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r00ney posted a comment on Thursday 30th April 2015 1:00am for The Abyss

Very nicely written, and its a very good angst Harry/Ginny with a proper "reward" for Dumbledore.

Nytefyre posted a comment on Thursday 17th January 2013 7:28am for The Abyss

Nice dark Dumbledore, good angst for both Harry and Ginny.

Thanks for posting.

JC70s posted a comment on Wednesday 17th October 2012 7:10pm for The Abyss

This is not angst, this is ANGST! What a sad story and what a sad ending. Two beautiful souls full of love for each other destroyed by a man even more evil than Voldemort.. Well done!

Dark Raven posted a comment on Saturday 24th March 2012 11:52pm for The Abyss

one word: AWSOME!!

lwj2 posted a comment on Saturday 12th March 2011 9:47pm for The Abyss

Well done, and thank you.

Children-of-Bodom posted a comment on Saturday 28th August 2010 6:31pm for The Abyss

Wow, I can assure you that you remember how to write angst. One of the few fics that made me cry and, as I think, the only one where I could not stop until the end. And you even managed to make me think about it after the read with only 4500 words. You are simply the best author in this fandom in my opinion! Keep up the good work!

Abraxan posted a comment on Saturday 10th July 2010 1:24am for The Abyss

Whoa, that's heartbreaking! I hate it when Harry dies! Well-written and all that, but I really really hate it when Harry dies - and Ginny dying too just makes it worse. Argh.


Darkspear posted a comment on Friday 2nd July 2010 4:46pm for The Abyss

I read Stephen king all the time and i have never cried once nor been uber terrified by his writing.
Now someone on the internet comes along and makes me cry. Unbelivable. THis is one of the most well writen stories i have found i believe me i have looked pretty dang hard. Kudos to you on a fantasic story and next time don't make me cry.
I don't cry. THis is any exception

HPismyhero posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 4:54am for The Abyss

Loved Loved Loved it! You definitely still know how to write angst it made me cry but I was laughing at the beginning hearing Harry talk like that but it was great!

kenpachi posted a comment on Saturday 5th September 2009 2:52pm for The Abyss

i can honestly say that if you have any more stories like this that you should write them.
this,i feel, is your best story of all of your works that ive read.
all throughout i was wondering who had done it, what had happened and why. you answered the questions beautifully and managed to do so simply and totally.
again, wonderful work.

cyantons posted a comment on Saturday 22nd August 2009 6:57am for The Abyss


I'm going to go and cry now.

delrusant posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2009 4:22am for The Abyss

Damned Dumbledore or when for the greater good can be really to expensive to pay.

Manipulation to death that is hard even though Ginny should have been able to brake the imperius curse thanks to the power of love.

It is your story on the sad side, I prefer th eone where you make me laugh.

Jonez227 posted a comment on Saturday 8th August 2009 6:27am for The Abyss

that was really amzing. it was powerful and very moving. i have noticed that you don't really like Dumbledore, except in a few stories. this one was very sad. thank you though

joy glennie posted a comment on Saturday 18th October 2008 2:23pm for The Abyss

really sas, but so beautifully written

pav posted a comment on Saturday 2nd August 2008 10:10am for The Abyss

Goodness gracious,what a great story.An ultimate tearjerker.Congratulations

Masterjedi1979 posted a comment on Saturday 2nd August 2008 5:58am for The Abyss

By the Gods. that has to be one of the most moving fics i have ever read. WOW! I don't think there are words enough to express the feelings that this fic has brought to me. very very well done.

tiberius23 posted a comment on Friday 11th July 2008 12:45pm for The Abyss

Wow. I've loved all your stories. Loved the humor and banter. I'm really impressed with the total 180 from most of them this has. Bravo! Short, powerful, and still capturing the essence of the conflict. Keep it up.

Abraxan posted a comment on Thursday 10th July 2008 2:47pm for The Abyss

I HATE stories where Harry and/or Ginny die - but this is a powerful story and well-written. Nicely done.


Lady-Hope posted a comment on Friday 27th June 2008 7:47am for The Abyss

oh god. oh god, that was so sad. amazing. wonderful. heartbreakingly sad. but at least it had a happy ending. ish.

bunny posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd April 2008 5:04pm for The Abyss

That was sad. Really really sad.