By Jeconais
Chris Jenks posted a comment on Friday 4th May 2007 1:26am
<Rip>"Rabbit season!"
<Rip>"Duck season!"
<Rip>"Rabbit season!"
<Rip>"Duck seas... Ferret season?"
Daffy and Bugs looked at each other, then at Draco. "Hmmm..."
Draco smiled a sickly smile and waved bye, before taking off running.
Harry just shrugged and took the shotgun and hunter's cap Bugs handed him. When in Wackyland...
Terry Swain posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 7:41pm
Great story. very funny :)
ace posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 1:55pm
I can't stop laughing. I have to wonder if you were watching an episode of the Loony Tunes when you wrote this.
Yo posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 12:14pm
BWHAHAHA!!! And I just noticed how both chapters start remarkably the same... Ah, "poor" Draco is always the scapegoat... BWHAHAHAHA!!!
A beautiful friendship indeed - if anything, it would be be nice to see a visual version... The audial and visual ecstasy...
Yo posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 12:02pm
You are god(no offense to religious people)! Bugs and Pepe le Pew... Heh heh, poor Hermione, the absolute amount of disregarded logic (since physics, or quite of science in general, does not matter with magic anyways)...
Ah, the line that sums this up is "Darkness emanated from the hole, ignoring all the laws of physics that pointed out clearly that darkness could not emanate." Awesome drabble. It is a pity that people complain about updates to your other stories when you post something else though. I would like to read all you have in storage... I think this was a meandering review...
I hope you update soon!
csktech posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 5:21am
Tim this was brillent. OF course I have a pretty good idea where the idea for this came from: Did you remember a quirky little peice called The Unenviable Task of Catching a Blonde Roadrunner or how to get flattened in 10 easy lessons from a few years back?
I hope this one keeps nibbling away at you and you have to continue, it's funy as hell.
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 4:32am
Oh dear god. Let malfoy not manage to pull taz thru.
Too frickin funny otherwise T! Rock on!
Patches posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 2:07am
This is very well done. I love Bugs and this is a perfect playground for him to play in. Bugs working with Harry is perfect. Now, is Bugs going to help Harry with his love life (Or lack of!)? That would be great. I seem to recall Bugs Bunny as a great match maker! I look forward to more of these drabbles1! I love the fact that Pepe showed up. Draco is really an inept wizard isn't he? Poor McGonagal! I am so glad Harry rescued her. It was surprising that she gave Harry points for his lovely smell and his nice hands. Especially in the middle of the Great Hall! The speculations from that alone could be disasterous! (Oops, now I'm thinking like Bugs Bunny!) Thanks for writing. This is fun. pms
Christie posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 9:11pm
(Rolling on the floor,Laughing my a** off with all dignity forgotten)
That's HILARIOUS! I can't imagine
what hell might get loose at Hogwarts if Malfoy summons another Looney Toon!
Thank you so much for writing and bringing a smile to my face.
Who's next? Yosemite Sam? Wile E. Coyote? Silvester? Road Runner? Tazmanian Devil?
Marvin The Martian?
Mark Safransky posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 8:57pm
That was just hilarious! Can't wait to see who else Draco might decide to summon. Maybe Foghorn Leghorn, Daffy Duck, Road Runner, man the list is endless. Keep getting bored at lunch, these are fun.
Fishburne posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 7:22pm
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 2:11pm
*snicker* I can just see that entire chapter done as combination of animation and live action. You've captured the mayhem of the old Loony Tunes cartoons beautifully. Chuck Jones and company would be proud of you.
Can we see Foghorn Leghorn and Henry Hawk there at some point? I can just see Malfoy being addressed, "Boy, I say boy, I'm talking to you."
sejones posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 1:32pm
Have you ever seen the movie "Who framed Roger Rabbit?" When I read this fic, I imagine the kind of live action/animation overlays utilized in that film. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, though I worry about Bugs trying to find Harry a girlfriend. Thanks!
Angus Hardie posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 9:23am
Amazingly funny and really clever. It made me laugh very much.
Ron posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 6:54am
Tim, this is hilarious!!! Hope you've got a bit more on this for us.
Beau Wolff posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 6:10am
I hope you don't mind me saying so, but these are delightful .
Amamama posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 4:33am
Oh, this is hilarious! Keep the drabbles coming - I absolutely love it. Prof. McG's comment that he has the nicest smell and the nicest hands in Hogwarts was wonderful. I wonder what the results of that will be? Hope you had some time to eat during your lunch break, or do you live on stories?
darthme1011 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 1:16am
Even better than chapter 1
darthme1011 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 1:11am
This IS THE FUNNYEST Stuff i have ever read
Bocardo posted a comment on Saturday 5th May 2007 10:12am