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bookivore posted a comment on Tuesday 19th February 2013 7:16pm for Part 2

I like the new chapter, especially Severus's visit with Lily and James - it's nice seeing him past the whole woe is me thing in a story. I wanted to add to the (small) crowd who dislike the name Dracine. a Psychological argument for something that doesn't sound like you ran the name Draco through a lawnmower: If you're going to the trouble of trying to change him, why tie her to a name that is a dead obvious version of the old one? Also, if he's now going to be Narcissa's girl, shouldn't she be allowed to name him something that means something to her, rather than (what seems to be) a made-up name? With a brief search I found a nice Japanese female name Kaida meaning little dragon.

The main reason to keep a character's name so dead close to the old name is to make it easier to write and read new material with that character in it, without having to say 'Tulip (who used to be Draco) came down to dinner'. So, I can understand the notion, but it limits who the character can be, with an awful name.

makarva posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2013 10:40pm for Part 2

que pasa con Luna???

delta11 posted a comment on Saturday 16th February 2013 8:56pm for Part 2

Awsome as always. This series is just so well written and thought out. I was weary about the kissing warning but it has been lead up too and hinted about from the begining and wasn't bad at all. It actually fit quite well. Please continue with this fic, it's one of my favorites. Sadly Hogwart's Dawn took a turn that I didn't like but this one is still wonderful. Please don't abandon.

Nytefyre posted a comment on Friday 15th February 2013 8:55pm for Part 2

Still enjoying these - the personalities are certainly more real - everyone isn't one dimensional or nice. Hope to see more.

Thanks for posting.

foreceflow02 posted a comment on Saturday 9th February 2013 8:58pm for Part 2

hey, good chapter! I just wanted to toss out a few small things that slipped past the beta and caught my attention.

"He’s already lost his primary genitalia along with all the testosterone and other chemicals required for normal development - all gone. What I can do is finish the job, a few more spells and potions, nnect the female Dracine Prince to the former Draco Malfoy."


"Voldemort," Severus said at

Said at what? Three am came early, far too early for his liking. He found himself approving of the form of dress the girls were wearing. Wednesday, Daphne and Narcissa were wearing similar summer dresses of varying lengths. Daphne’s was the shortest, but he could see the shorts underneath, and he knew that Narcissa was similar attire .

similarly attired, perhaps? "If you say so," Wednesday agreed. She waved her wand and the dishes started to clean themselves. "Does a one speak Greek?"

anyone? Severus smirked at her. "I guess that makes me a toy-boy. "

I've always heard this as boy-toy, but it might be a regional thing.

I do have to say, I loved your version of Lilly and James. It avoided the omniscient, all approving parents that you so often see from back-from-the-dead Lilly and James.

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 9th February 2013 9:24am for Part 2

This is a really good story. I really appreciate all the explanations throughout the story about different things. Like Harry and Wednesday not minding the pain so much as the lack of control. The fact that Gomez is a lot older than he appears and the fact that Wednesday and Harry arranged for them to have another child. I like Narcissa and Severus together. They make a great pair and I really liked the way they worked out the fact that they would be together but Severus didn't want a captive or a conquest. He wanted a willing partner. Wednesdaly and Morticia enlightened Narcissa so she was willing and able to meet Severus intimately. Very well thought out and written in such a way that things that should have been shocking like Severus telling Narcissa that he "had Lucius killed"! The solution for Draco was unexpected but it sounds like a good idea now. Dracine is a terrible name though. I agree with Harry. I hope Wednesday doesn't name hers and Harry's children. I sure Albus Severus would be an improvement. Thanks for writing and I look forward to more of this story. pms

keichan2 posted a comment on Friday 8th February 2013 8:49pm for Part 2

"a few more spells and potions, nnect the female Dracine Prince to the former Draco Malfoy." I will guess that "Nobody will co" is missing before "nnect"... "His son, soon be the that I always wanted." Is it "daughter" missing? "Harry banished theed slowly." Here, I can't really guess what is missing... (do you have a faulty keyboard?) ""Voldemort," Severus said at" We are again missing a part of the sentence... Molly and Marcus' interactions were fun to read :-) "It was on his person when Pugsley blew Quirrell into many small pieces" I had wondered why it wasn't in its original place... Wednesday and the acidic water was quite impressive... Though I do think that asking Pugsley to deal with an obstacle goes against the "do not shout, we do not want others to hear us coming" idea... Narcissa and Severus' conversation in their bed was very informative. Thanks for explaining how Harry got to the Addams. I was really thinking that it would stay as some unanswered mystery. And the whole talk with the Potters, and later about them with Gomez and Morticia, was as a whole most informative. Thanks for this new chapter. I hope to read more soon!

Children-of-Bodom posted a comment on Thursday 7th February 2013 5:23am for Part 2

I would say that the almost one year wait for this was worth it, but I fear that you might take that as an invitation to update this story only once a year :)

So I will just say: Brilliant as always, this series has been one of my most read pieces of fiction over the last few years.

James Barber posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2013 12:51pm for Part 2

As always excellent writing and quite an interesting tale you the info on the interworking sort of of the clan and bringing narcissa into and opening her naivete on sex was brilliant too, also like seeing harry take charge and doing more than just standing there....I firmly believe while wednesday is the enforcer of the new clan leader and one hell of a fighter I also believe harry can and will hold his own pretty amazingly in a fight too....after all they both have been training and doing things together for all their lives so far....

Definitely looking forward to the next update, the part looks amazing and oh yeah almost forgot I thought the fact that you brought james and lily into the story and allowed them to talk to severus was really good and was a much needed thing that needed to happen....

Zamia posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2013 6:30am for Part 2

If I remember correctly, they used the kiss in the Godfather 1 movie so what's the difference. Good to see some detail of how they found Harry. Should be an interesting birthday party again. Good read. Cheers.


WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2013 3:45am for Part 2

You know, I think that the deal with PinHead being on Harry and Wednesday's side is understating things. Elliott is part of the Clan and also has respect for what he demanded of and was delivered on by those two. I expect that PinHead's part is not done in this story, but the next big that he has will be when Voldemort is put down by Harry and Wednesday. I always enjoy this Harry. I wonder what will happen when Harry starts to show forth the amount of power he is packing and how that compares to Mr. Addams?

Ebbie posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2013 3:40am for Part 2

What an interesting chapter. I have really enjoyed reading this story so far and look forward to the next chapter. You are a great writer and some of my all time favorite stories that I reread and reread are yours (This Means War & White Knight, Gray Queen).

Please keep writing!

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2013 2:51am for Part 2

So happy for the update. Love the story.

Thanks so much.

Michael10 posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2013 1:52am for Part 2

still kickin' it. glad to see this keep up the good work

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2013 11:02pm for Part 2

Another great installment of this story. Seeing this one updated always makes my day! Thanks for writing.

Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2013 7:32pm for Part 2

yeah, that got kinda meta

5 arms then 7? nice little surreal touch. But you actually said "arms" and not "appendages". Not that it matters.

Way over the top with the ice-skating Daphne, incidentally. Of course, that was the point.

Hmm. Once Dracine makes an appearance, wonder if she'll be hit upon by Ron.

Overall, the story's been a wild mix of crack and philosophy. Great fun.

anf600 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th February 2013 2:36am for Part 2

I love Potter-Addams fics - they can be so uniquely bizarre. I look forward to your next update.

Hoss posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2013 10:54pm for Part 2

To much fun reading this and wondering where its going. You and kokopelli work well together. Hope to see the next chapter soon. Thanks so much Hoss

CeriK posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2013 8:43pm for Part 2

I read this story whenever i get tired of the numerous one dimensional Snape bashing stories and Saint!Snape tories. Reading stories where everyone has a logical (even illogically logical like Wednesday and Harry)really helps wash all of that from my mind. The amount of happiness i got when i finally got a chance to read this agains surprised me. I very much enjoyed this chapter. Kiss and all. I loved the way that Lily and James appear to be. The fact that they arranged for the Addams to save Harry but regret their choice is refreshing and slightly unexpected. I do look forward to seeing Draco's new personality. But will it count as making Draco happy since he will no longer be what he was, except genetically (and even then, he will be losing a chromosome, right?)? Even so, thank you for updating. I can't wait to see what you do next.

The Seeker posted a comment on Monday 4th February 2013 7:11pm for Part 2

I found this chapter to be mostly cerebral, with dialogue being used to provide insights into a number of the characters. While having the more recent members of the Clan solve most of the challenges surrounding the ring was fun, a little more action would have helped move the chapter along.

Had you not mentioned the Clan Kiss, I wouldn't have thought twice about it. As it was the kiss seemed to be nothing more than a conduit to bring someone into the Clan, so it wasn't sexual or concerning by any means.

Thanks for your always extraordinary glimpses into this amazing family.