By Jeconais
TimothyB posted a comment on Wednesday 17th January 2018 5:12am
This literally is my favorite gram fiction ever. I like how you used Astoria and not someone used more often. Makes her character a lot more exciting and unique cause you don't know how she is supposed to act. I hope you make more like this. Keep up the amazing work!
Maha1959 posted a comment on Sunday 14th January 2018 5:23pm
hello i had fun reading this story. thank you very much.
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 18th December 2017 8:45am
I think that if I read this story about once every year it will make that year a little bit more worthwhile.
OK, a bit overstated, but this tale definitely brightens my smile.
Thanks for sharing your time and talent :)
BlanketCapeQueen posted a comment on Saturday 16th December 2017 10:22pm
That was incredible!! My favourite aspect of this story has to be the witty character interactions, but it's a tough call; there are just too many things to love!! I could go on and on, listing the things that amused and impressed me, but I'm eager to go read more works by the same author, so I'm just gonna send this off with a quick "hey Jeconais, thanks for existing. Your contributions to this world have brightened my day."
Freshenstein posted a comment on Saturday 2nd December 2017 1:23am
This has to be one of the cutest, fluffiest, sickening sweet stories I have ever read and I absolutely LOVE it. Thanks for writing this.
brad posted a comment on Tuesday 14th November 2017 3:42am
Okay, this isn't fair.
I've spread my perusal of this story over the last few days and, throughout most of this time, I've been stewing over how much of a bully Lavender was and how she pushed Hermione (and Ginny) around. I was mentally composing my coming comment of complaint all the while. As soon as I finished the story I was going to give you a serve by golly!
And then I get to the end of your story ... and your Author's Notes. Wherein you write " the worst behaviour in this story was from Lavender, Fay, Parvati, Hestia and Flora. They bullied Hermione and Ginny ..." and "Lavender took the opportunity to unload 6 years of angst on a pretty underserving Hermione".
Well, wind out of my sails, what can I say, other than - I AGREE. Couldn't have put it better myself.
(I'm glad you could see it. I was wondering what was up with you.)
I also agree that Harry wasn't the brilliant friend that he held himself to be. I don't accept that Hermione would give up being a member of a (successful, studious, populated by prefects and head students) club for *seven years*. Harry deliberately downplayed the club to his supposedly 'best friends'. Pfah on him.
Still, it was a nice story. The depiction of Astoria was particularly charming.
(The characterisation of the Malfoys was particularly sureal.)
One other thing I especially liked was the Horcrux detection spell. Something that would have completely destroyed Rowling's sorry series ... so of course, lazy author that she was, she ensured that the possibility is *never mentioned*. Hermione, Harry, no-one ever thinks - in a world of 'Point Me' spells and Sneakoscopes and see-all magical maps - to ask "hey, is there a spell that can detect soul fragments?". Pffft. Classic Rowling, whose characters never budge off the path of her limited and lazy writing.
I re-read 'Best Man' the other day, and now this ... I think after 'Best Man' you spoke about a forthcoming H/Lavender story, and now in this one you wrote her as a B*tch who nonetheless noticed Harry. Did you ever write your H/Lavender story, did I miss it?
Best wishes to you, hope you're doing well. Cheers.
deadsnakebiting posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2017 5:47am
10/28/2017 - I just want you to know people are STILL READING and ENJOYING your stories! Thank you for your efforts, they are really great. posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2017 5:42pm
Such a great short story glad I read it!
fyrecat posted a comment on Saturday 14th October 2017 8:23pm
Fun Story. Thanks!
sq33kl337 posted a comment on Monday 9th October 2017 5:43am
Just founf this fic after re-reading Hogwarts' Dawn. Absolutely loved it!!
Ofosu-Ankrah Ernest posted a comment on Tuesday 19th September 2017 9:21pm
sweet story, love the way you portrayed the characters and the way everyone seams together. looking forward to your next story
potterfanchuck posted a comment on Saturday 16th September 2017 12:02pm
Excellent story!
chrwain01 posted a comment on Tuesday 12th September 2017 1:24pm
this was great fun, a nice, different take on the story with some great twists.
thanks for sharing
TimothyB posted a comment on Thursday 3rd August 2017 7:16pm
This is one of my favorite stories ever written. I've read it like 10 times and I always love it. I hope you keep writing!
Violetta posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2017 4:25am
Great story
ichaos posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2017 2:14am
Alright, so I recently discovered this site through recommendations from and actually signed up so that I could read this story in particular due to the "rating" it carries. Besides a bit of ribald language I'm not sure exactly what qualifies as "mature" about it, but I digress. I certainly enjoyed reading this, especially since I have never seen a pairing between Harry & Astoria quite like this before. The narrative itself was quite good, with a casually sophisticated if somewhat brisk pace that covered a great deal of content very efficiently. This would normally be a very good thing, but with so many departures from familiar personality traits and/or typical roles for most of the major characters, it was a little overwhelming to process in places. Still, it was entertaining and the technical quality of the writing was excellent.
ssjgarretjax posted a comment on Wednesday 14th June 2017 7:15pm
excellent as always. You are the reason i even read HP fanfiction at all i started with the not then completed TMW and on from there. My only wish is if you could find the muse to finish Wild Horses.... Ah well. Hope to see more from you, would be sad if you are really done but i would totally understand.
Thanks Tim/Jeconais
MM94 posted a comment on Thursday 1st June 2017 8:33pm
Love it! Wonderful story :)
MM94 posted a comment on Thursday 1st June 2017 8:32pm
Love it! Wonderful story
nounours4 posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2018 11:10am