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xardoth posted a comment on Wednesday 9th February 2011 7:27am

Ugh, how'd I miss whenever you updated this chapter? It was awesome. Glad I decided to go over some old fics I wanted to reread. I think the development so far is reasonable for the kind of start you have, which is something that seems to skyrocket or fade away in most fics I've been reading lately. Hope you keep having inspiration for this - and your other works.

SingerRenn posted a comment on Tuesday 1st February 2011 5:46pm

This is a beautiful story and the scene between Naruto and Tsunade was perfect. I love your realism about what the duties and life of a ninja are, you haven't hidden the fact that they are actually assassins/soldiers and that their life isn't easy. BUT, at the same time you didn't make Tsunade a coward for turning her back on that life. Your Naruto actually thinks, he still has some of the base goof/prankster in him but he has grown. Yes you made him insanely strong, and it is unrealistic however it isn't a problem as you provided a means to the end he didn't just wake up with the knowledge but it comes from both training and the Kyūbi, so it is feasible. This world works, have fun with it, I love getting to read more.

thehoboking posted a comment on Wednesday 26th January 2011 10:42am

Great story from a great author...plz keep up the great work

dan26 posted a comment on Saturday 22nd January 2011 4:43am

Swop," he said, offering him a scroll

Replace swop with swap it sounds better

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 14th January 2011 6:03pm

Loved it!

I could say more, but that's what it all boils down to.

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 14th January 2011 5:39pm

The scene with Hanabi was both touching and cute. Excellent chapter.

Pai posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 4:55pm

Great to see this updated as allways. Going to be interesting as Tsuande learns more about naruto.. and what ever jyria's upcomming punishment will be

dan26 posted a comment on Saturday 8th January 2011 5:29am

Kurenai shook her head, an amused smile on her face. "So, what the hell is going on with Kakashi?"

"Huh?" Anko asked.

"Naruto, he was polite to us, to Hiashi, but not to Sakura, Sasuke or Kakashi. Something is going on there, because he clearly doesn’t have respect for them."

Replace the Kakashi with Naruto

dan26 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 11:53pm

Naruto shrugged. "We couldn’t turn back, Wave needed us, and besides, if the fit had hit the shan, I’ve got the ultimate back up purring in my stomach. So, we continued. A few days later, Kakashi spotted Momochi Zabuza’s sword flying toward us. We all hit the deck, while Kakashi

wouldn't if the shit hit the fan sound better instead of if the fir hit the shan?
You should eventaully tell people who you have in mind as naruto's love interests.
I slightly hope Hanabi is 1 of them in the sense he's growing on her and reminds me anko and Kurenai because she takes her tranning seriously and while is cute and funny doesn't have a conniption fit around Naruto like hinata does.

dan26 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 2:18am

Tsunade blinked at him, and then at his apprentice who was on her third cup of sake

Just replace the word his with her in this sentence to sound better

Pointer posted a comment on Monday 3rd January 2011 1:31am

Enjoyed it.

I know Naruto doesn't have the maturity to deal with people this way, but it would be nice.

If you haven't perchance already read it, try 'I wouldn't exactly call that sitting' by dogbertcarroll, over on Fun Story.

AnimaLynx posted a comment on Monday 3rd January 2011 12:29am

Happy New Year!

Awesome story I look forward to seeing more of this soon.

Please update,


dan26 posted a comment on Saturday 1st January 2011 10:32am

Anko is loud and boisterous; she enjoys life, but doesn’t know where the line is sometimes. Kurenai is her moral compass.

"Kurenai is quiet and more willing to watch, and then offer her opinion. Anko pushes her so that she’s more forceful, and it helps

What an honest justification of yuri comes to mind

dan26 posted a comment on Saturday 1st January 2011 9:17am

Part of maturity is experience, and Naruto, through massive over-use of clones, is certainly getting that. That's true but I think he used them to get use to the concept of maturity slowly but surely

keichan2 posted a comment on Friday 31st December 2010 3:23pm

Thanks for the new chapter!
I spent half of it howling with laugher, and the rest was serious and informative! All in all, a very good chapter that reads very well!

You know, I was really wondering with the tale that Ino spun to Sakura... Until she told, I was wondering what the hell was going on, and if I had missed a chapter!
A question about Ino and her tape recorder... Were they aware of it? If not, she may have heard about the final question asked, and it could have some consequences... (that and she could have heard about some things that were not for her to hear)

Uh? I fear I just spotted a plot hole ;-p (I'm reading the chapter again, last night, I was too tired to comment) The gigantic table (sized for them) with the boss summons would be FAR to big to play poker on it, when in human form! (forget that: the table expanded to allow Naruto to sit, so it could have shrunk, and you just didn't specify it...)

Hey! Can you imagine this:
During the invasion, Manda stops his rampaging when spotting Naruto and exclaims: "Hey, kid! It worked! We have the pictures!" and then they both dissolve into laughter. I can't help but picture the faces on the Sound ninjas! (That, and the faces of the ninja witnessing the summoning :-D)
And I guess that the favor will be important...

I just realized something: If Naruto's scent changes when he changes into a female, then he could use this to evade trackers...

I hope to read more soon!

frankocsic posted a comment on Friday 31st December 2010 12:41am

Great read. Thanks for all the updates!

Philip Jacobs posted a comment on Wednesday 29th December 2010 6:09am

This is a nice extra present for the holidays. I think I've said this before, but I am truly enjoying your take on a Naruto that not only has intelligence, but uses it in quite creative ways. I loved the Summons' poker game, and I am with Naruto in hoping that Manda gets pictures of his next summoning to share. I think that it will be interesting to see how often Naruto takes advantage of the invitation to sit in on the game in the future. He may not have gotten the Rasengan completed yet in this version, but he's also running ahead of schedule, and truthfully, I'm not even sure that he really has a need for it with the backing he has here. I'll be looking forward to the next installment when your Muse feels up to sharing more with us.

Tammin posted a comment on Tuesday 28th December 2010 5:09pm

Brilliant. A short but sweet addition to this story. Thank you for this gift.

blackmage18 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th December 2010 7:11am

After getting over the fact that everyone is UBER ooc, I like this story. :)

NuitTombee posted a comment on Tuesday 28th December 2010 6:39am

The only chapter that you should add more to is the next chapter. XD

Great chapter by the way, hope to read more soon.

Now on to The Flying Thunder God.
