White Knight, Grey Queen
4 - Promises
By Jeconais
Thalarob posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 9:57am for 4 - Promises
Loved the monty python quotes especially " I never wanted to be a convict; I wanted to be a lumberjack." Anybody who didn't get them needs to take serious's advice siriusly and rent themselves a few :D
I am interested in the same point as red jacobson. If there are wards up to stop owls getting in, how did Daphne's get through?
Out of interest, where do you answer these reviews? (hopefully not just in your yahoo group I haven’t joined because 60 messages a day is way too much to me to keep up with)
As always, enjoyed your work immensely.
Sohail posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 7:46am for 4 - Promises
I love this story please update soon
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 5:33am for 4 - Promises
Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who wonders exactly /what/ the deal is between Dumbledore and Snape. How many times has Dumbledore overlooked Snape's bias and, frankly, his tendancy to abuse non-Slytherin students? Okay, I know that JKR probably only intended him to be a parable of the 'bad teacher' types at English public schools but that doesn't clear up how he manages to get away with it. I wonder whether Snape may be a blood relative of Dumbledore's, maybe even an illegitimate son.
I am also still very worried about Ginny. She could easily be turned to the Dark by this whole situation, her rather strained acceptance aside. I also expect Ron to nearly torpedo his friendship with Harry trying to get him to break up with the 'evil' Slytherin girl in order to pair up with his sister. I also expect Hermione to hit Ron regularly during any such situation. :-p
Finally, I want to thank you for one of the better 'independent!Harry' stories. We see Harry taking charge and actually using the system to get his goals achieved. One wonders how Dumbledore will react to the new Third Power in the wizarding world...
I'm enjoying this story. Keep it up!
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
Note: I'm a member of your Yahoo!Group, but I decided to write the review here... mostly because I'm lazy :-p
LoLa posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 5:07am for 4 - Promises
Once again you have given me something to read over and over again. I love it.
Your idea for the new Minister? brilliant!
The plans for the future are getting clearer and I am looking forward to read your next chapter.
The only problem I had was with your Ginny in this chapter. I do not think that she would be able to think this over in such a short time. But you made it reasonable and it might work out.
Jade posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 4:36am for 4 - Promises
The shortest chapter but no less amazing than others. Like migratory birds I follow your story all the way from fanfiction to yahoo and finally to here and if you ever move site I will also follow ^_^
red jacobson posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 3:04am for 4 - Promises
Hey Tim; as usual; words fail me when trying to describe how much I enjoy this story. And, I can hardly believe I'm saying this; but, with the last 2 chapters, this story has surpassed TMW and Wild Horses as my favorite work of yours.
One minor question; if there are wards preventing owls from locating Parkinson Manor; how did Daphne get in touch with Pansy?
kada posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 12:45am for 4 - Promises
What a great take on Pansy and her Dracy-poo! And the Parkinsons are truly great Slytherins, the way they should be. I do feel for Ginny, but Harry is a true gentleman, and she took exactly the wrong tactic. I look forward to reading about how Harry and Pansy turn Hogwarts upside down!
Ham posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 10:40pm for 4 - Promises
Ok I am going to use a few 'F' words here - Namely, Fantastic and Fabulous.
I enjoyed reading this immensely. Please post up more soon. This is fast becoming my favorite fic of yours.
Azrael's Portal posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 8:49pm for 4 - Promises
This is great! I am loving how you are changing Harry, yet keeping him the same person. The ending made me cry, I hope you are happy:>
nonjon posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 6:13pm for 4 - Promises
A bit thick on the fluff and romance for my tastes. Particularly the end part, but even still a wonderful chapter. I'm really looking forward to the confrontations we're working up towards. Dumbledore, Draco, Snape, Voldemort, Ginny, Ron, Hermione. What can be a bigger prank than making Remus the Minister? That's classic.
Great chapter. Hard to believe we're at the halfway point already. Feels like the romance is going to be a little thinner and the action/confrontations a bit thicker in the second half. Very much looking forward to it. Thanks for posting.
Wytil posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 5:59pm for 4 - Promises
Best chapter yet. I couldn't beleive the length of this chapter, wonderful!
Paul posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 5:58pm for 4 - Promises
wow now im definitely in love with this story
rowin posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 5:42pm for 4 - Promises
great chapter looking forward to your next update
Rocky235 posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 5:11pm for 4 - Promises
"This is the shortest chapter of all of them."
All stories should have chapters this 'short'. lol
I'm glad Ginny seems to be handling Harry's relationship.
Maxennce posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 4:53pm for 4 - Promises
Great, absolutley fantastic. Loved the boyfriend test, and how testy Harry got over it. It was fanbloodytastic. Keep up the great work, have no questions and nothing but compliments
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 4:14pm for 4 - Promises
Awesome chapter!!!!! I'm glad Harry was finally able to admmit his love to Pansy. Will Harry ever find out that the Parkinsons set them up at the muggle club? I think they should come clean before he finds out another way. Keep up the good work.
Catherine posted a comment on Monday 20th June 2005 4:01pm for 4 - Promises
Wow. This was so good, I can't do anything but smile. Thank you.
Fate posted a comment on Tuesday 21st June 2005 11:10am for 4 - Promises