
>"Dubmledore is teh utilmate evil!" fics. Is this your normal typing or were you upset? Please finish this fic someday...SOON.
noylj posted a comment on Monday 20th October 2014 7:21am
Write up thoughts on just why Hogwarts is the worst boarding school in history? Not hard—just quote practically every class Harry has and every crime committed that Bumbles lets go (unless committed by a "good" guy). You would have to dig through a pit of Abraxan dropping to possibly find the a single hidden good thing about Hogwarts.
noylj posted a comment on Monday 20th October 2014 4:32am
And Molly really is a shrew...
Kail990 posted a comment on Sunday 19th October 2014 9:13am
I really liked reading this story, I hope you will find the time to finish this.
sylvelle posted a comment on Sunday 19th October 2014 1:10am
I loved it. It bothers me not a mooch that a 14 year old boy seduced a woman 8 years older than him. Or did she seduce him?
Good chapter
sylvelle posted a comment on Saturday 18th October 2014 11:41pm
Like thi very much. Love the interaction of Harry and Gabrielle, :Looking forward to Task 2. So who will be Harry's something? Could be Gaby, she is not as special to Fleur in your story. Hermione is still good for Victor, Is Cho still Cedric's? Then who would be Fleurs?
On to chapter 3 to find out.
Hytekrednek posted a comment on Saturday 11th October 2014 11:24am
As usual another great chapter. As you have probably heard many times from many people, I read to fast and I wish your updates were focused on one story and alternated between them. Not your problem really, just my wish for more of this story. Keep up the great work and looking forward to the next chapter. James
Sanabalis posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd September 2014 7:44am
Excellent!! Looking forward to more!
hpfanscs posted a comment on Monday 22nd September 2014 3:37pm
I love the interplay among the characters. This is a fine beginning.
Zaxxon posted a comment on Sunday 23rd November 2014 1:57am