This was my first ever piece of fanfiction. It was a challenge response: Write a story with pure dialogue, that must end with Buffy asking Xander out on a date.
"How about a compromise challenge? A short drabble story where Xander gets some mega power and accidentally screws up with it. For instance kills Buffy, blows up her or Giles house, kills Angel by mistake (riight) or offs Spike (I'm sure we'd all hate to see that). Make it a short humorous little fun thing."
Did the Monks go further than everyone thought to protect the key?
This is an attempt to do a serious D/X fic, dealing with emotions and feelings, not just their own but everyone else's as well. So don't expect Dawn to say "I love you," out of the blue and Xander to say, "Great, lets hop in the sack."
This fic has evolved way beyond its original remit, and while it does start a little slowly (with some dodgy character bashing), stick with it through the first two chapters, it improves after that.