By Jeconais
Zaxxon posted a comment on Monday 15th December 2014 2:37am
I like Ell Roche's "Chancing Chaos" series of one-shots, and I believe the one you are referring to was Chapter 13, "Truth, Trust, and Tradition." Of course, I do like fics where the author actually does some world-building and shows that there is something unique and worthwhile besides being Muggles with Wands.
Not sure I would call this a failure... yes, you couldn't make this into a series, but a stand-alone, one-shot would work. Yes, there is not much drama/challenge, but there is closure here.
Seeing what comes out next with interest.
Kail posted a comment on Monday 15th December 2014 1:30am
Did I enjoy this? Yes, rather (and honestly, a bit more than I did the original story). Setting aside my suspension of disbelief of canon for nicely written fic is always a pleasure, and I have to agree that you write a very nicely fleshed out reality that makes canon kind of pale in comparison.
Do I have problems with the original, and this continuation? Oh, yes.
The big one is the implication of Draco Malfoy being assigned as a sponsor to Hermione Granger with apparently no explanation for the purposes of it being given. Under privacy and secrecy, but implied to be before the first year ride on the Hogwarts Express, and most critically, no explanation beforehand on the consequences of refusal.
It strikes me rather as not telling someone before a two-door choice that they should choose one door but not the other, and not explain that the door they shouldn't step through has a thousand-foot drop with a lake of lava at the bottom on the other side.
"Choose ignorantly, but choose correct, because I'm not going to tell you that if you choose the wrong door you're going to screw over your entire life at this moment in time when you're eleven years old and entering a completely different culture."
Yeah, and Harry somehow had an innate understanding of these things.
*sigh* You write good, excellent even, Jeconais. I'll never stop reading your stuff, but this fic is one that I'll likely never revisit like I have other fics.
Orion posted a comment on Saturday 13th December 2014 2:25am
Actually, I didn't think this made no sense. Clearly I missed something by not reading the original story, but overall I found this to be reasonable.
-In this story there's much more to magical culture than is often portrayed.
-Morgana (and Merlin?) are are somehow still active and important, or maybe at least magic they enacted is.
-Astoria and Harry met and initiated some sort of magical bond before the start of this story.
And it all sorta comes together from there, at least enough to enjoy it. Thanks for writing and sharing.
red jacobson posted a comment on Saturday 13th December 2014 12:51am
Very interesting, and while I'll admit I've never read the story that inspired this one, it was still a fun little excursion.
Clell65619 posted a comment on Friday 12th December 2014 5:34pm
- Well, not being familiar with the original work by Ell Roche, I can't tell if this piece is a logical follow on to the original, but I thought it was a lovely little chapter.
- So, yeah, I have no idea what happened to put all the pieces in place, but I thought your submission was quite logical and well thought out.
- enjoyed it, thanks Tim.
silvergoddess posted a comment on Wednesday 10th December 2014 2:00am
It was a lot better then I think you're giving yourself credit for. I was able to pick up a lot about the circumstances that happened in the previous story without having read it. I did find a link to the stories posted on another site if you want to post it in the Author Notes for other's to read.
epsilon posted a comment on Wednesday 10th December 2014 12:55am
Well, I have to disagree with your comments. The story is quite good and I immensly enjoyed it, even without reading whatever you based it on. Thank you for posting it.
OwlishRavenclaw posted a comment on Tuesday 9th December 2014 5:15pm
For anyone that did not get to read the short that Eli Roche wrote, here is a link:
mwinter posted a comment on Tuesday 9th December 2014 1:29pm
Every page loaded correctly except the home page for me. Nice story even if it doesn't completely fit everyones personality and doesn't answer all the questions that you leave open.
genkitty posted a comment on Tuesday 9th December 2014 9:21am
I loved Ell Roche's series of vignettes dabbling in Pureblood Culture, and I'm sorry to hear they've been removed from
I find your story to be readable and entertaining, thanks for putting it up.
Joe Fenton posted a comment on Tuesday 9th December 2014 1:17am
You can find the original story here:
saas2813 posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 11:29pm
I think you managed to capture the random wierdness of the original. (That was meant in a good way about both stories...)
I came across it reposted by someone else here:
Ladynero posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 8:55pm
This is a beautiful story and has a lot of culture I'd love to see explored. The sponsoring of the students in need, the Rules of Morgana, and the fact that Slytherin was working together and can see beyond the pettiness of Snape.
And the scene where Lucius and Harry worked togethr to defeat Voldemort has me wanting to see more stories like that. I confess a weakness for Good Guy Lucius and Narcissa stories.
Lord_Tyriok posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 7:41pm
I know that Ell Roche pulled fics off of, however, I found a link to several of them, looks to be 28 one-shots, at
Just as a FYI
Jason9 posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 6:14pm
It took me a little bit to find the first one, and I wound up reading a couple of them, because even that short seemed like it jumped in from somewhere else (Harry's responses seemed a little strange to me.) That said, this was a fun read, and I actually found myself getting drawn in more than I would have expected. I think learning a new character (or a character that has only been given a little exposure in fiction) makes it a little easier to immerse myself in the story - there's no comparisions to make to other versions of the same person in different fanfiction, or expectations to live up to (or down to.) I thought this idea of pureblood culture was interesting, although in my mind it takes a pretty brutal society to produce children as well-behaved/thoughtful as the Slytherins seem to be here, which might not have been reflected in the actions of their parents. Then again, I'm probably reading way too much into something you did to knock some ideas out :-P
joshua trappe posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 3:33pm
i thought it was a pretty good story myself, even if i didnt understand much of it, not having read the story its based on before. i loved the use of Astoria as a love interest. oh, and if you want to read the original story yourself, you can look it up on google. i found it on a website called
thanks for the story.
jgkitarel posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 1:53pm
Honestly, it wasn't too bad. Sure, all the weaknesses you pointed out were there, and without the original context things really don't make sense. On the other hand, I had fun trying to figure things out without that context.
Simply you clearing out a plot bunny, that's all, good sir.
Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 1:17pm
BTW, I found a link to the HP Archive where the original story is located:
Wolfric posted a comment on Monday 8th December 2014 9:48am
While Shakespeare's standing is not imperiled by this story, it is easily above average for fanfiction. Thanks for writing. W.
avatar99 posted a comment on Wednesday 17th December 2014 6:14am