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Wolfric posted a comment on Monday 9th November 2009 9:44pm for 8 - Finishing

Just revisiting one of my favorite stories. I hope circumstances will permit you to update some of the current ones. Thanks for writing. W.

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Saturday 3rd October 2009 8:18am for 8 - Finishing

This is very well written. The biggest issue I see is that there were few bumps along the way. After all, sometimes even the best laid plans do not work quite as expected. Additionally, Harry's initial acceptance of Pansy's family and herself seemed a little easy, given the his background. Finally, Pansy's acceptance of Ginny to that extent seems a little hard to believe. Oh, I'm not saying that the ending would change, but a little more resistance on Pansy's part might have been in character.

Again, overall this is quite well done. Thanks for sharing it.

Ossama Beverly posted a comment on Wednesday 30th September 2009 11:48am for 8 - Finishing

wow, gtreat story

cyantons posted a comment on Saturday 22nd August 2009 6:10am for 8 - Finishing

Amazing piece...It's also the first time I've ever read such a bad-ass Tonks. Wonderful.

delrusant posted a comment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 7:54am for 8 - Finishing

Maybe your best piece of writing (but I have not yet read everything). Did you post any of the short side stories?

A really well thought AU story which might be a bit too hard on the Malfoy stupidity but gives an idea of what could have been HP in a less manichean setting.

fyrecat posted a comment on Thursday 6th August 2009 11:26pm for 8 - Finishing

Alright. I loved it! Awesome story. Where are the promised sequels?

Also, on an editorial note, many, many of your adjectives were in the wrong tense. I think that may be something that a grammar checker will catch.

Overall, I love this story! Thanks!!!

Brian Donnely posted a comment on Monday 3rd August 2009 9:22pm for 8 - Finishing

Gah.. you know, I may have liked this story if you hadn't committed one of the biggest (in my opinion) sins of fanfiction. I'll state the bottom line very simply.

This was not a Harry/Pansy story. It was a Harry/OC-with-the-name-Pansy-Parkinson story. The reason for this is because you committed that sin I was talking about. This was clearly a case of deciding who Harry was going to be paired with before outlining the story. You can't do that. Pansy is a canon character with an established personality, you can't just change her entire character for the sake of giving Harry a pretext of being with her. I mean, Christ, if you wanted Harry to be with someone of this personality, then give him someone who's NOT PANSY PARKISON. Or if you needed a Slytherin, there's always Daphne or Tracy, perfectly acceptable girls who don't have of an established personality or backstory so you could have done this exact story with them without completely disregarding everything that's been written about them.

Don't make change an established character into an OC of the same name. It's just WRONG.

Other than that, fine story. What I've come to expect from you. Despised how you had Ginny become part of their relationship like that.. but I can deal.


FireStarter83 posted a comment on Sunday 5th July 2009 4:23am for 8 - Finishing

So how soon are we goin to find out about Harry, Ginny, and Pansy's "issues"? Which when you really think about it aren't really issues. Simply because they have all the grounding or a relationship anyway. I mean they've been sleeping in the same bed for months. Granted nothing sexual happened the thought and want are there. So I'm intrigued as to where you're gonna go with the sequel to this story. For some reason all fanfic authors have been hesitant to write a story of Harry's life after Voldemort now that the last book has come out and most aren't liking the ending. Don't get me wrong that and book 6 are actually the ones I haven't read(mostly cause life is gettin in the way...pesky bills). But I have the utmost respect for your particular brand of artistic talent. You take the most unlikely character and develop her into someone not only worthy of Harry but completely believable. I question your mindset and knowledge of weaponry. But I really want you to continue this line of fiction. That said(and very politely for once) I kindly request that you either start or post the sequel to White Knight, Grey Queen.

Regina Noctis posted a comment on Saturday 27th June 2009 10:51am for 8 - Finishing

First of all, may I say that I truly enjoy reading all of your fanfiction. This is the second time I've had the honor of reading WKGQ, and it's just as addicting as when I first read it through.

Now. WHY DID YOU CUT THE STORY RIGHT BEFORE THE HARRY/PANSY/GINNY THREE-WAY?!?!?! Crikey, man, I was just looking forward to it! :P Of course, your foursome kissing Harry was just...*sigh/drool* Very entertaining to say the least. XD

Thanks for the laughs, and the tears, and the bucket of awe-inspired drool in front of my computer. You owe me for the paper towels, I'm afraid. XD

Gina (who'd still LOVE to be a part of FFA if a spot opens up in the future ;D)

Ace Hawk posted a comment on Wednesday 24th June 2009 12:38pm for 8 - Finishing

Dude this book rocks and is way beyond my expectations. u rock man. now i have a small favour to ask of u-as i like this bookplease notify me as of any new books u write on these kind of plots where harry is offered training to be the best by witches and with a little romance. get me onthe email id:

Change posted a comment on Saturday 23rd May 2009 9:58am for 8 - Finishing

Great Story, it is rare to find any decent size story with this pairing. You are hinting at a continuation of this story at some point, but i noticed you finished this story close to 4 years ago.

Do you have any idea on when or if at all, you'll continue this ?

Ginger posted a comment on Friday 1st May 2009 5:34pm for 8 - Finishing

Please Tim, next story in this universe? Coming soon? Maybe? Pleeeeease? I am read this story more than some fiction books I have, you are great.

Harriverse posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd April 2009 10:33pm for 8 - Finishing

I found this recommended and I'm glad I followed your name to find it! It's people who can write like you that make JK's hair fall out. What an incredible rush your creativity gave me as I read your fascinating story over the last 2 days. Thank you soooooo much.

rede30325 posted a comment on Thursday 9th April 2009 4:31pm for 8 - Finishing

This was really good I usually stay away from the H/P pairing but since I like just about of your work I had to read and i'm glad I did

wolvenkite posted a comment on Friday 3rd April 2009 6:10pm for 8 - Finishing

I heard about this story from reading a story on I thought this was pretty good. When we'll you have out the story with harry, ginny, and pansy sorting out there issues?

Kara posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 5:10pm for 8 - Finishing

The only quibble I have is that Bella surrendered, Pansy should have honored it, instead of having her killed.

cookie posted a comment on Thursday 2nd April 2009 11:18am for 8 - Finishing

wow,awsome story,seriously!x3.mhm,does the end note mean that you will write about the issues of harry,pansy and ginny,or that we should just imagine the end of that ourselves?xD
anyway,it ´s really well written and i give praises to your beta crew x3

CaptMacca posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 6:51am for 8 - Finishing

I just finished this story, and I LOVED it! Where's the rest, hmm? lol

Liberal_bird posted a comment on Monday 19th January 2009 12:25am for 8 - Finishing

Love the story are there any of the extra scenes posted? I couldn't see them

Houseki posted a comment on Monday 5th January 2009 7:33pm for 8 - Finishing

this story was cool