Hogwarts' Dawn
Chapter 11
By Jeconais
Kathleen posted a comment on Monday 8th July 2013 10:07pm for Chapter 11
Surprising. Did Hogwarts take over his body??
Konik47 posted a comment on Monday 8th July 2013 3:41am for Chapter 11
So I ended up hearing your name as an author by reading Hope when it was wrongfully posted on fanfiction.net without your permission. I have to say Hope was a wonderful story which I read in about three days and only found out that the author posted it without your permission after reading the whole story. This story is definitely on par with the writing from Hope and I'm quiet glad I came across your writing, I cannot wait to read more of it and I'm definitely going to take a look at all of your other stories.
Lostinfantry posted a comment on Monday 8th July 2013 2:09am for Chapter 11
Wow! Definitely gonna be impatient for the next chapter!
keichan2 posted a comment on Sunday 7th July 2013 8:54pm for Chapter 11
Hogwarts had me laughing out loud! That, and the "Your" house ;-p
"He even woke Aurora, who was the only person to react with a curse." Bwahahahahahaha! I was waiting for one of the girls to do that when he entered their room… ;-p
"We can licence Muggle movies, pay someone to see it" I’ve read this one, before, except that they did NOT licence the movies…
"Harry said, putting his arm around the older man" Wow! Had it been in the great hall, some would have chocked on their breakfast!
"Hogwarts made that decision for us. Everyone felt how she responded this morning." Shouldn’t it be "that morning", as it was the previous day?
"Gabrielle looked at Harry and nodded firmly." I didn’t catch immediately the why for the hug… I guess that with both Harry and Gabrielle screening, there should not be any error…
"Dawn Hogwarts" Was that planed from the start?
"Someone, or something, took control of his body" And I’ll guess that THIS someone did play with time… But who could that be? An why? And I just had a frightening thought: Hadn’t this already happened when he was playing with time? What if "Christopher" in chapter 3 was created by the same entity that just took control of Harry?
Okaaayyy… The shield and the way the intruder dealt with Gabrielle were both hints… The plea for help, I thought came from Hogwarts because the intruder was siphoning her magic… Now I think it was Hogwarts but because Harry was about to prevent what happened…
I hope you will update soon, because I really wonder why the time dilator was used, and for how long…
jua-chan posted a comment on Saturday 6th July 2013 10:34am for Chapter 11
Wow. I did not expect that. At all.
Great chapter, but you kinda left me speechless so I don't know what to say.
The thing with the TV invention kind of came as a complete surprise. I am very curious how that is going to go at Sirius' trial.
Hogwarts. No Dawn. Well, I have a feeling she has been aging him in his sleep. Not sure why though. Maybe to allow what just happened to occur. We shall see (hopefully next chapter).
I love this story. Had to reread all the chapters and they were just as fun as the first few times :)
See you next chapter ;)
Gardengirl posted a comment on Friday 5th July 2013 1:41am for Chapter 11
Original - cool - fascinating - this is fantastic! I can hardly wait to find out what you've got in store next :)
Celexs posted a comment on Thursday 4th July 2013 4:38pm for Chapter 11
The ending of this chapter caught me completely off guard. Over all this story is amazing, and I am very much looking forward to seeing how it continues. Excellent work.
shadowfox9 posted a comment on Thursday 4th July 2013 3:20am for Chapter 11
you are an evil man. Leaving us like this with dawn. evil evil evil. and I love it!
santiln posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd July 2013 2:18am for Chapter 11
MAN YOU ROCK! I'm really glad you're still writing this. I can't wait for your next update.
Till your next chapter.
karlii posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd July 2013 1:37am for Chapter 11
Quite a nice chapter! Things are getting bigger and more grand all the time.
Will Harry ever get declared an adult? Get his age changed so he isn't still 14? First, that would solve his problem of being too young to own a company... and second, it would solve all those pesky under-age issues that crop up.
Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for Dawn!
thetaxzombie posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd July 2013 9:32am for Chapter 11
Quite the chapter. A solid, and interesting piece of work. Kept my interest from the start and never let it wane. Dawn should be an entertaining addition to the group, especially now that she can speak to everyone. I going with the belief that she is an avatar right now and Hogwarts is still alive, though I would think fairly drained at the moment. Look forward to the next installment. I've no doubt it too will be top drawer.
gaschalk posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 7:43pm for Chapter 11
That ending was not expected. Glad to read another chapter. A few spelling mistakes but nothing major. Still I consider you one of the few major good authors out there. Most just follow JKR plot line and very few do not deviate from it. Just rewrite what she wrote. If you think about it I think she had ghost writers doing the last few books because they gradually got worse. Again I thank you for a good chapter and look forward to the next one. Stan gaschalk@telus.net
Mmend15 posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 6:55pm for Chapter 11
this definitely threw me for a loop and wasn't what i was expecting. but it was great nonetheless.
Patches posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 6:30pm for Chapter 11
This is a great chapter. I love all the changes and now i see who Dawn Hogwarts is. It explains the story name so well. I look forward to learning more about Harry's plans for the future and to see who else he brings into "Your House"! Thanks for writing. I have enjoyed your stories for years. I look forward to more . pms
Crys posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 3:04pm for Chapter 11
> he knew that the idea would probably change the lives of all his friends. No, that was not at all ominous. Ah, doing the "business with magic attached" thing. But, you're making it far more in-depth. The multi-year plan, phases, all that.
> seen the birth of a Playboy industrialist Is there going to be a Tony Stark joke here?
> "Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne," *laugh*
*blink* We just watched an avatar being created? . . . Huh. Definitely looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Hytekrednek posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 1:28pm for Chapter 11
As always my friend. You have put forth a wonderful chapter to a great story. I just hope that life and everything lets you update this story quicker that almost 4months. I can relate to some of your previous life problems as i have had the same ones. It never leaves us but we learn to live with it and it does make us stronger. I should know as I just lost my father 18 days ago. Looking forward to the rest of the story.
Meja920 posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 1:21pm for Chapter 11
Wow, really good chapter. I'm probably just thick, but I didn't see Dawn coming at all. I literally had to pick my jaw of the ground. Thanks for the authors note as well. One of my favorite things about fanfiction is that the authors occasionally interact with us readers and tell us what they are thinking or feeling about what they wrote... I find it fascinating, so thanks. Thanks as well for updating, it's the best when a favorite story gets a new chapter. Very best regards. Meja.
Tlcatlady posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 4:57am for Chapter 11
Wow! Amazing chapter, especially the manifestation of dawn at the end. TLC
Nytefyre posted a comment on Monday 1st July 2013 3:32am for Chapter 11
It's been a while since the last update, and this was a doozy. Harry's vision and the arrival of Dawn are both interesting twists and I look forward to seeing where this goes. Hopefully the next installment will be soon!!
Thanks for posting.
injnuity posted a comment on Tuesday 9th July 2013 12:11am for Chapter 11