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noylj posted a comment on Sunday 16th April 2017 8:04am for Second Time Around

Don't care much for Harry/Ginny, but this isn't canon Ginny.

Too bad there won't be more--like to at leadt know what's wrong with Harry's magic.

mwinter posted a comment on Sunday 4th September 2016 12:48am for Second Time Around

Having wanting to read some good works this weekend brought me back to your library and this story. Would love to see a Jeconais completed time travel.

JaceBralor posted a comment on Tuesday 29th March 2016 3:59pm for Second Time Around

Would love to see more of this.

Novonia posted a comment on Thursday 30th April 2015 1:57am for Second Time Around

we can hope that one day you'll get that spark of inspiration and be able to work some more on this, I did quite enjoy it even though I'm unsure of where dumbles side of the fence on this bit is.

cartman1701 posted a comment on Thursday 6th November 2014 7:46pm for Second Time Around

It's too bad that this is only a one shot, this story seems like a lot of fun, even at this point being full of cliches.

OSF posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2014 7:22pm for Second Time Around


If the crack from the projectiles is supposed to be from breaking the sound barrier (1000 ft/sec or so) 300 ft/sec (three hundred) is too slow. I've seen a couple of places in fanfiction where 300 ft/sec projectiles have a crack associated with them. Three THOUSAND ft/sec makes a really loud and startling crack!! Shocked me when I first heard it.

Thank you very much for writing,


Sanabalis posted a comment on Saturday 3rd May 2014 12:28pm for Second Time Around

You need to do a redo/time-travel story, please! And this is VERY good start!

Embeker posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2014 11:20pm for Second Time Around

Wow. Please do not tell me that you will not axpand it in the future. Better sooner rather thsn later. You rock. Viva for your imagination. Love your work. Brilliant.

noylj posted a comment on Sunday 4th August 2013 10:39pm for Second Time Around

>Harry waited. It was mere seconds before his 11th birthday. The house was silent; everyone was asleep apart from him. Five seconds to go. Four. Three, two one.

>A loud pounding noise reverberated through the house. Harry jumped to his feet and walked downstairs. "Don't get up," he called to his relatives. "It's for me."

Yes, no matter where Harry is, Hagrid shows up at midnight to scare the muggles. Does Harry have a brain and can he connect the wrong "messenger" at the wrong time as being an MOB manipulation?

brodie1 posted a comment on Sunday 3rd February 2013 12:03pm for Second Time Around

Great story and I like it. Well done.

Nytefyre posted a comment on Sunday 27th January 2013 4:46am for Second Time Around

Hmm.. I think having Harry and Ginny coming back together like this with so much power is pretty out there - and kind of fun. Thanks for posting.

lwj2 posted a comment on Friday 21st December 2012 4:55am for Second Time Around

Hell of a first chapter, pity you're not going to go with it.

Thanks for writing and sharing it.

thetaxzombie posted a comment on Monday 27th August 2012 6:17pm for Second Time Around

Shoot, an interesting start. Having read other 'redo's' I've an idea of where this could of gone. Thanks for sharing what you did.

kstchr posted a comment on Thursday 19th July 2012 6:47am for Second Time Around

Oh gee, and I was just getting into this! I enjoyed reading this, but couldn't help but wonder what caused Harry's magic not to work for him in his cupboard, while Ginny's magic worked exceptionally well for her? Loved how Harry got to finally take his life into his own hands and begin to make some serious changes that will help him...finding his solicitor, taking the trace off the wands, getting the Marauders Map back, planning to free Sirius, and best of all...the way he literally scared the pee out of Malfoy! A good read! :)

AragornII posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2011 2:32am for Second Time Around

Whatever your feelings about this one, I enjoyed it. When I discovered HP fanfiction in 07 after DH came out, I came across numerous references to you. Obviously you were held in high esteem. I let myself get bogged down in SIYE for a long time, so have only recently discovered you here. Sure enough, you write excellent stories!


octopus86 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 8:45am for Second Time Around

hey.....aren't u gonna continue this story???

lwj2 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th December 2010 3:45pm for Second Time Around

I think you could do well writing a redo/alternate, this is a good, no, excellent, start.

Please reconsider.



Abraxan posted a comment on Sunday 25th July 2010 4:01am for Second Time Around

Awww … I was really enjoying that!


loretta537 posted a comment on Friday 23rd July 2010 7:36am for Second Time Around

this sounds good, please continue it

ash1701 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th July 2010 2:13pm for Second Time Around

I have read a number of redo stories and have enjoyed most of them. This one had got off to a really good start. Pity you aren't going to continue it.