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draalder posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 4:48pm

I gotta say, I love stuff like this that is written purely for the fun of it all. Let plausability hang. You gotta love bugs, he is a classic in every way, shape, and form. Two humble requests/suggestions if you dont mind; (forget critisism, you said your doing it as a pick-me-up, go nuts) seeing bugs in his old Nazi impersonation (or a Dumbledore outfit!) would be fun to see since he did more than crosdressing, and I hope to see Daffy sometime in the future. All hail the Duck!
Love it and hope to read more.

Viridian posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 4:47pm

That last line left me cackling (not unlike Dear Witch Hazel) at the top of my lungs, leading my dear wife Runsamok to inquire if I had *quite* lost my mind.

On a slightly more serious note, this reminds me of reading Bob Aspirin's good stuff. When you do stream of consciousness like this, you display a gift for comedic timing that many would envy. Please, indulge this muse whenever you need to amuse yourself - the rest of us can only profit from it!

pyrodaemon posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 4:32pm

Ok you just combined my two favorite things in the world: Harry Potter and Bugs Bunny!!! I think its a great story and I don't care if the structures not right or its not betaed it Bugs Bunny and Harry Potter, need I say more?

Meg posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 4:24pm

Again, this rocks. :D



DobbyElfLord posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 3:32pm

I loved the end with Susan out manipulating the Slytherins! Bugs at Hogwarts - what a great idea.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 3:01pm

can't stop laughing, and can't wait to read it to my wife and daughters.

thanks for sharing

darthme1011 posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 3:00pm


Ron posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 2:43pm

LOL, Tim, don't forget the musical effects, too! Can you imagine the look on Snape's and Malfoy's faces when something like "Ride of the Valkyries" booms out in the Great Hall during one of the pranks Bugs and/or Harry pulls?

mathetes01 posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 2:29pm

Direction or not this is a great story. Bugs tormenting Snape and Malfoy, what's not to love?

traveller posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 2:17pm

Hmm... Jessica Rabbit, the only drawn female that... uhhh, never mind.

(Just to take out the squick factor, that was a joke).

Although, maybe Bugs can summon Jessica... you know, just to give Harry the right idea.

Like the lady said 'I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way'.


insertparagraph posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 2:11pm


*thinks for a bit*

No, that pretty much covers it. In fact, I think I'll say it again.


Frank Hacklander posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 2:08pm

this is funny! susan bones has my vote for ending up w/ harry given the way you've allowed her to "outslytherin" the slytherins. brilliant! especially since you've never done a "susan" story...ok, you haven't done a parvati, su li or lavender either, but c'mon, susan seldom gets a break. anyway, one can "hope."

jgkitarel posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 2:01pm

Tim, considering the seeming randomness of the Looney Toons universe, keep it up as a stream of consciousness.

Besides, adding Bugs in the mix gives it the proper humor for something so random.


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 1:35pm

Slytherins. They were always so easy to manipulate.

That's a classic line that really hits the nail.

Good chapter in this series.

Sheepstamper posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 1:07pm

Once again you astound me with your writting prowess. Simply brilliant.

Completly love the alternative Potterverse....

Todd Rodgers posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 1:06pm

You know, I'm waiting for Gertrude, the big orange fuzzy thing, to go schtumping around Hogwarts. That'd be a good thing to chase down Draco with!

kendra1 posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 1:01pm

Excellent. Bugs Bunny rocks, but my favourite Looney Tune is Tweetie. Will the little guy make an appearance? I hope so.

Anyway, this was great. A much needed pick me up after a long day. Thank you.

Jarrod posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 12:59pm

Yay for something to lighten the end of a day. This is just too amusing not to keep reading, have fun.

vl100butch posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 12:55pm

Oh my Gawd.....when is Daffy going to make an appearance...

I never could contact you about the omakes I wrote for Rosarch Blot's Old Soldiers which on occasion can cross WEB Griffin with Harry Potter and Bugs Bunny (keep in mind, Bugs was a Marine)....

Was looking for the next chapter of Hope but this makes me laugh out loud

Puck1 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th May 2007 4:20pm

Love this, Jeconais!!