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Greg Johnson posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:33pm

Great Chapter! I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the good work and update again soon.

Ron posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:28pm

Can't wait to get more of this one!

edo posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:14pm

good, very good

go for the next one

Jim posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 4:06pm

Very nice, as always.

It's also nice to see that Harry's figured it out already.

However, considering that Harry carries a constant 'nullifier field' and appears to be more paranoid than Moody now, I hope there will be at least a little discussion about how he missed this link for so long.

Anonymous Reviewer posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 3:44pm


BlacKnight posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 3:30pm

Yay... an update.

This chapter was quite differend from what I expected... I never thought that Harry would find out the truth so fast.

BTW, Harry seems to be quite overpowered. But then, it's doesn't really matter as this is some kind of romance story.

It was also somewhat unreal how blunt people were being as they were pushing Harry towards Gabrielle... At least I would have thought Jean much more sophisticated, he is a politician after all.

Anyway... I must admid that this is story very intersting and original, and I am eagerly waiting to read the rest of it.

John Wilburn posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:48pm

A very good chapter. As always I was mesmerized. I look forward to your next chapter of this story.


Jonny B posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:38pm

oh wow. That was great. I didn't think he would find out this soon, but that was very well written. How long do we have to wait for the next bit now?

parakletos posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:29pm


Harry's being manipulated, Gabbys mating with him has screwed up all his other attempts at realtionships, and he's effectively being blackmailed by the prospect of her insanity. If Harry has any sense he'll walk away from it all but then that will be the end of the fic so I'm guessing that's not on the agenda. :)

As always very well written and its good to see Mme Delacour written with élégance and not as some OTT character that belongs in Ello,Ello.

Thanos posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:25pm

Great Chapter, just great, update soon

Adam posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:19pm

And that last line says everything. He may (try is) angry at the moment. But he will calm down and think about things. There is hope for them both. This is a good chapter, it was fun seeing him put the peices together, and I did enjoy Hermiones reaction when she realised he knew.

thsutton posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:16pm

I really, really like the characterisation, especially of Jean.

A few nit picks: "...with a degree of stubbornness a kilometre wide." The kilometre just seems a little awkward. I'm not sure about the French, but English speakers who use the metric system still speak about things being "a mile wide". Also, there is an extra "her" in "partly from the affect her of her chosen".


Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:13pm

That's our Harry. A noble self-sacrificing hero with a 'saving people' complex a mile wide and a deep, unhealthy desire for martyrdom. I seem to remember a line from 'The Lawnmower Man' that went along the lines of: "Your irritating, self-righteous nobility makes me very, very angry!" :-D Only kidding, Harry.

I think what made Harry very, very angry is that he hates being manipulated and he now realises that his entire romantic life has been manipulated, admittedly without maelevolent intent but that is no excuse. Worse still is that he really does like Gabrielle. Besides, he isn't about to punish her for a near-instinctive action that she performed when she was sufficiently young as to not be able really think her actions through.

What happens next should be quite interesting. I think it is going to take a while for Harry and Gabby to restore their mutual trust and avoid a chilly Malfoy-style marriage of duty.

BenRG's Rating: 7/10

Paul posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:09pm

A lovely chapter, well worth the wait. And Harry being honourable to the very end.

I loved the wine lesson, and the vinegar reference to quite a few of our wines.

How many more chapters of Hope do you think there will be?

~ Paul

Machiavelli Jr posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 2:01pm

Ouch. This should be fun. What is Dumbledore guilty of in this fic? I know you don't like him on principle, but I can't think of any reason Harry wants his name forever disassociated from the DA *this* time. May I hope we find out? Harry's reaction spot on and nice to know Ron isn't as dumb as he looks. Mind you, pond life is smarter than Ron in most non-R/Hr fanfic, so that may be fanon talking. KUTGW and did I see you say on the yahoo group that the next 2 chapters are in beta?

Junky posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 11:42am

Hurrah for Tim!

I'm sorry, but today was the first time I saw all the stories on your site.

A long time ago, on the first day you opened Cacaphony on, you gave me the direct link to your Harry/Pansy story. At that time, I did not even glance at your other stories and am regretting it.

Just today, someone gave me the link to the site again, recommending it and I saw the increase from the previous 2 writers i.e. you and Draco664.

And ... I read every single piece of fanfiction on the site. Marvellous work, I tell you.

Unfortunately, what this site doesn't have ... is the update date. I have no idea when you last updated so I cannot possibly irritate you about releasing another chapter which, unfortunately, I often do since my craving for excellent works such as yours cannot be satisfied.

I love this story as well and hope that you may update it soon.

As usual, Tim aka Jeconais has outdone himself.

P.S. I did not want to post a single review for every story, so I just wanted to thank you for the Harry/Daphne fic; it was brilliant, and the Harry/Padma fic which was equally so.

Now I am off to delve more into the wonderful world of Jeconais fanfiction. Good luck!

josh posted a comment on Friday 4th November 2005 5:39am

I really like this story so far. This was the first time I had ever read this pairing and I feel that it is well done. I hope you decide to work on this one sometime soon.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 4:02pm

Very good. Loving it more and more. I do hope they don'e spend half or more of the story getting together. Nicely done.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 3rd November 2005 2:37pm

Outstanding start. This looks like it could be a very good story.


Rahul posted a comment on Monday 31st October 2005 12:17am

This is a great story, which is the norm for you it seems. When are you going to update it?! I can't wait to read more.