Perfect Slytherins - Tales from the Fourth Year
Part 3
By Jeconais
red jacobson posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2014 12:07pm for Part 3
Good Morning:
As always, a pleasure to see a new chapter of this story, and I'm wondering how long Barty Jr will last when he shows his face?
Interesting to see Harry actually being unleashed this chapter, although it was a shame to see James and Lily leave the story, hopefully they will find some happiness now.
Had to laugh at the inclusion of the Munster Clan, will Herman and Lily and the others make an appearance in this story?
Speaking of that, how many chapters do you intend for the 4th Year?
Looking forward to more of this, as well as Hogwarts Dawn
Slytherin66 posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2014 10:38am for Part 3
A great chapter with a bit of everything.
Harry’s birthday is always good for the change in Wednesday. Some nice gifts I liked the ones from Fester and Thing best but Gomez and Morticia were right about what a teenage boy wants and a Mustang is pure class.
An Addams family party is always amazing and they are so considerate towards their guests.
Well done Narcissa I never thought about clothing for ghosts and spirits but it would be important especially if a person died in bed or in the bath.
Thanks for the details of the clothing as it really helps to picture what is going on.
The rules for the challenge were good to know so once the matter is settled there will be not retaliation afterwards. I liked the show of power by Harry and Wednesday.
An interesting line "Sweet Merlin on a Bike" I don’t think I have come across that one before.
I never liked the Munster’s I hope they do fall.
The Potter’s are in a difficult situation but I am glad they have accepted Harry is no longer a Potter and I think he is far better off for it.
The vows were well put and what was said about Harry.
A good point a pure blood who needs a job is sure to get it but Severus will be happy and anyone is better than Binns.
Well said by Minerva about the Tournament 4th year would be boring for anyone who is not a Champion. Thanks for the extra details like translation spells as there would be so much to consider when hosting the other schools and Hogwart’s would want to show off although I think the other schools would not be very impressed with Hogwart’s just because there is so little to do outside of class.
Albus should be made to swear an oath that nobody will die.
Some nice banter between Severus and his lady.
Morticia would know alot and is not someone to be taken lightly. Narcissa should be a good teacher and I loved how she spoke to Albus especially "Albus Dumbledore is a mostly-spent force, his influence waning, people openly talking about his retirement" I bet that Pensive memory will be valuable and the former school heads will have much to gossip about now.
Marcus will keep things lively at Hogwarts and Severus happy is very rare.
Thanks for this chapter. Harry more like Gomez is definitely a good thing. I like the pinhead arc as its not often there is someone everybody fears or respects in the world of magic.
I agree magic would have made school easier and better.
I look forward to what you post next.
Jenara posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2014 8:41am for Part 3
wow I love it, nice dig at the munsters as well, and I'm glad someone finally spit out the issue with Dumbledore and quit pussyfooting around his feelings
ladysavay posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2014 6:15am for Part 3
Charming, scary, fun! Cissa's rant at Al was fabulous and seeing him be told off is always good for me.
Can't wait for more!
Jonez227 posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2014 3:30am for Part 3
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! i have been waiting for a new, great chapter and you did not disappoint. i can't wait for the next one. just please don't take a year. it was agonizing
Luan Mao posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2014 2:35am for Part 3
Only, I didn't have magic involved. If I had, I might have done better at school...
Probably not. Judging by the evidence, being qualified to go to magic school drops your IQ by 30 points and removes all traces of common sense.
josephus posted a comment on Saturday 8th March 2014 11:34pm for Part 3
Perfect Slytherins is back, yay :)
Always nice to see Harry brutally murder someone. And to see somebody call Dumbledore a sanctimonious old goat.
Davideg posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2014 12:57pm for Part 3