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Triage The Potterfan posted a comment on Wednesday 26th February 2020 6:36pm for The Darkness

Well I definitely came late to this party, seeing as the last comments was from what, 2007? I absolutely loved this story, and I rather wish it was completed. Many of the ideas here are very original to me and interesting. Despite the time gap, I'm holding out hope that this would be finished somehow. By the way, what's WK,GQ? I tried googling and looking around the site, but I can't find anything about it aside from comments. Anyways, I don't know if you'll ever see this, or if you're even still around, but Jeconais, I'm a loyal fan now, and you're one of the best HP FanFic writers I've ever seen. I sincerely hope you would consider returning and finishing your tales. :)

Shadowdog posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2016 1:21am for The Darkness

Honestly I'm a tad bit sad this ended, but I accept it. Great story. I enjoyed the interaction between the two, and I'm hardly a H/G midshipman.

Novonia posted a comment on Thursday 30th April 2015 3:07am for The Darkness

oh I like this, very nice. *hey muse, can we get a bit of action over here please??*

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Monday 8th July 2013 7:47am for The Darkness

Don't know why it took me so long to read this little gem of a story, but I'm glad did. Great job as far as it goes. I know it's only meant to be a one shot, but WOW! it still has potential.

Again that you for sharing your talents with the rest of us.


Nytefyre posted a comment on Sunday 27th January 2013 9:27pm for The Darkness

It's a pleasant set up with lots of potential.. Certainly threatened to take a turn for the dark but got back on track in a unique fashion. Had enough unique touches that it didn't feel repetitive.

Thanks for posting.

M. Scott Eiland posted a comment on Sunday 1st April 2012 6:30am for The Darkness

Yeah, using some of the ideas here to create WK, GQ was a better choice in the long run--but this was still fun in its own right. Not every story needs to be a fully realized masterpiece to be worthwhile.

bannanacupcakes posted a comment on Saturday 2nd January 2010 7:32am for The Darkness

That cant be the end is it?
What happens next?

Nargus posted a comment on Sunday 13th December 2009 6:08pm for The Darkness

Wish there be continue to this. This plot worth a full story :D

Nargus posted a comment on Sunday 13th December 2009 5:06pm for The Darkness

Nice story. Though I have some comment. On the train, I don't think Luna would really act that surprise, like, mouth opened like that. It would be more her style to raise an eye blow with just slightly more expression than usual. She'd most likely notice the changes right away the moment she saw them anyway and so probably won't be all that surprised with Ginny's actions.

Dustin Hoeppner posted a comment on Tuesday 27th October 2009 5:34pm for The Darkness

Why did you abandon this story? It is a good story please finish this story.

jedielfsorcerer posted a comment on Friday 10th July 2009 10:04am for The Darkness

this is really good. too bad thats its been abandoned. at least someone could adopt it. or it could be not abandoned?

Marina4370 posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd September 2008 10:16am for The Darkness

I can't believe you'll never finish this story. I'm a your great fan, I've read every story you had written with the pairs Harry/Ginny. I can't and wouldn't stand the image of Harry with someone else, it simply seems not rigth to me. This story have everithing I was looking for in a fanfiction: the early marriage and the enormous amount of love between my two most loved characters, the stiffness toward Dumbledore, gently sex. Can you ever change your mind and finish it?

Marina4370 posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd September 2008 10:15am for The Darkness

I can't believe you'll never finish this story. I'm a your great fun, I've read every story you had written with the pairs Harry/Ginny. I can't and wouldn't stand the image of Harry with someone else, it simply seems not rigth to me. This story have everithing I was looking for in a fanfiction: the early marriage and the enormous amount of love between my two most loved characters, the stiffness toward Dumbledore, gently sex. Can you ever change your mind and finish it?

Lady-Hope posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2008 1:54pm for The Darkness

GAHHHHH!!! why the hell did u have to abandon it??? i love this sotry!! its amazing!!! ugh. guhughugh.

Sharon posted a comment on Thursday 26th June 2008 6:26am for The Darkness

It is too bad this is abandoned. It is really different from all the other stories I have read. I love the way Dumbledore gets taken down a peg or two and that Snape can be human.

Delcera posted a comment on Friday 13th June 2008 3:38am for The Darkness

It's a shame you abandoned this-- I love the concept. Here's hoping that, someday, this gets made into a full-fledged fanfic.

RNCybergate posted a comment on Monday 2nd June 2008 10:48am for The Darkness

Can someone tell me why it is that the abandoned stories are the ones which I really want to read.

Some of these are simply, absolutely, unbelievably, so extraordinary perfect that....if I could order you to continue to write some of them I would without a seconds thought.

Please reconsider yourself and continue a few stories like this would be darn well worth it!!!

Drake posted a comment on Wednesday 16th January 2008 2:00pm for The Darkness

>.> too many clichés.

cwejr posted a comment on Tuesday 15th January 2008 6:02pm for The Darkness

AAAWW. I know you said that they were abandoned, but I feel really rained on. The stopping poin as a came as a jolt (more like a kick in the stomach). Even the ones you decided to abandon are great. I realize that you have to follow your own decisions, but I wish I could figure out some way to convince you to finish some of these.

Thanks for what you gave us, anyway.



Peregrine829 posted a comment on Friday 11th January 2008 11:29pm for The Darkness

I just don't get it. How can I find your abandoned failures more involved and engaging than most authors' completed fics? How can you make even the most tired cliches seem fresh? How can you make me love stories with pairing I normally refuse to accept?