By Jeconais
patrik svensson posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 10:42am
grejt story,
keep upp the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
shadowmist posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 1:36am
Eh, I like this story. I don't think I'll like this Dumbledore though.... wtf is he thinking?! Is he insane?!
Aimee Breuker posted a comment on Saturday 8th October 2005 11:57am
This is a really good story. You should update it soon.
Alexander posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 4:34am
I love unusual pairings and this is probably one of the best I have ever read. I am particulary looking forward to Harry's reaction to beeing manipulated.
That being said I hope you update soon. The wait is almost becoming unbearable
Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 4th October 2005 7:13pm
Interesting story you have going here...
I agree with ron, they should have just told harry in the beginning, but of course that would have ruined the story... not to mention that they were probably right when they said he would have married her out of obligation, but I believe that he would have grown to love her (Quarter Veela, how could he not eh?)
Will we be getting an update by e-mail when the next chapter comes out? I hope so.
Jay Li posted a comment on Sunday 2nd October 2005 6:02pm
i've just finished reading ur story "Hope" and it waz great!
it's so refreshing to find a fanfic that doesn't have the usual Harry/Hermione or Harry/Ginny. i prefer to read fics that have harry paired up with an "odd" character so this one really appealed to me.
you did a great job at sucessfully pairing the two up. i didn't think it waz possible with the age difference but u pulled it off!
i hope u will update soon 'cuz i can't wait for the next part so PLEASE update soon. Please e-mail me when u do get the next chap up at
Dan posted a comment on Friday 30th September 2005 2:41pm
i love this story. it has a great beginning
Bobmin356 posted a comment on Monday 26th September 2005 9:47pm
Oh boy. You would think that Harry's friends would have learned that he hates being manipulated. Oh well, when he cuts them off for a year or longer they might learn not to push him.
stu posted a comment on Sunday 25th September 2005 1:00am
i was a little weary of reading your story at first, but after reading the first two chapters you have captured my attention i hope that you finish the story
Tom A. posted a comment on Friday 23rd September 2005 7:16am
That's a good story. I like that Harry notices that he's being manipulated. I'd like to find out why he's angry with Dumbledore, although I have my ideas about that.
Hope you continue with this.
Thanks for sharing your imagination with us.
Tom A.
Adam posted a comment on Tuesday 20th September 2005 1:14am
This is a great story, I love the idea behind it. I do like that Harry has spotted that something is going on but is willing to see what happens (and find out why). I do love the fact that Gab is wanting to get to know Harry and wants him to fall for her, because he loves her rather than duty. I really hope you update this soon as it is a great story (but then so are most of yours, especially White Knight - when is the next chapter for that coming out as well :)
Rob posted a comment on Thursday 15th September 2005 9:13am
Hey Tim,
I'm just now getting around to reading this, which should tell you about how much time I've had lately for indulging in fanfiction. Anyway, I must say that so far I greatly enjoyed it. Especially the scene where Hemione and Ron convince Harry to take the job. That was brilliant and I easily found myself playing that entire scene out in my head.
I also like how you're portraying Harry. It's a very different but very likely scenario that really seems more realistic than him being able to have a "normal" life.
The only scene that I had a slight problem with was the last one. Hermione is a genius, she knows Harry better than anybody alive or dead, and, more to the point, she is going to know that your Harry can read anybody better than anyone and know if they're hiding something from him. She would anticipate the possibility of Harry talking to his two best friends about her and she would know that for Harry not to suspect anything, she'd have to react how she would had she been ignorant. I would've expected her to be very hesitant and diliberate about saying anything (acting like she was registering everything) and then present both pros and cons (and an excuse as to why Ron would know about veela maturation rates) before finally telling him that it's his happiness that they're more concerned with, he's only going to be teaching for a year, and asking why is he suddenly asking them about his love life when he never was one to talk about it before.
But other than that single curiosity, I quite enjoyed it and look forward to the next installment once you're done with WK/GQ. Keep up the good work.
Shdw_Sephiroth posted a comment on Thursday 1st September 2005 2:25pm
First off, let me say that the name I gave isn't my real name. Secondly, let me say that I was sorry to see "This Means War" leave the ff site I was reading it from. I had hoped to see more of it. Thirdly, allow me to compliment you greatly on this story. Finally, I would like you to reply to my email asap as to when you are going to update this story. Thank you.
Nick posted a comment on Wednesday 31st August 2005 12:06pm
Hmm, interesting - I like where this one could go, but the part with the vampire, in the previous part, was masterful.
Patches posted a comment on Sunday 28th August 2005 6:02pm
I really like this story. I usually like the Harry/Ginny combination but this one really apeals to me right now. I would like to see you continue with this one. I know you have a lot of other stories you are working on and you have just moved. I hope you will update on some of your current works soon. the ones I am really interested in are this one, TMW, White Knight/Grey Queen and the sequel to "Alone". As always I ejoy your stories. They are all good and I even enjoy the way you make each senario believable. Keep up the good work. And thank you for sharing your tallent with all of your fans. Patches!
Matthew Morris posted a comment on Thursday 25th August 2005 9:08pm
This is a great story, like all of your work.
I particularly like Gabrielle, strong intelligent, perhaps a little shy.
I'm keen to see how the question goes with Jean and just how Harry will confront the manipulation.
Hopefully you will continue with this - I certainly don't know how you find to time to do all this writing to such a high standard.
Always keen to see more...
Terry posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd August 2005 8:19pm
i like your story. i'll keep a watch out for more of it.
Dan posted a comment on Sunday 21st August 2005 10:17pm
I like the way this story is unfolding. Looking forward to another chapter.
moony posted a comment on Friday 19th August 2005 8:25pm
very impressive, I love that you have mades it as belivable as possible not making harry immeadiatly falling for her.
Are they gonna tell him the truth or convince him otherwise and if they do how can he still fall for her? he hates manipulation
Uchethegirl posted a comment on Sunday 16th October 2005 7:18pm