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dexterz posted a comment on Saturday 17th September 2011 9:14am

entertaining story. waiting anxiously for the next installment

wolfey posted a comment on Friday 2nd September 2011 7:12pm

ok I love this and am eagerly waiting for an update

wolfey posted a comment on Friday 2nd September 2011 7:03pm

Ok I love this and hope to see an update soon

ketchamkl posted a comment on Monday 8th August 2011 7:13pm

Love the story cant wait for the next chapter.

MrPowell posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 3:14pm

So Naruto's through to the finals, but with that cursed seal he's pretty much screwed... Very interesting story. Can't wait to see where you take it next.

xardoth posted a comment on Monday 1st August 2011 6:42am

Ah... figures this new chapter has an awesome cliffhanger. So, anyway, I've really liked the direction that awesome-Naruto is going in... except maybe how 'alive' you're making the clones. Well. On second thought, I like that alot too. Keep it up~

xardoth posted a comment on Monday 1st August 2011 3:24am

Hey, I decided to read this again in its entirety because I somehow missed your two updates this last month, and I noticed your last AN describing that the current generation of kids are a bit older, 16/17. I was just wondering where exactly that time was injected story-wise. I assume it was after the Kyuubi attacked? Did Itachi get 3 more years of living with his family before he went psycho on his family? that sort of thing. If it wasn't that thought out, thats fine with me too, I was just curious if you had planned where those extra years were put in.

Rexnos posted a comment on Sunday 24th July 2011 11:43am

I'm impressed. This entire story up until now has had Naruto utterly crushing any and all opposition before him. I'm impressed and glad you didn't have him do the same to Orochimaru. While I love your writing when it's centered on an overpowered bad ass character, I'm interested in how you'll deal with truly powerful enemies. I think I'm more interested in how this story turns out than Hogwart's Dawn now.

Also, I love the clones. I don't honestly care about all the mumbo jumbo behind how they're made and why they aren't chakra and what not. I'm impressed by how you manage to give them (mainly four really) a personality even though they're only supposed to be Naruto. It's the first time I've seen clones that aren't truly Naruto in all the Naruto fan fiction I've read. Cool stuff, very interesting.

Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun with this now. I hope you keep updating quick like, but I know writing can be a pain. Here's to hoping your struck by intense inspiration.


keichan2 posted a comment on Friday 22nd July 2011 7:31pm

A most excellent chapter, once again!
I always have a fun time reading this story (or re-reading)

I hope to read more soon!

magiccat posted a comment on Thursday 21st July 2011 10:00am

I loved t1his chapter! So many interesting things going on and the dialogue was great!

magiccat posted a comment on Thursday 21st July 2011 10:00am

I loved t1his chapter! So many interesting things going on and the dialogue was great

spurio23 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th July 2011 7:50am

That's a terrible place to stop ! *sob* Great update. I like the changes to Sakura and Four is a great mind bender. It's cute all the other clones are crushing on her.

joeBob posted a comment on Wednesday 20th July 2011 12:57am

Entertaining. Thanks for the update.

loiosh posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 12:26am

Great new chapter! Cant wait for more of this definitely my favorite humor Naruto story!

iTz_RAVEN posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 8:26pm

What an interesting fic. Hope you update soon.

Jetflash posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 6:20pm

Only problem I see is that Akado Yoroi; and, though not mentioned, his team-mate, Tsurugi, with the extenda-arms; shouldn't be in the tournament at all, since they were Kabuto's team-mates. With Kabuto dead, shouldn't they have been disqualified before the first exam even started?

Otherwise, awesome job, can't wait to see more.

iTz_RAVEN posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 5:57pm

*snicker* Kawaii no Jutsu is so beast.

Mathew McCrillis posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 7:09am

Nice action in this chapter!
I'm literally boucing in my seat when I see an update, thanks for the hard work!

HopelessDreamer posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 5:14am

Just chiming in to say thanks for another chapter so soon! It's a very fun story. =)

Quincy posted a comment on Sunday 17th July 2011 10:12pm

I'm loving the deliberate misspelling of jutsu.
Don't forget to use Main-geko Staring-gun.