By Jeconais
Kal posted a comment on Sunday 13th May 2007 1:06am
Drabble/idea or not, I love it!
I am laughing so hard there are tears in my eyes. And this is the second time I read it! I look forward to your resultion! or even just the next wonderful installment....
Thanks for the funnies!
Sharl Goldwing posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 10:08pm
Oh my blazing God, this is one of the funniest things I've ever read. I've been reading your works off for a while, but I simply to comment on your little work here. Stitches in my side attest to my appreciation of your work. While I eagerly await the next installment of Hope, I shall be keeping a keen eye out for more Loony mayhem from you.
Sharl Goldwing
The Resident posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 7:06pm
If you incorporate even a tenth of all the stuff Bugs and crowd have done, Hogwarts will never be the same. Keep up the great work.
BloodTalons posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 6:28am
I don't care about structure...I don't care about grammar...I just feel the need to find a large number of Bugs Bunny cartoons and duplicate Susan's research (viewing hours of Looney Tunes).
Tim, whatever is causing you to be sad either can't be too bad that you are still able to come up with this level of humor or is so bad that you are totally escaping reality...but if this is any true sign of clinical depression, it is one that I have heard of yet.
Excellent update and overall story (as always). This "drabble" offers so many is truly a brilliant concept.
Keep writing!
Altarus posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 4:36am
Pure Genius
Christie posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 3:53am
Yay! Yosemite Sam is gonna cause MORE CHAOS!
Great chapter, but this isn't one of your more funny chapters.
Neil Glover posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 3:24am
Funny story, I look forward to the next chapter(s)
nutterdude101 posted a comment on Saturday 12th May 2007 1:39am
That was one of the funniest things I've seen since Nonjon's last chapter of 'Thief'. It seems your rather unmeasurable talent extends to humour as well. What can't you do?
pen posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 10:10pm
For what you call drabble, it is highly entertaining. I would like to see where
you take this one. It looks like how you
started TMW, a totally wild idea that took off. BTW: Can you see Voldie hiring
Pinky and the Brain as Sub contractors.
Ivy_Snowe posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 10:07pm
*grovels* I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! I am a worm! I am a worm! Seriously, though, that was hilarious. A crossover of HP and the looney toons? What the hell? I love it! It's genius in it's insanity. Cheers.
Patches posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 8:37pm
Oh boy. This is getting interesting. Yousemite Sam and Snape. Quite a pair! Thank goodness Bugs knows "what's up"! He can deal with Sam, and Snape for that matter. The girls are going to get a rude awakening. I like Susan's style though! On with the show! Thanks for writing. This is fun. pms
that1 posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 8:22pm
I can see this turning in to another "Black, Mr. Black" story.
Good job! Keep it up!
M2J MandalorianJedi posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 7:55pm
W-T-F!!! Unique, definitely. I'm dfinitely watching out for where this one goes. After all it is THE MOST original concept I've seen yet.
nightsoil posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 5:31pm
You are completely and utterly insane!
Marry me...
(aka I love it)
C. Harris posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 11:53am
a delight to read!
redwoodhouse posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 11:41am
Your useage of both sets of characters had been excellent. It has nicely tickled my funny bone in so many ways. Please add more to the story
BJH posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 9:16am
Oh, those 'Puffs are such an evil lot! Good 'on her. BJH
djdees posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 5:35am
Tim -
I'm extremely sorry that you need cheering up, although it does happen to us all. I hope your cheer finds you soon.
On the other hand, I'm extremely grateful that you need cheering up and that this is the result. I don't often laugh out loud or sit and giggle for a bit afterwards. I did that after both a first and second read of this.
Thanks for the laughs and for sharing your stream of thought work. You may think it rough and not up to your normal standards, but to me it's another quality production in the area most important - quality of ideas and expression of them.
Adrian R Brown posted a comment on Friday 11th May 2007 4:49am
Such a strange, yet humorous little crossover. Loving it absurdity of it all. Can't wait to read more. Keep it up! :)
ed king posted a comment on Sunday 13th May 2007 7:09am