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Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Monday 8th May 2006 10:46am for 8 - Finishing


I've just finished reading this story in its entirety, and I must say, it was very well done. The premise of this story was unique and intriguing, and it drew me in. Your characterization of Pansy was interesting, and the fundamental changes she made to Harry's character were insightful. That being said, I was a little disgruntled when you brought Ginny into their relationship. While multiple partner pairings can be fun to read, I don't feel as if it fits in this story, or stories to follow. Towards the middle of the story you had Ginny moving on, and had Harry admit that while he had SOME feelings for Ginny, it was Pansy whom he wanted to be with and raise his family. Heck, the boy was planning on proposing (what happened to THAT, by the way?) Suddenly, this all changed and it was almost like you took some of Pansy's characteristics away and gave them to Ginny so she too, could be a true partner to Harry. To me, this just didn't fit right with the flow of the rest of the story. Now, like I said, in the main, I liked this story, so please don't misconstrue this review as a flame. I just wanted to point out what I felt was an added plot point that weakened the storyline at times. Keep up the good work!

j porter posted a comment on Saturday 22nd April 2006 9:17pm for 8 - Finishing

this story is now one of my favorites!!! you are an awsome writer i bow down before your greatness. im going to have to read all you stuff now. all hail the great jeconais. you rock. let me know if you have any other storys you think i should read.

fx posted a comment on Friday 14th April 2006 12:07pm for 8 - Finishing

a bloody brilliant fic! cost me my sleep though and only manage to get 2 hours of sleep before off to work. Pity I can't say it's all Jeconais fault when my boss would be breathing down my neck for taking a nap at office. So where's the link to the follow up fics to this one? Especially the one that deals with Harry trashing out issues with his 'mates' and the one where Dobby would be playing in Quidditch

Alcatras posted a comment on Monday 10th April 2006 7:47am for 8 - Finishing

i like your fight bur you need to finish the story some day because there are too many open issues

rblack posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 9:25pm for 8 - Finishing

wow, brilliant story, I just wish there was more about the end, you know after the battle.

Thank you.. Well done..


kwokinator posted a comment on Saturday 8th April 2006 2:53pm for 8 - Finishing

Excellent fic. I'd rank it as one of the best HP fics I've ever read. An excellent epic on all fronts, very well-written, the characters are developed well and progression was nice.

Awesome work.

Lira posted a comment on Saturday 8th April 2006 4:09am for 8 - Finishing

I've just been rereading this story as it's really, really brilliant. I hope you'll find the time someday to do some of the shortstories you talked about in your notes.

Bob Joyce posted a comment on Thursday 6th April 2006 8:54am for 8 - Finishing

Enjoyed the hell out of the story. I know its
AU now, but I think its better than HBP

Hazel posted a comment on Wednesday 5th April 2006 1:23pm for 8 - Finishing

I've never read a Harry/Pansy story before, but as I couldn't find any other good stories to read, I thought I would try this one. I'm glad I did. I like the way the human sides of the house system are brought in, because the world is definately not just black and white. I enjoyed it, and I'm sorry that I finished it so quickly! (yeah, I know it's over 200k words, but it took me two days, I got so into it!)

Highschool Nerd posted a comment on Sunday 2nd April 2006 7:30pm for 8 - Finishing

I totally fell in love with this story! This is the best Harry/Pansy story I have ever read. I liked how you portrayed Pansy as a real person with very real feelings.

DJ posted a comment on Sunday 2nd April 2006 7:17pm for 8 - Finishing


What a story I love the way you make odd pairs work you do it better then anyone. One question is Hermione into girls in this story like Daphne maybe? I hope you do add to this universe it grate but then I have yet to read anything from that I did not like keep it up.

wolfey posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 4:32am for 8 - Finishing

I love this story. But I want to know what haooens after. Do you think you could maybe do a couple one shots to tell bout what happened in the election or the talk between harry, panys, and ginny. Or what happened to the house elves. Or just do a sequal to cover the after plz. thank you.

Viridian posted a comment on Friday 24th March 2006 8:05am for 8 - Finishing

Wow... nicely done. I think the budding relationship between Ginny and Harry and Pansy was nicely developed and handled with taste and care. You went for a slightly different resolution, but it flowed so naturally that it was very believable.

The FINAL BATTLE (tm) was everything it should have been. Good guys used smart tactics and played on the weaknesses of their enemies.

By just showing the planning for the aftermath and Harry's Revolution (tm), you've already outlined the epilogue for us... except knowing exactly how those three work things out - which I think was kind of the point.

The Parkinson OCs (all THREE of them) and their grey code of ethics was magnificently developed and utilized. Here are REAL Slytherins, people.

Ron's attacks of foot-in-mouth disease were getting a little repetitive, but I'm glad he finally saved up and purchased a clue card.

But what are they going to call the new House? Potter House?

Hutcho7188 posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 9:12pm for 8 - Finishing

Are you planning on doin a series of small stories
that have the results of everythin- the election,
Harry, Pansy and ginny, and all of those fiddly little details u left at the end of the story?

Jeffrey1 posted a comment on Saturday 18th March 2006 10:05pm for 8 - Finishing

great had me enthralled.

jake m posted a comment on Thursday 16th March 2006 4:06pm for 8 - Finishing

very impressive the only imporvement i can thin kof is if hermoine was with ginny pansy and harry as aragog so well put 'mates'

patrick1 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th February 2006 8:47pm for 8 - Finishing

this was kinda a slow week as far as stories go, so i re-read this story for like the 12th time. still great as always, i hope there will be more parts to this storyi wanna see what happens between harry pansy and ginny

Rovias05 posted a comment on Saturday 25th February 2006 7:05pm for 8 - Finishing

I've had to review this story, because it just rocks that much. I am now reduced to begging for a sequel, so I can stop reading this one over and over again. The last story I did that to was Saerry Snape's "Not Myself" series. If you've read it, that should tell you what I think of this story. Granted, NM is a bit more unrealistic, but I loved its characters, much like this.

ShadeHawk posted a comment on Friday 24th February 2006 1:25pm for 8 - Finishing

Harry/Pansy. Not an easy pairing. No usual Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione ships. But a truly wonderful story, painted not only in black and white, but in shades of gray (for example Dumbledore). I guess that with such a difficult pairing, to make believable story, the writer's talent really shows.

So... will there be a sequel?

GuardianOfLight posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 10:27am for 8 - Finishing

Jesus christ that was a good story, other than the chapters being absolutly huge I can't fault you.

It was for lack of a better word perfect.

The Pansy pairing is one I have never seen before and works very well, I especially liked the picture included, do you draw that yourself?

The inclusion of the navy was also an excellent idea as well as the realsim at the fact that they could not phyisically use all the resourses they had ie: DA and the Thestrals, normally authors try toi cram everything into a story but that was just a stroke of genius.

I can not offer high enough praise for this fic it has to be among my top 5 of all time and trust me I have read a lot.

I also have a request if I may.

I am writting a Harry Potter/Buffy/Original crossover fic that is currently fairly dull, I am currently rewriting it to attempt to make it more interesting and if I may I would like to include some of the ideas, specifically:

- The wizard flu and how Harry was pulled out of the dursley's and trained over the summer
- the use of aircraft in the final battle
- And Harry forming his own side

Annoyningly I actually thought up a similar idea to the aircaft one but just didn't know how to properly implement it, so I still feel like I should ask your permision as yours gave me my idea.

I would have emialed me directly but I did not know how to contact you.

Please reply to no matter what the answer is:

Much abliged.

Adam (GuardianOfLight)